View Full Version : Cat poop color = health issue??

05-13-2007, 12:09 PM
I've searched Google, but since I'm in a hurry to leave to go to my mother's house, of course I can't find anything on cat poop colors.

One of my guys, and I'm thinking it's my FIV+ guy Honey, pooped on the rug. This is typical of him letting me know he's not happy with something going on. Normally it's too many foster cats. This is just Honey.

The thing with this poop is that it was BEIGE/TAN in color. :confused: At first I thought it was a furball or something, but the smell in the living room was definitely that of poop. It actually matched my carpet.

Now, Honey is almost toothless, so he does mainly eat canned food, and he prefers the Fancy Feast green cans (of course he does, he's male and likes expensive food!). They are not very dark in color, and basically this is all he eats. I'm sure he does eat dry food, and I feed them Nutro, but with him only having canine teeth, I'm not sure how much he does eat of it. Plus he bugs me a million times a day for canned food.

Anyone have any info on the colors of poop, and what they potentially can mean?? I really do think it's Honey, and he is about 14, and he's FIV+. He seems ok, I haven't noticed anything irregular in his normal habits when I'm home, so I'm concerned this may be masking a problem??

05-13-2007, 12:44 PM
The Original Poop page (http://www.heptune.com/poop.html)

any other sites giving the same information are rip-offs.

The is interesting and references the above site as well as a few other originals.

Wiki Poop (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feces)

Prepare to be grossed out.

Need a devil smiley. :D


05-13-2007, 03:30 PM
I had seen this page but it was more about human poop, and that kind of thing when it talked color. Still didn't really specify beige poop. :confused:

05-13-2007, 04:05 PM
well poop is poop. The same processes apply.

Please remember what you eat also determines color. Milk, cheese, and grains can change the color as well as blueberries. And sometimes the body just gets weird.

My boys love the green cans (I try to get loads when it is on special) but also get VF dry food and some meat so their poop stays dark and stinky. That egg souffle is very light and could be the reason for the change.

Try this.

Meower Power (http://www.geocities.com/meowerpower_99.geo/pets/monitor.htm)


03-25-2010, 04:17 AM
wow! i was searching the internet after my cat pooped out what literally looked like tan clay (it was semi-soft) and very opaque, it was so strange looking!(and unholy stinky)

i figured it was the green can fancy feast "medleys" bc her poop looked like i took the the food, blended it into a fine paste, put it in a pastry bag, and swirled it artfully on my carpet.

I dont think this food is very healthy for my cat due to the unusual poop consistency, if it looks just like it did going in as it does coming out, one could conclude that not very much nutrients are being absorbed? just a guess...its too bad too bc my cat is very picky and she loves that green can stuff

02-25-2013, 08:31 AM
I came online to look to see what may have turned my cat's poop to a very pale tanish color, and I saw this thread and thought it interesting that I've noticed this poop since starting to feed my can a lot more green cans of Fancy Feast, since that was mentioned in this thread. I remarked to myself that the poo looks rather like the food.

I don't know that that is what is causing this new poop color, but I did find it very interesting you mentioned this same food, and, yes, the poop looks almost the color of the food in the can! Our cat is 21 or so, hyperthyroid, on meds for that, and she wants to eat and needs to eat frequently to keep her weight up. She seems to really chow down on the green FF cans, so I started giving them to her much more frequently since her weight had dipped after walking away from quite a few meals in the last month when I was feeding a larger variety of canned food flavors, mostly FF too.

Interesting, too, I also thought what I saw on my carpet could be a furball, but when I bent down, it was a little formed poo, smaller than the top joint section of my pinky, and I had seen some of this same color poo and a bit more runny poo of the same stuff mixed with formed poo of the same color in the litter box earlier today.

From past human poo research years ago, I remembered that the color of poo can have something to do with the bile, and I remember reading in the past that lack of bile can translate into paler poo in humans, but I haven't researched this recently, and this pale cat poo could not mean anything, perhaps, in regards to bile, but that thought is what concerned me and had me come online here to see what I could find. I think it's always a good idea to gather up the cat and some poo and take them to the vet, just to be safe.