View Full Version : What is going on?

05-12-2007, 06:30 PM
There have been several new posters in the past few days asking for advice about sick cats. Maybe some in the dog section, also, but I don't usually visit there.

Maybe I'm out of line here, but plain common sense would dictate that a sick animal needs to see a Vet. Why waste time registering and then posting a topic? Or could it be that school is out and some folk have far too much time on their hands . . . . . .

If I'm off base, feel free to say so.

05-12-2007, 07:07 PM
No, I just think when people have pets that are sick, or doing something kinda unusual, they look to the PTers for support, guidance, etc. Sometimes other PTers have experienced the same thing so they can relate.

Every once in a while someone will ask medical advice that really needs to be addressed by a vet and for the most part, that's what we try to emphasize.

If my opinion is off base, please feel free to correct me.

05-12-2007, 08:45 PM
There are a few reasons why one might post about a potentially sick animal rather than go straight to the vet.... while I have not read any of these posts I can definately see in some circumstances why one would not head straight to the vet.

For instance, if they are children and don't have a say in whether the animal goes to the vet or not.....

Some people don't like to rush to the vet for everything because they believe vets just shove medication into their pets......

And sometimes a vet is not needed for some things.

But again, I don't know what these sicknesses that were posted about were as I did not see them :D

05-12-2007, 09:20 PM
I think it is because people dont want to go to the vet unless they HAVE to.

05-12-2007, 10:02 PM
These are all valid points. The posts I'm referring to are all by brand new posters - I think everyone of them was a 1st post. How do any of them know that PTers are good sources of info? They haven't been around long enough to observe.

I figured I was treading on thin ice, but I can't help getting exasperated reading one after another after another. In the time it takes someone to register here, and post, they could be halfway to the Vet.

I will now retire back into my hole.

For Example (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?p=1815646#post1815646)

Daisy and Delilah
05-12-2007, 10:10 PM
It bothers me that some of these posters that you're speaking of, post and never return. Who knows what happened to the poor pets?

That's a great example you posted. If that person didn't realize that cat needed vet care, he shouldn't have a cat!! :( :mad: :(

Sometimes, I almost wonder if some of these people have nothing better to do than to write a book. They seem to be trying to get a reaction from everybody?? :confused: Stop writing and get on the phone!! :(

05-12-2007, 10:18 PM
Maybe to see if other animals lover have had similar problems and have cures instead of forking out tons of money to the vets right away who most of them say they need this and that test done too.

There are alot of things that can go wrong with a animal that can easily be fixed without a vet. I know when there is something wrong with my animals I post on here first before going to the vet all the time and usually never have to end up taking them to the vet.

Registering on PT and posting a thread for free to get second opinons is alot cheaper then running to the vet to get told something you could have got told for free.

Unless it's something urgent and noticably wrong then that's a different story obviously.

05-12-2007, 10:20 PM
Thank you, Daisy and Delilah, for understanding where I'm coming from. And I had forgotten to mention your point, that almost all of these never return with a follow-up. Part of the reason that made me so suspicious.

05-12-2007, 10:34 PM
I just posted a thread in Dog general on Sassy the other night, she is going to the vet, but it was mainly for prayers so I guess you weren't targeting me as one of them. I do see where you are coming from, though. People need to realize the difference between a bad day, and the syptoms of something more serious.

05-12-2007, 10:49 PM
No, I was not referring to you Maltese Love. Prayers are one thing, medical advice is another.

05-13-2007, 12:27 AM
Sure, some of those one-time posters may be jerking our legs. However, I can't say I'd get frustrated or condemn people who turn to PT before they schedule an appointment with their vet. Many times, the "health problem" can easily be abated with time and patience. I think a previous thread explains quite eloquently why people come to PT first:

I can understand your frustration, but some people really don't know when to wait it out and when to visit their vets. The best we can hope for is to educate those who know less and pray they do the right thing.

Daisy and Delilah
05-13-2007, 07:53 AM
I have no problem with anybody coming here and asking for advice about a sick pet. I find it to be possibly the first step in finding out what the problem is.

However, when the symptoms of the pet are blatant and in obvious need of a vet's attention, a vet needs to be called. Any pet owner should be aware of abnormal signs of any living thing. Whether it be a dog, cat, rat, snake, or a human. Any responsible pet owner should have a veterinarian that they use for pet emergencies and some knowledge as to when they should call them.

