View Full Version : This is a long post - need to rant.

05-15-2007, 04:03 AM
I apologize in advance for the length of this post - the last few days have been so, so hectic, and I need to vent, so thank you to anyone who bothers to actually read the whole way through this.

The end of last week, I got an email from the rescue group that I work with. A dog in my area who was adopted by an older (71 yr old) woman, was being surrendered because he was "too much dog" for her. They asked if I could foster him for a little while until he was found a home, I said yes. I spoke to his current owner, asked all sorts of questions, including whether he was good with other dogs. She informed me that she had a 15lb Lhasa Apso, and that they were "just starting to bond to each other". Never said anything about any issues. So, I drive 1 hour to go meet this woman and get her dog - so far, so good. He's a nice, wiggly puppy who seems to LOVE people. Licked me and my fiance the whole way home. As soon as we got to the house, before even getting inside, I knew there was a problem. As soon as I got him into the backyard and he heard a dog bark inside, he panicked. Tail went between his legs and he got very low to the ground, it was clear that he was terrified. I should mention that my dogs are both very, very submissive, and love other dogs - but they are very wiggly and like to say hello. I brought him inside, and let them come over to smell him. As soon as 1 of them got close, he lunged and tried to bite her. My fiance tried to intervene and scruffed the dog to make him lay down, and he tried to bite my fiance. My fiance then decided it would be best to bring our dogs outside while he settled down, and as he walked by to open the door, the dog lunged and tried to bite his leg. The poor pup had some serious, serious fear aggression issues that I was completely unaware of when I agreed to take him. The more the night went on, the more I realized that I could not adequately care for this dog without putting my dogs, myself, and my fiance in danger of being bit. I called the lead rescue coordinator, who arranged for the woman's daughter to come pick the dog up at my house. When she got here, she was very nice and understanding about things. I told her that we were more than willing to continue to try to find this dog a home, or try to locate a foster home with no other dogs in it. She thanked me, and left, after agreeing to touch base the next day, when some more people would be awake, and figure out what to do. This morning, after repeated attempts to contact her, she emails me and informs me that her Mother dropped the dog off at a shelter. I forward the email to the women that I work with, and they email her to request the name of the shelter, so they can go get the dog and we'll even pay to board him until we can figure something else out. Then my home phone rings. It's the 71 yr old woman, and she FREAKS on me. Tells me that I'm lying about the dog trying to bite my dogs and my fiance, and that this entire situation is my fault, as I "failed him". I tried to remain professional and polite, but it was just too much. I asked her if she ever socialized her dog, in the 4 months that she had him (yes, she had him for FOUR MONTHS before surrendering him!). She said that she hadn't but that she was "going to get to that soon". Un-friggin-believable. So it's MY fault that she didn't ever, once, introduce her dog to another dog, aside from her 15 pound lhasa apso. Finally, after the 3rd time she called me a liar, I hung up on her. I do this on a volunteer basis, and was trying to help this woman out of a situation that she had gotten herself into, and she thanks me by insulting me on the phone and calling me a liar? I don't think so.

Now on to the next story, which may be even MORE ridiculous.

