View Full Version : Now my Yodie Yodi has the virus. :-(

05-17-2007, 09:00 PM
What a week this has been. The 4 who had the virus to start with are now getting over it. Not a whole lot of sneezing going on. I hoped that my other 3 would be spared but Yodie Yodie is really sick w/it. She has hardly moved at all today. At first I thought it was because I was giving her an antihistamine but she hasn't had one in 24 hours and she's still lying around like a lump, not eating and I'm not even sure if she's using the litterbox. I feel so bad. When she meows, it sounds like air being let out of a balloon. I called Dr. Lee but he's out for the next week, on vacation, I guess. Dr. Feeman was supposed to call me back but he didn't and now it's after hours. So I guess he'll call me in the morning. I didn't say it was an emergency but I still would've appreciated the call back tonight. I just hope Puddy doesn't get it. I don't want her to get dehydrated. And Creamsicle is in heat again so she's singing opera all day and night. She was due to be spayed but then got the infection in her hair follicles so that was nixed. Then Pigeon got sick w/the nosebleeds. Good grief, when is this going to end? I'm exhausted and my finances are squeaking. Anyhow, please send some prayers out to my Yodie Yodie. She's so loud and boisterous and when I hear that pathetic meow I could just cry.

05-17-2007, 09:08 PM
hi there! long time we have talked.

good grief I know - poor baby. hope everyone will feel better soon!! I just read your other virus threads - I can SYMPATHIZE you! I've had 8 cats sneezing all at the same time, and one with bleednose. :eek: and .. yeah, our vet tried antibotics - wouldn't work and we had to hope they all will go away! it took about a week and half, thankfully that time we had a big house so everyone stayed pretty much away from each other.

try some favorite food for dear yodie?

more prayers to your lovlies - and my gentle pat for yodieyodi please! :)

05-17-2007, 09:17 PM
Sending prayers out to Yodie & the rest of the furry babies.
Maybe spraying lysol around the house will help stop the germs from spreading. I'd put Yodie in bathroom and run the shower (steam).

05-18-2007, 05:23 AM
Poor Baby!! I hope she will feel better soon! And hopefully she'll be the last one that picked up that nasty virus!

Sending wishes for a speedy recovery,


05-18-2007, 08:14 AM
Dr. Feeman called this morning and I missed his call. I slept in this morning because I'm off today and I have to work the next two days. Plus Creamsicle kept me up all night w/her serenading. It's like a looney bin around here! Yodie is no different this morning, poor girl. She won't even come upstairs. Yesterday, at least, she slept behind my computer w/the desk light on her, I guess because it was warm. But she's still downstairs now. When I call her name, she always answers; if I call 100 times, she answers 100 times. I think she likes the sound of her voice since she had the polyp removed from her throat. But this morning it's the same weak meow. I'm going to steam her shortly and, hopefully, that'll help to perk her up a bit. As it is, I've washed all the cat bedding and cleaned the house from top to bottom to the point where Dr. Lee told me to stop being so obsessive. I want her to feel better because I'm going to be gone most of tomorrow and Sunday. I'll post after I talk to Dr. Feeman.

And hey, Gina, nice to see you back. I've thought of you often and hope that all is well w/you and your ark.

05-18-2007, 05:10 PM
We are sending prayers for Yodie and Friends that this virus will pass and soon all will be well with your Cat Family.
I know how scared I was when Michael came up with an URI.
We pray that you get good news from your Vet.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v621/catmandu/th_Picture268.jpg (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v621/catmandu/?action=view&current=1179412691.pbw)

05-18-2007, 10:01 PM
I steamed Yodie this morning and that helped her somewhat. Right after that she ate an entire can of Fancy Feast. I was worried because she hadn't eaten in two days and I wasn't sure about the litterbox. But she still just lies around. She got it worse than the others. She actually gurgles when she breathes. I have saline solution that I squirt in her nose, if I can actually get it in there, that is. I usually get more on me than in her. Dr. Feeman said to keep giving her the antihistamine and as long as she's eating and peeing to not worry too much. Even if she doesn't eat as much he said not to be too concerned. When we're sick we don't eat much and it's no different w/cats. But the antihistamine has an appetite stimulant in it, so she's doing ok there. But poor little girl walks in slow motion. It's as though every bone in her body aches. And the breathing is so bad. I'm going to hate leaving her tomorrow but I have to work. Keep those prayers coming. My little Yodie Yodie needs 'em.