I think Grace is only pointing out that it's frustrating when a person describes signs and symptoms that are obviously in need of a vet's attention rather than non-professionals. There is a big difference in Fluffy not eating a meal and Fluffy being lethargic, bleeding, or exhibiting obvious signs of infection.

It's just frustrating to those of us who call our vets in a heartbeat to think that someone is possibly avoiding that call. No one has complained about people coming here and asking for help for situations that some of the board experts can resolve. Isn't it curious that alot of these posters post once and never return? I can't help but wonder what they ended up doing and if their pet recovered well.

05-13-2007, 08:02 AM
I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that we are on the Internet. People can do a search in a search engine like Google and find similar topics, so they stumble on our board, register and post.

Not everyone grew up with animals and knows as much about them as they should, so they reach out for advice. What might seem blatantly obvious to a lifetime cat owner might not be for someone who just got a cat, for example. And so we should all respond with good intentions, and hope our advice is taken.

Miss Z
05-13-2007, 08:16 AM
I have no problem with anybody coming here and asking for advice about a sick pet. I find it to be possibly the first step in finding out what the problem is.

However, when the symptoms of the pet are blatant and in obvious need of a vet's attention, a vet needs to be called. Any pet owner should be aware of abnormal signs of any living thing. Whether it be a dog, cat, rat, snake, or a human. Any responsible pet owner should have a veterinarian that they use for pet emergencies and some knowledge as to when they should call them.

I think Grace is only pointing out that it's frustrating when a person describes signs and symptoms that are obviously in need of a vet's attention rather than non-professionals. There is a big difference in Fluffy not eating a meal and Fluffy being lethargic, bleeding, or exhibiting obvious signs of infection.

It's just frustrating to those of us who call our vets in a heartbeat to think that someone is possibly avoiding that call. No one has complained about people coming here and asking for help for situations that some of the board experts can resolve. Isn't it curious that alot of these posters post once and never return? I can't help but wonder what they ended up doing and if their pet recovered well.

I agree entirely. I do not condemn people posting for advice on minor ailments, but if an animal is exhibitng signs of pain and suffering and is off its food, then surely it's obvious how serious the problem is, and that veterinary attention is needed, and fast. I don't mind when people post about such things and say that they have a vet appointment scheduled in the near future.

Money can be tight for anybody and going to the vet isn't always simple, but I know if I was in the same position as some of these posters, I would sacrifice anything I could in order to get that pet to the vets. If it meant living off bread and jam for weeks, I would do it. It frustrates me when people apparently have no money for vets, but can then magically discover a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and go and buy a new car, TV, or another pet.

Daisy and Delilah
05-13-2007, 08:58 AM
I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that we are on the Internet. People can do a search in a search engine like Google and find similar topics, so they stumble on our board, register and post.

Not everyone grew up with animals and knows as much about them as they should, so they reach out for advice. What might seem blatantly obvious to a lifetime cat owner might not be for someone who just got a cat, for example. And so we should all respond with good intentions, and hope our advice is taken.

Unfortunately, I guess alot of people aren't as aware as they possibly could be. We have a wealth of great information here and it's really a compliment that others would seek advice from this board. Also: I agree with you Zara. Money can be tight for many people.

Well said, Karen. It is the best to respond with good intentions, advise them to seek a vet's care(when necessary), and hope that it turns out well. We would absolutley love it if they let us know how things went. :)

05-13-2007, 09:45 AM
I don't have a problem with people posting for advice if they are willing to TAKE the advice that the animal needs to see the vet. Often these types will post and make it clear they have no intention to go to the vet because they can't afford it, or else they are advised to take the animal to the vet and they ignore the advice saying the vet is not possible for one reason or another. THAT is what I find infuriating.

Of course there are always situations as mentioned, such as a younger poster who relies on parents. It is still upsetting if the animal cannot receive vet care, but more understandable on the poster's part.

I also don't agree with relying so heavily on ANY board for a diagnosis. We are not vets here, and cannot see the pet. We can give ideas, but a board should NOT be a substitute for the vet to diagnose and treat an ill animal. Sure someone could join up and post their dog is limping lately, someone else may suggest the dog could have arthritis and that buffered aspirin might help. The poster may just decide the person must know what they are talking about and figure they just got saved a trip to the vet, only to find out down the road their dog had something much more serious that could have been caught and treated earlier.

These are just my thoughts on this.