View Full Version : Old Man Gets Beat Up...People Stand There and Watch!

05-14-2007, 10:15 AM
This is a video from cnn.com:


How disgusting. And the fact nobody came to his aid, is disgusting. What is this world coming to?

05-14-2007, 11:50 AM

It is amazing how people can turn a blind eye. It reminds me of a girl who was raped and murdered in BC last year, and when questioned, the people who lived in the area admitted to hearing screams and doing nothing.

05-14-2007, 12:17 PM
How horrible.

What is wrong with people?

Sadly, many people don't do anything anymore because they are afraid of getting sued (it actually happens, sadly)

But.... I don't know about where this happened.... around here in PA they now have the "good samaritan act" so that people can't get sued for assisting.

A few weeks ago, a lady that I worked with, her neighbour had a heart attack out in the middle of the street and people just stood around and watched and not ONE person tried to help him.... she ran out and administered CPR and asked someone to call 911.... no one even called 911.... how sad is that. The man didn't make it but at least she tried. I don't understand how someone could just stand there and watch and not even call 911.

05-14-2007, 06:43 PM
The old man is twice the MAN that punk will ever be.Those guys who
just stood around & didn't help are just as quilty as he is. :mad:

05-14-2007, 07:35 PM
That is so sad, I would have been scared, but at least would have attempted to do something. I may not have gotten physical but would have called the cops, geez, why can't people JUST DO THAT?! It pisses me off till no end. Depending on how bad it got, like if the old man was on the floor, maybe I would have stepped in and thrown some punches, yes violence is bad but not in self defense or at the aid of someone else.

Plus, you know boys, once you kick in the right "area" they are paralyzed for at least a minute. That is the key when getting mugged, robbed, etc. by someone without a weapon, or even with one if they can't reach you with it.

05-14-2007, 07:52 PM
How Horrible and Disgusting!

So Many humans are getting to be so Non-caring towards others. It's just disgusting and inhumane!

I'm glad the old man lived, I know if I was that age and got punched that much, I would probably fall dead.

05-14-2007, 11:00 PM
This is very sad. I believe some people are afraid to get involved because you never know if someone has a gun. You can be shot for helping someone. On the other hand we cannot live in fear. We as a people need to stand up and not take it anymore.

05-18-2007, 01:26 PM
I would beat the (enter explicative here) out of anyone I saw hurting a person that could not defend themselves. That includes animals, children, elderly persons. I become a crazy person when I see stuff like that. Another way to make me mad is a parent yelling and screaming at their child when it was doing nothing wrong. There are two moms in my town that I swear the next time I hear them yell and swear at their little girls they are gonna get a hole sit full of attitude directed their way. One yelled at her little girl for not getting out of the car fast enough, and called her stupid and that there was something wrong with her. I watched, the girl was not taking her time getting out of the car. While they were in the store my mom came back and we told her about "crazy lady", she didn't really believe us, until she comes storming out of the store, little girl running behind, yelling and screaming insults. Then they quickly drove off. Everyone was in shock. Today if I saw her I would be out of my moms van and in her face so fast, she wouldn't know what to do. I probably wouldn't say anything I would just give her the meanest, don't mess with me look ever and stare her down. That would give someone the chance to call 911, I wouldn't touch her or do anything that could get me charged, but I would make sure I was in between her and that little girl.

05-18-2007, 01:51 PM
What's really sad is, in this world where everyone and their dog has a cell phone, someone most likely had one. Calling 911 could have stopped the entire thing. If the bully thought the cops were coming he probably would have ran.

05-24-2007, 12:59 PM
Well, they caught the punk who beat up this old man & stole his car.
Guess what, he afraid to be put in jail with others under arrest. His lawyer
says he scared for his safety. I wonder why? :D hee, hee.


05-24-2007, 01:11 PM
Oh poor baby.

Cry me a river punk!


05-24-2007, 10:31 PM
Whoo hooo! :D

Well, they caught the punk who beat up this old man & stole his car.