View Full Version : Prayers Needed Again.

Lori Jordan
05-15-2007, 05:23 PM
Please pray for my dear Anna!

Rebecca was petting her tonight and noticed a hole in her stomach,She ripped her stiches out and everything is open.

We rushed her to the vet,They are going to have to put her out again to fix the stiches,I broke down,I know there is a chance it could be cancer.

But i am not ready to let her go right yet,I know the desicion will have to be made i will not watch her suffer,But if she is comfortable i will keep her on this earth,And if and when she suffers she will be let go,

I am in panic mode im not ready for this,She is such a sweet little girl,Please pray for her!

05-15-2007, 05:44 PM
No not allowable, no more pets from PT are allowed to pass on right now so she will just have to buck up and get better! Anna you mind the vets and your mom and behave yourself and get better !

Lots of prayers sent for Anna that she recovers quickly and comletely.

05-15-2007, 05:52 PM
I pray dear Anna will be okay. I pray it is not cancer. Lots of PT pets have been ill, I pray that the good lord will see them through this. Lady is watching her now and I have said a lil' prayer to her to watch over Anna and help her get well. I will continue to pray for her safe recovery. (((HUGS))) to you and Rebecca and lots of pets to sweet Anna.

05-15-2007, 05:56 PM
I will say a prayer for
Anna too and I pray it's not cancer...

05-15-2007, 06:10 PM
I also pray that it is not cancer. Get better soon Anna. Loves of puppy kisses and hugs to you.

05-15-2007, 06:17 PM
Both you and Anna will be in my thoughts and prayers. So much saddness here on PT lately. :(

Ginger's Mom
05-15-2007, 06:22 PM
Positive thoughts going out for Anna.

Lori Jordan
05-15-2007, 06:22 PM
I am at loss of words!Anna was so bubbly today she was howling and trying to play with storm.

I put her on the leash,i took her around to have a potty break and she wanted to go back in the house i broke down,Then at the vets they were so comforting they must of thought i was loosing it all i could say was"She has been through so much"And she is too old to be going through this"

And i walked her to the cage,when they shut the doors she looked at me and started to howl.My heart is breaking.

I will know more tomorrow,They said to call at noon.
They are not sure if they will leave it open to drain or not,I just pray to god this is over i want the rest of her days she has left happy at home not back and forth to the vets office.

I appreciate all the prayers you all mean so much to me,I'm doing all i can for her,I miss her i look at the corner where shy lays and just start to weap.

Is it possible i'm being selfish?

05-16-2007, 11:23 AM
You are NOT selfish! You love Anna and want her with you for a long time to come. I hope that she is going to be ok. Keep us posted, please.


Lori Jordan
05-16-2007, 11:33 AM
I just got off the phone with the vet.

They froze her and stiched her up,She is able to come home,Where the incision was Doc Gray said he was not surprised it ripped open.

Jamie was already in town so he is going to go and pick her up,Im so happy she is coming home.

We will not know the results of the tumor they took out of her,For another 2 weeks.

Please keep your fingers crossed it is not cancer,I'm not ready to loose another.

I am still not over my Bandit and he has been passed on for almost 2 years.

I hope Anna will be around for years to come,She is such a sweet soul!