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View Full Version : Flowers at Church

05-13-2007, 07:16 PM
http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2007-5/1258574/cross1.jpg http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2007-5/1258574/cross2.jpg two pictures of a cross of flowers outside our church i took this afternoon.the cross was set up inside the church,people went to the cross and put flowers on it.It is a way of honouring our Mother's on their special day.The church has been doing this for a few years.it is made of Chicken wire, so the flowers can stay in.We went to dinner today at a Greek restaurant,had a Ribeye Medallion steak,Sweet potatoes,Carrots,cauliflowers,rice and Mushrooms.Mom had a Chicken Breast stuffed with Spinach with a Cream Sauce,same vegetables as me,Marlene had the same as me,Larry had a New York Steak.A Greek Salad came with it. before this,had Garlic bread, Saganaki which is fried or boiled cheese very good ,Pita Bread,Rice wrapped in grape leaves,not too great at least to me,a pastry that had i think was spinach in it,so i was rather full after dinner.

05-13-2007, 07:18 PM
What a nice tradition, Barry! Thanks for taking photos and posting them for us to share in this nice expression for moms.

Daisy and Delilah
05-13-2007, 08:46 PM
Great pictures, Barry. Sounds like a wonderful meal you all had. I'm glad you all had a good day :)

05-13-2007, 09:20 PM
Thank-you, Barry, for sharing the photo of that Beautiful Cross , full of Flowers for us today. What a nice tradition!!!!!!

Oh, the meal sure sounded Wonderful too!!!!!!

05-14-2007, 12:47 PM
Wow! Barry, that cross is Beautiful! :eek:
What a wonderful way of remembering all the moms on Mother's Day!
Yumm... you made me hungry talking about the dinner you had! Sounds Great!

05-14-2007, 09:44 PM
What beautiful flowers!

05-15-2007, 02:07 PM
Beautiful pictures and a wonderful tradition.
After all, Jesus loves both flowers and mothers!!! ;) :)