This past Saturday, I was meeting a transport, along with 2 other volunteers with my rescue, to pick up 5 dogs that were being sent here to foster homes in the area. The transport was supposed to be there at 6pm. Then it changed to 7:30pm. Then 9pm. Then 9:30. Then the driver calls at 9:25 and says it's going to be another hour and 1/2. So we're all a little pissed at this point, but whatever, traffic happens I suppose. We're the last stop for this transport, so I can see how things could have gotten a little behind. The lady finally gets there at almost 11, and pulls up in a friggin van. I'm thinking to myself "how are there dogs crammed in to that thing?" She opens the back of the van, and I'm appalled - the crates are stacked on top of, next to, and in front of eachother. You couldn't even see into any of the crates. She starts digging out the crates that our dogs are in, and handing them to us. Then she hands me 2 boxer puppies, and another woman I was with 2 boxer puppies. We tell her that these are not our dogs. She shrugs, and doesn't care. Tells us that we are the last stop, and that "they must be extras". That "she has been driving for 2 days, and doesn't get paid to bring these dogs back down south with her". She won't put take these dogs back, and won't take responsibility for getting them to their rightful owners. I say that I'll take 2 of them, and the other women I'm with each take 1. Then we realize that 1 of our dogs that is supposed to be there, isn't. We point it out, and she says he's not in the van and that our vet must have not put him on the transport. After a bit of arguing she goes to double check, and lo and behold, there he is, buried in a crate under other crates - she didn't even know he was there. Makes you wonder when the last time he had food, water, or exercise, huh?? Then I started to realize that one of the dogs that we've been given doesn't look like the picture I've seen of him. I mention it, but we figure that it's 11pm, dark out, and that we're probably just crazy. So, I bring these 4 dogs (2 of which were the puppies who are not even ours) back to my house and look online at the website. Yeah - the dog we were given is not our friggin dog. We call the driver, there are no other dogs on the van, she double checks. Then she remembers that there were 2 dogs with the same name on the van, and oops, she must have dropped OUR dog off in CT, and we had the dog from CT at my house. Along with 2 boxer puppies who were just randomly given to us.

Luckily, things are squared away now. On the pups medical paperwork was info for the rescue who they were SUPPOSED to go to. We got in touch with the woman and got her the 4 dogs today. Turns out, upon meeting with her and speaking with her - there were SEVEN puppies for her on that transport. 3 are missing. She's completely beside herself, obviously. And Tomorrow, someone from our rescue has to drive to CT to get our dog and give them their dog.

Needless to say, we will not be using this transport, ever again.

I must say though - it was hard to part with the 2 puppies! I only had them here for 2 nights, but they were so much fun, and SO damn cute. They were about 12 weeks old, brindle coats....adorable. I took a bunch of pictures and I'll add them later. :p

Thank you for reading my rant. I hope I didn't put anyone to sleep :o

Pawsitive Thinking
05-15-2007, 04:16 AM
Didn't send me to sleep at all - I am just grateful that you are still prepared to help these pups despite the stupidity of the humans involved

05-15-2007, 04:19 AM
Thank you for replying :)

I just keep trying to tell myself that these dogs didn't do anything wrong...as much as things can get incredibly frustrating sometimes, it is so rewarding to have a dog here and then get to watch them leave for their new forever homes. Most of these dogs didn't have a snowballs chance in hell at the shelter, and now they're going to live an awesome life - that makes all of it worth it for me, and I think for most people in rescue.

I really do think that I like dogs better than MOST people. The past few days has just confirmed this for me!

I just couldn't believe that this woman could not have cared less that these boxer pups were not ours. I really think that if we had just handed them back to her, she would have just left them on the side of the road somewhere, because "they weren't her problem".

Ugh :mad:

Pawsitive Thinking
05-15-2007, 04:27 AM
I just couldn't believe that this woman could not have cared less that these boxer pups were not ours. I really think that if we had just handed them back to her, she would have just left them on the side of the road somewhere, because "they weren't her problem".

That's right up there with "they're ONLY animals" :mad:

05-15-2007, 04:28 AM

I kept thinking to myself "How many times has this witch had extra dogs on the transport that people weren't willing to take at the last stop?!" People like that, with no compassion, should not work with animals for a living. Seems logical to me :confused:

05-15-2007, 04:54 AM
Thaks for putting up with all the bs. I don't think I could handle that!

Daisy and Delilah
05-15-2007, 07:03 AM
It's too bad that we don't have more people like you in the world. Clearly, you are more interested in the dog's welfare than your own.

People are so crappy and stupid. I'm so sorry you had to go through this.
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} :(

05-15-2007, 09:03 AM
Just points out yet again that there are not enough folks doing rescue and everyone gets stressed.

With more people, maybe that 71 year old wouldn't have qulifiesd for the dog in the first place.
With more people, either that transport person would not be involved at all, or her loads would be smaller and more manageable.

