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05-15-2007, 10:25 AM
Although I had the box where Fister couldn’t see it, he went under the bed half an hour before the vet visit. :rolleyes:

So.... out with the vaccum cleaner. Luckily, he ran to the bathroom where the box was!! Of course, now he knew something was up, but I grabbed him and put him inside - no bloodshed. :)

I had borrowed a pram which was ready downstairs, so off we went.

We had only 5 min waiting, and Fister was patient. A dog came out with a bandage around his one paw, and another huge dog came in the door, no problem! They were both sweet dogs.

Now to the pictures. First a picture of my vet in his front office (he hates having his picture taken, but he allowed me to take one)


Then, in to the back to get Fister sorted out. First, I read him my long list of questions, and the vet started examining him.

First he was weighed - he is now 7.24 kg. so he hasn’t lost much weight.

Then the vet had a good look at his teeth, they were fine (I do kind of brush them form the outside, and it seems to help.

A bloodsample had to be taken...


After a while he was getting a little fed up with all the and wanted to expore the rest of the office...


But all in all, he was such a brave boy. :D


05-15-2007, 10:32 AM
Aaaww- a vet reportage. That will set a new standard :) And even big boy Fister cools down a little and does not rip up the vet's arm :)

Hey Fister, way to go!

05-15-2007, 10:36 AM
On the way back, we walked through the graveyard and visited John. I think he really enjoyed the walk there, birds were singing, sun was shining and it was so peaceful. :) Fister even looked in the right direction.


When we got back, I gave him a few treats and he went to have a nap in his own bed, I think he had enough for one day, but now, he's back on my bed. :)

No, I don't want to look at you!

My vet didn’t think it was neccesary to gve him a vaccination every year, one of the things he was vaccinated for last year, lasts for 3 years. And after he examined him, he didn’t find it neccesary to take a Thyroid test just now.

I bought him a bag of Hills S/D and a bag of W/D. The vet also gave me several little bags of various dry food. I use them as treats. :)

I called just now to get the results:

Urea = 8,2 - last year 8,7
Alt = 5,2 - last year 6,4 (liver)
Glu = 6,33 - last year 16,49 (most likely because of anesthesia)

So everything looks fine. :D

05-15-2007, 10:40 AM
And I wondered when I read "pram" :D Now it's all clear :D

How nice of you to got to visit John with Fister.

Edwina's Secretary
05-15-2007, 10:41 AM
I do believe the picture of you pushing Fister in his pram....has to be one of the most charming things I can imagine! :) :) :)

Good boy Fister..... :D

05-15-2007, 10:52 AM
I love that last pic of Fister winking ;) as if he was in charge of the situation the whole time.

Cinder & Smoke
05-15-2007, 11:08 AM
Although I had the box where Fister couldn’t see it, he went under the bed
half an hour before the vet visit. :rolleyes:

So ... out with the vaccum cleaner.

I had borrowed a pram which was ready downstairs, so off we went.


HI, John!! ~ Nice to see ya! ~~ We all *MISS* Ya!

Hey Fis ~~

NICE Ride, Bub!
* Double Decker Bus (good view)
* 4-wheel drive
* Convertable top
* (Doubles as a wind screen)
* Safety strap
* Brakes

So glad you "enjoyed" the trip! :p

Killearn Kitties
05-15-2007, 11:19 AM
What a hoot! I have never thought to take pictures at the vet. :D I'm too busy trying to make sure that nobody bites the vet.
How nice that Fister got a bit of a walk in the fresh air afterwards. That was a lovely idea.

05-15-2007, 11:32 PM
Thanks for sharing these pictures and updates on Fister.:) He sure was a good boy and I'm so glad that he's also healthy.:)

05-16-2007, 11:36 AM
Randi, I'm so glad Fister had a good report! Don't you love reporting good news? :) I'm glad you and Fister stopped to see John. I know you both miss him very much. We all do.


05-16-2007, 06:46 PM
I should take Photos of Stonegates where my Vet has his practice.
He has his practice in a beautiful huge house in the country.
That makes a very nice visit in the peace and quiet of the country.
You certainly have a Great Vet , and he certainly has a well stocked larder where Fister can get Great Food to eat.
And its nice than Fister visited his Paw Pa.
That was so touching.

05-16-2007, 07:01 PM
Fister, you are a stunning Orangeman. Thank you for winking at me today, you have made my day!

Randi, till I saw your photos I never would have thought to set Cassie's carrier right onto a pram. They make cat prams - Petsmart sells them - and I've given serious thought to buying her one, just to get us both outdoors a bit more. But I can buy a secondhand one at a yard sale or flea market probably for a lot less than a cat pram. I agree with Phred, though - Fister has a very nice ride with those strong wheels. I'm glad his lab report was good!

05-16-2007, 08:15 PM
LOLOL Fister you are just the coolest dude :cool: And such a good boy for the vet - your mommy must be so proud of you little man :D

Randi the picture of Fister in the pram visiting his daddy is too precious - it brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful and thoughtful mom you are.

Hugs, Betty