View Full Version : Problem Solver Support......

05-16-2007, 03:18 PM
I found this on other forum and thought was pretty nice and should give a try here.....

It consists basically in one person posting some sort of problem or predicament, and the person next to post provides help to solve it or try make it better...... some problems might be more serious than others but nonetheless still a problem to the person who posted it about, and seeing as this is a helping forum I thought it should be nice to be able to help each other out..... (no need to get on specifics if you donīt want to)

Since Iīm posting this Iīll start with a "problem" I need help with

I have this other problem but you have helped me a lot and you still are doing even if you donīt know about it.....

I canīt even think what to post I have a lot of things in mind, many of them are just trivial, like I want to add another budgie but I canīt, I want another dog but I would get kicked out...... although I might ask for something...... I want to get back to school and maybe get into criminalistics or veterinary but the second I have to leave town and with my kid itīs a hard choice, should I go criminalistics or just stay as I am...... because if I go I shall quit my job and thus weīll be without my income (not much but still).....

ETA: I think I corrected everything now :p

05-16-2007, 03:47 PM
oops!.......I hate when my fingers get their own way....... :p

Pawsitive Thinking
05-17-2007, 04:40 AM
Would you get financial support if you went back to studying? Look into that, then the courses you want to do.

If you complete your studies you can get a great new job, find a place to live and have as many animals as you want.

Naturally this won't be sorted straight away but if its want you really want it will be worth the wait - good luck :D

05-17-2007, 10:46 AM
thanks I really need to look were can I get funds while studying if so......Iīm fine right now but I really am looking into a bigger house so I can "house" more pets hehe

I forgot to add when you "solve" a personsīs problem you get to post one of your own and then other person can try and help then post one of their own and so on and on........