Bless you for hanging in there for all of these doggies!

05-15-2007, 09:13 PM
:eek: OMG!!! What awful stuff!

I sure hope that first dog can find someone to work with it. Poor thing.

Someone needs to report that woman doing the transports. Three missing puppies... makes me wonder if she IS making a profit... or breaking even. Have you looked her name up online to see if you can find any other complains?


I apologize in advance for the length of this post - the last few days have been so, so hectic, and I need to vent, so thank you to anyone who bothers to actually read the whole way through this.

The end of last week, I got an email from the rescue group that I work with. A dog in my area who was adopted by an older (71 yr old) woman, was being surrendered because he was "too much dog" for her. They asked if I could foster him for a little while until he was found a home, I said yes. I spoke to his current owner, asked all sorts of questions, including whether he was good with other dogs. She informed me that she had a 15lb Lhasa Apso, and that they were "just starting to bond to each other". Never said anything about any issues. So, I drive 1 hour to go meet this woman and get her dog - so far, so good. He's a nice, wiggly puppy who seems to LOVE people. Licked me and my fiance the whole way home. As soon as we got to the house, before even getting inside, I knew there was a problem. As soon as I got him into the backyard and he heard a dog bark inside, he panicked. Tail went between his legs and he got very low to the ground, it was clear that he was terrified. I should mention that my dogs are both very, very submissive, and love other dogs - but they are very wiggly and like to say hello. I brought him inside, and let them come over to smell him. As soon as 1 of them got close, he lunged and tried to bite her. My fiance tried to intervene and scruffed the dog to make him lay down, and he tried to bite my fiance. My fiance then decided it would be best to bring our dogs outside while he settled down, and as he walked by to open the door, the dog lunged and tried to bite his leg. The poor pup had some serious, serious fear aggression issues that I was completely unaware of when I agreed to take him. The more the night went on, the more I realized that I could not adequately care for this dog without putting my dogs, myself, and my fiance in danger of being bit. I called the lead rescue coordinator, who arranged for the woman's daughter to come pick the dog up at my house. When she got here, she was very nice and understanding about things. I told her that we were more than willing to continue to try to find this dog a home, or try to locate a foster home with no other dogs in it. She thanked me, and left, after agreeing to touch base the next day, when some more people would be awake, and figure out what to do. This morning, after repeated attempts to contact her, she emails me and informs me that her Mother dropped the dog off at a shelter. I forward the email to the women that I work with, and they email her to request the name of the shelter, so they can go get the dog and we'll even pay to board him until we can figure something else out. Then my home phone rings. It's the 71 yr old woman, and she FREAKS on me. Tells me that I'm lying about the dog trying to bite my dogs and my fiance, and that this entire situation is my fault, as I "failed him". I tried to remain professional and polite, but it was just too much. I asked her if she ever socialized her dog, in the 4 months that she had him (yes, she had him for FOUR MONTHS before surrendering him!). She said that she hadn't but that she was "going to get to that soon". Un-friggin-believable. So it's MY fault that she didn't ever, once, introduce her dog to another dog, aside from her 15 pound lhasa apso. Finally, after the 3rd time she called me a liar, I hung up on her. I do this on a volunteer basis, and was trying to help this woman out of a situation that she had gotten herself into, and she thanks me by insulting me on the phone and calling me a liar? I don't think so.

Now on to the next story, which may be even MORE ridiculous.

