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05-16-2007, 11:30 AM
LOL.... I'm sure you will all love this story as I do haha. Has a little TMI but it's not funny without it :D

Here goes:

So at night when we get ready for bed I go pee while Brian brushes his teeth. I sit down to pee and I see this THING skittter past the corner of my eye on the wall....

WELL.... I don't wait to find out what it is lol I just JUMPED off the toilet screaming my head off. Luckily, I had finished peeing but hadn't pulled up my pants lol. So here I am.... screaming.... with my pants around my ankle.... smashed into the corner as far away from the bug as possible.

Brian freaks because I'm screaming and has no idea why so he runs over asking what the hell is wrong. I tell him of the bug attack lol. He looks for the bug but it has gone behind the toilet. Suddenly it comes RUNNING out like a bolt of lightning making a bee line for my foot. Hubby to the rescue.... he stomps on it about 4 inches away from my foot. :D

I had the heebie jeebies after that and kept looking around the bed room for bugs and kept scratching cause i felt the crawlies all over my skin. Of course.... I had a dream that night that I was eating and it turned out to be BUGS. :eek:

It was horrible. LOL anyone else have this irrational fear of bugs that I have? haha

05-16-2007, 11:47 AM
OMG HAHAHA.. I'm sorry but that was too funny :D The TMI made it all that more funnier heheh

I don't have a fear of Bugs, but I will gag if I see maggots, or so the OMG GET IT OFF, if one is on me (the joys of summer trash).. then I'll stomp the life out of it, until its not visibil... I like all other bugs though

05-16-2007, 11:51 AM
*shudder* I too am freaked out by bugs :p :rolleyes: I found a dead roach this morning and couldn't help but smash it into oblivion anyway!! Then when I went to pick it up to throw it away I screamed and dropped it 3 times :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Tyler thought it was hilarious :rolleyes:

05-16-2007, 12:08 PM
*shudder* I too am freaked out by bugs :p :rolleyes: I found a dead roach this morning and couldn't help but smash it into oblivion anyway!! Then when I went to pick it up to throw it away I screamed and dropped it 3 times :rolleyes: :rolleyes: Tyler thought it was hilarious :rolleyes:

ok thats a nother bug I'll kill just cause of what it is.. I hate those filthy fall on my face bugs!!

05-16-2007, 01:03 PM
The intruder in my bathroom was one of THESE


EWWWWWW they gross me out and I can't even kill bugs cause I'm freaked out that they might touch me or fall on me or something lol.

05-16-2007, 01:07 PM
The intruder in my bathroom was one of THESE


EWWWWWW they gross me out and I can't even kill bugs cause I'm freaked out that they might touch me or fall on me or something lol.

Those suckers can run REAL fast!

Our old Kitten was playing with a HUGE one & the damn thing attacked our kitten & bit her!! I had no idea they could bite.. I was mad & mashed it into the carpet & cuddled Jayed.. Mommy didn't know the bug would hurt her baby, mommy thought it would be a good idea if Jayed would start killing them things for her... That ended quickly, Jayed was scared of them after that

05-16-2007, 01:07 PM
Hehe that's a funny story. The only bugs I am actually terrified of to the point that I actually scream, are cockroaches. I had never even seen a cockroach before I came to TX, and now I see them fairly often. I think they do better in this climate then the did in MI, I guess, since I never saw one before.

In the house we rented before we purchased this house, a giant one (I think they call them waterbugs) ran up the wall in my kitchen, coming in from the garage. It was 2 inches long and I screamed at the top of my lungs and ran as fast as I could out of the house. Ricky, my hubby, had a good laugh at me once he killed the giant bug from hell.

In the house we're in now, I've only once seen one of those nasty bugs from hell, another 2 inch waterbug roach. I did the same thing...screamed top of my lungs (this was pre-Quinn, of course hehe...can't do that now) and ran out the back door. Ricky had been sleeping. He ran threw the house and out the back door and I thought he was going to have a heart attack at how scared he was because of being awaken that way.

I don't know why I have this fear of cockroaches. I LOVE bugs, I even grab spiders WITH MY HANDS and let them free outside when they're in the house! I have captured (in a jar) a poisonous Black Widow spider that was living him my shed, admired her, and set her free in the woods. I love bugs, I love just about every bug.......EXCEPT COCKROACHES!

05-16-2007, 01:08 PM
The intruder in my bathroom was one of THESE


EWWWWWW they gross me out and I can't even kill bugs cause I'm freaked out that they might touch me or fall on me or something lol.

OK, those are gross. Ok, yeah, so cockroaches and those things lol

05-16-2007, 01:14 PM
Those suckers can run REAL fast!

Our old Kitten was playing with a HUGE one & the damn thing attacked our kitten & bit her!! I had no idea they could bite.. I was mad & mashed it into the carpet & cuddled Jayed.. Mommy didn't know the bug would hurt her baby, mommy thought it would be a good idea if Jayed would start killing them things for her... That ended quickly, Jayed was scared of them after that

:eek: I didn't know they bite either.

05-16-2007, 01:53 PM
Hehe, the imagery was priceless. :D But I sympathize, good deal sparks! :D If I saw that thing I would have done the same thing. Very gross.

I like most bugs. I used to have a couple of pet praying mantis' even! :D (Which I might consider again) Cockroaches and waterbugs... Are they the same thing? I kept calling one the others name in LA and was thoroughly confused mostly. :p At any rate, they are gross. :p :D

05-17-2007, 04:43 AM
Anything that can crawl and especially spiders shivers just thinking about them. Give me a mouse, rat or anything like that but creepy crawlies uuuuggghhhh!!! ok have to think of something nice now

05-17-2007, 09:39 AM
:eek: I didn't know they bite either.They don't bite humans - their jaws are too weak to get through human skin. I guess they could bite a kitten's ear or nose? I live in a basement have scads of 'em, and since my cat ignores them, I let them be. They eat ant eggs (and termites, but thank the Lady I haven't got those). They're sort of the ground troops to the spiders' paratroops.

Love, Columbine

critter crazy
05-17-2007, 09:42 AM
I am Laughing so Hard right now!!!! The mental image was Priceless!!:D

05-17-2007, 09:44 AM
They don't bite humans - their jaws are too weak to get through human skin. I guess they could bite a kitten's ear or nose? I live in a basement have scads of 'em, and since my cat ignores them, I let them be. They eat ant eggs (and termites, but thank the Lady I haven't got those). They're sort of the ground troops to the spiders' paratroops.

Love, Columbine

The one that bit my kitten was a good 3" long (body, not legs).. it was MASSIVE! The biggest I had seen in our house!

It bit her nose & held on. Jayed screamed & pawed at it to get it off... then the mashing began...

Its always creepy how the legs keep running LONG after the bug is dead