View Full Version : Witnessed something sad at the vet's today

05-18-2007, 05:16 AM
Luna and Lily saw the vet today for their semi-annual health check. In the waiting area, there was also a young woman with her cat, and she was crying and sobbing. Her cat was very ill (I don't know what it was), and had to be pts, even though she was only 2 years old. It was just heartbreaking. While the cat got the final injection, the girl waited outside, obviously she couldn't stand to see her dying. I talked to her and told her how sorry I am, but it's so hard to find the right words in a moment like this. And I had to hold back my own tears all the time. After a while, she was told to come inside, and when she came back, she held the carrier with the dead little body. It was so sad, I almost cried myself. :(

On a lighter note, there was also an orangie kitten, 11 weeks old. His carrier stood next to Lily's, and when he saw her, he was very interested and reached out for her. It was very cute! And he had the cutest, kissable little orangie face! :)

Luna's and Lily's health check was fine btw, except that both of them gained weight; especially Lily, she gained almost 600 g. My vet thinks it's from the struvite crystal diet food that Luna has to eat, and Lily, of course, eats it, too. Oh well!! :o

But hearts and lungs sounds fine, their teeth are looking good, and Luna's lump under her shoulder blade has descreased in size. It is now smaller than a pea.

Lily, who is always a bit constipated, hissed when the vet examined her colon; in fact, she hissed for the very first time in her life! I was told to add some oil to her food, but as she's not eating any wet food, that won't be easy.


05-18-2007, 07:50 AM
Hi Kirsten! Reading your post about the poor kitty that had to be pts was so sad, LES over here. RIP little kitty.

It's great to hear that Lily and Luna had good check ups! They both are such wonderful and sweet girls. Your news about the lump shrinking so much has to be music to your ears, my prayers will continue for the lump to disappear completely!

Could I ask you to give Lily and Luna lots of scritchies, smoochies, and tummy rubs from their big fan in Trenton? It's easy to see why you love your girls so much, Lily and Luna are really something special!

05-18-2007, 09:20 AM
Great news on Luna and Lilly's visit! :D
Too bad about the other kitty. :( Once when I was at the vet some people were there to have their old dog pts and I cried. I don't know how my sister (or anyone) does it, working in a vet office.

05-18-2007, 09:28 AM
I lost my baby on March 5th. I went to the vets office to pick up his little body and just lost it when they brougtht him out to me. It is so very hard. :( Glad your babies checked out fine! :)

05-18-2007, 09:37 AM

It breaks my heart to see situations like that. I've had to let 2 cats go (PTS) and was with them and held them both in my arms when they got the injection. I wanted them to know that I loved them so very much to the very end. I hope this poor girl doesn't live with regret not being there to the end. :(

Glad to hear Luna and Lilly's vet visit went well.

05-18-2007, 09:50 AM
I hope this poor girl doesn't live with regret not being there to the end.

I once read an article in my cat magazine, and there they said that when staying with your dying pet causes too much distress, it would be better for the pet when you are not around, because it won't help the animal to feel your pain, too.

But it's a hard decision. When I lost my Aysche (who was only 21 months old), I was about that age of the girl I saw today, in my early 20s. I didn't expect something like that to happen to such a young cat, so I wasn't prepared, and I was so overwhelmed that I couldn't stay with her. Later, I felt bad about it, and while I had Katz, I was hoping I would be able to be with her when the day comes... When Katz was pts at the age of 14, I stayed with her and her head rested on my shoulder. It was the hardest thing I ever did, but I was with her when she passed over. I know I will do the same for Luna and Lily, when it's time...

Pawla, I'm very sorry about your loss. I know how hard it is! :(

Taz_Zoee, I often wonder how a person can do such a job! I think it's a wonderful job, but it's this part that makes me think I could never do it.

momcat, thanks for keeping Luna in your prayers. :) Scritchies and smoochies are already delivered! :)


05-18-2007, 01:29 PM
Kirsten, glad to know that the girls checked out fine. It is always difficult to lose a beloved pet. The girl's cat was so young!!! She did not sound very old either. I have been with all the cats that have been pts. However, some just cannot handle the whole pts process. Some do not like the needles, some are just afraid. I know the vet would rather NOT have a person in the room when the animal is being pts that might fall apart. It would stress out the animal even more in their last moments. Peace and calm is what is needed...

05-18-2007, 03:00 PM
I know that it will be incredibly hard if I am there if one of the Found Cats is being PTS but I cannot imagine not being there.
If I am there for them in the Good Times then I should be there as thier Fellow Angels welcome them in Paradise.
I know that that young Lady was desolate at the loss of her Friend and I hope that she takes in a Stray who needs a home in that Cats memory.

05-18-2007, 06:57 PM
Lily, who is always a bit constipated, hissed when the vet examined her colon; in fact, she hissed for the very first time in her life! I was told to add some oil to her food, but as she's not eating any wet food, that won't be easy.You could try giving her Cat Lube (by Veterinarian's Best) - it's a chicken-flavored tablet with psyllium (metaMEOWcil) and enzymes to stop constipation and reduce hairballs. They're kind of big - I break them up into kibble size and put them in the kibble dish.

Also, 3V Caps is a kind of "liquid treat" of mixed fish oils - sometimes Smudge will just lick it off my fingers.

Love, Columbine