This past Saturday, I was meeting a transport, along with 2 other volunteers with my rescue, to pick up 5 dogs that were being sent here to foster homes in the area. The transport was supposed to be there at 6pm. Then it changed to 7:30pm. Then 9pm. Then 9:30. Then the driver calls at 9:25 and says it's going to be another hour and 1/2. So we're all a little pissed at this point, but whatever, traffic happens I suppose. We're the last stop for this transport, so I can see how things could have gotten a little behind. The lady finally gets there at almost 11, and pulls up in a friggin van. I'm thinking to myself "how are there dogs crammed in to that thing?" She opens the back of the van, and I'm appalled - the crates are stacked on top of, next to, and in front of each other. You couldn't even see into any of the crates. She starts digging out the crates that our dogs are in, and handing them to us. Then she hands me 2 boxer puppies, and another woman I was with 2 boxer puppies. We tell her that these are not our dogs. She shrugs, and doesn't care. Tells us that we are the last stop, and that "they must be extras". That "she has been driving for 2 days, and doesn't get paid to bring these dogs back down south with her". She won't put take these dogs back, and won't take responsibility for getting them to their rightful owners. I say that I'll take 2 of them, and the other women I'm with each take 1. Then we realize that 1 of our dogs that is supposed to be there, isn't. We point it out, and she says he's not in the van and that our vet must have not put him on the transport. After a bit of arguing she goes to double check, and lo and behold, there he is, buried in a crate under other crates - she didn't even know he was there. Makes you wonder when the last time he had food, water, or exercise, huh?? Then I started to realize that one of the dogs that we've been given doesn't look like the picture I've seen of him. I mention it, but we figure that it's 11pm, dark out, and that we're probably just crazy. So, I bring these 4 dogs (2 of which were the puppies who are not even ours) back to my house and look online at the website. Yeah - the dog we were given is not our friggin dog. We call the driver, there are no other dogs on the van, she double checks. Then she remembers that there were 2 dogs with the same name on the van, and oops, she must have dropped OUR dog off in CT, and we had the dog from CT at my house. Along with 2 boxer puppies who were just randomly given to us.

Luckily, things are squared away now. On the pups medical paperwork was info for the rescue who they were SUPPOSED to go to. We got in touch with the woman and got her the 4 dogs today. Turns out, upon meeting with her and speaking with her - there were SEVEN puppies for her on that transport. 3 are missing. She's completely beside herself, obviously. And Tomorrow, someone from our rescue has to drive to CT to get our dog and give them their dog.

Needless to say, we will not be using this transport, ever again.

I must say though - it was hard to part with the 2 puppies! I only had them here for 2 nights, but they were so much fun, and SO damn cute. They were about 12 weeks old, brindle coats....adorable. I took a bunch of pictures and I'll add them later.

Thank you for reading my rant. I hope I didn't put anyone to sleep

05-15-2007, 09:38 PM
Thanks everyone. I really appreciate the kind words. I definitely wasn't posting so people could tell me what a Saint I am....I more just needed to vent about all the crap that happened.

Freedom, I agree with you. There are not enough people involved in rescue, but I can see why. Between state legislation making it incredibly hard to get by all the red tape, or stuff like this happening, why would anyone WANT to be?? lol

When this woman adopted the dog, she made it a point to say how active and healthy she was. Now, apparently she has surrendered him because she "has a bad knee" and he "pulls on the leash". Whatever. I just wish she would tell us what shelter she put this boy at, so someone can go GET him. I feel like if she cared about the welfare of this dog that she owned for 4 months, she would do what was in his best interest, and help us get him... :confused:

Crow_noir, I definitely want to find out more about this lady. The woman who runs the transport company is actually very nice - it was just that she had another woman doing the drive for her this week, who was apparently totally incompetent. I would love to find out this womans name! Today we finally got our correct Tracker from Tennessee, and gave their Tracker to them, so this whole mess is resolved, other than the poor woman who is MISSING 3 of her puppies! :o

05-16-2007, 12:53 AM
You didn't put me to sleep- you opened my eyes as to the dedicated, hard work you do! I'm going to praise you, anyway, 'tho you didn't ask for it...Bless you for caring and worrying over poor defenseless animals. My theory is "what goes around, comes around". As long as you can sleep at night, knowing you did your best, Bless your ever 'lovin' heart,

I'll never know for sure, despite a long conversation to my Logan's previous owners, but I learned quickly that she has some "issues'
As "good" as they think they did (OK she was pretty obedient..my guess out of fear)it took me a while to desensitize her to certain things. Anyway, it was well worth it. I don't blame the owners..I just think of it as some people treat their pets as "just animals"