05-18-2007, 10:02 PM
Could you leave her with the vet for one day...just so they can keep an eye on her? I hope this is not too far out of your way...just a thought...

05-18-2007, 10:06 PM
I actually thought about leaving her but once I saw that she was peeing in the litterbox, I felt better. Poor little gurgly girl; it just hit her harder than the others. My office is approx. 30 min. from my house, so I'm going to go home and check on her, work be damned.

05-18-2007, 10:09 PM
I meant to say in the last post that I thought about leaving her at the vet's . I'm tired and a little loopy. Just finished hanging window treatments and now Cgirl has started her yowling again. Looks like another sleepless night. Oh the joys of a multiple cat household. :p

05-18-2007, 11:24 PM
I am so sorry about all this Mary. Yodie Yodie, as well as all the other furbabies, are in my thoughts.

05-19-2007, 06:00 AM
I steamed Yodie first thing this morning under loud protest but I consider that a positive sign. First thing this morning she came bounding up the stairs, meowing the entire time, and she hasn't done that in days. After I steamed her, I gave her some more Fancy Feast and she ate quite a bit of it and I saw her pee in the litterbox, so I'm hoping this means she's on the mend. She's still sneezing and gurgling but I'm not as worried as I was yesterday. Now if Creamsicle will just come out of heat long enough for me to get her spayed, maybe we can get some sleep around here! She sang opera again all night. The rest of the Fur Posse looked at me as if to say "Do something w/her, will ya?"

05-20-2007, 05:24 PM
Oh Medusa, my heart and prayers certainly go out to you! Sounds like some positive signs from Yodie and I hope it means she's on her way to recovery. It's so difficult to take care of things on little or no sleep, just don't let yourself get so run down that you find yourself sick. Many prayers coming your way!

05-20-2007, 06:23 PM
I just got home from work and Yodie came running to me, crying, poor thing. Her left eye was totally sealed shut and crusted over. I have another long day at work again tomorrow but if I don't see some major improvement w/Yodie, I'm going to take her in and see if there's a shot or something they can give her. After 4 or 5 days my other cats were over it. Poor Yodie is still gurgling and her cry is just pathetic. It makes me want to cry, too. I think I'm over emotional right now because I've been working so many hours on little sleep and I'm over tired. I'm going to take a hot bath and call it a night. I just hope Creamsicle keeps the opera singing to a minimum.

05-20-2007, 09:19 PM
thank you, and yes, all is well. I'm glad to see you much more around in cat general! :)

aw, poor you. I too surely hope that means she is on mend and leaving recovery road.. I hope she's not in pain or hurt breathing? she is young, right?

I hope, with any justice in the world at all, you're getting a good night's sleep by now, with no(!) noisy interruptions. . .sending out good vibes quietly.

hang in there, medusa.

05-21-2007, 10:29 PM
Yodie is on the mend, although her eye still crusts over, but she's breathing much better. But now Coco Puff is losing hair and I think he might have the follicle infection that Creamsicle had. I felt a little bump by his tail tonight as I was tucking everyone in. Tomorrow morning I'll check him over really good and, if so, he'll have to go on the antibiotic, too. As w/Creamsicle and Yodie, his immune system has been compromised. He's a cerebellar hypoplasia kitty that was outdoors until I brought him in a couple of years ago. To go to the vet again, I dunno, this is getting ridiculous. I'm sick again myself, sore throat, sinuses, chills, the whole bit, so I was going to stay home from work tomorrow. Getting a little run down, I think, from putting in so many hours at work. I sure don't want my beautiful meezer to lose hair, let alone itch so badly the way she did. I'll give him a bath tomorrow w/the medicated shampoo, too, and maybe that combined w/the antibiotic will put a stop to it and he might not need the shot like Creamsicle did. I hope. Good grief, when am I going to wake up from this nightmare? My poor fur posse has been so sick.