View Full Version : Update on the kitten.

05-11-2007, 10:56 PM
Well, we have decided to call the kitten Ivan, for "IVAN THE TERRIBLE!!!!"

He got vet checked and is a healthy little guy, except for having some diarrhea, which I figured he would with the food change. So for the rest of the week, he is on baby food. Rice cereal, mixed with Gerber's chicken.
Now, this little tyke is just having a ball harrassing my boys. He will run and jump on their backs, or run and swat at them and then take off. I've never seen so much chasing back and forth as what I have for the last 2 days.
What a busy, busy little guy he is. So full of beans. But I'm not compaining as he sleeps like a baby at night.
Of course Sades is the one who wants nothing to do with him and just hisses, but the rest of the boys are okay with him. Ivan is not quite there yet with the dog.

Here is the link to the website that he is on if you want to see it.

Okay, on with some new pictures. Don't let that innocent face fool you though. LOL!!!

Here he is being all cute and pulling at my heartstrings.

Playing with Mooky's tail.

Mooky letting him know that he isn't pleased.

I think here he is dreaming that someone will call and want him for their very own. Won't someone call, 1-800- ADOPT ME PLEASE!!!

I just love his markings and that cute widdle spotted belly. :D

That's all for now folks. :)

05-11-2007, 11:04 PM
He sure is a cutie pie and I hope that he finds the purrfect loving forever home very soon.:) I like the name Ivan but I also like the name Charlie Brown that they're using on petfinder.:)

05-12-2007, 01:01 AM
Awww, what a cutie! Most tabbies ive had have had lovely spotty bellies too lol. Really sweet!

05-12-2007, 05:11 AM
(they called him Charlie Brown??? didn't they like your name for him?)

05-12-2007, 09:03 AM
Jen, I didn't have the name Ivan at the time when he was put on Petfinder on Monday the 7th. That's the name the girl picked. I nicknamed him "Ivan the Terrible" yesterday once I saw what he was like with the boys. Oh Yeah, did I mention that he is very food aggressive. I pray he gets out of that soon.

05-12-2007, 11:39 AM
What a little sweetheart!!! Happy to know Ivan's vet check went well. Lorraine, you always seem to find the cutest of the cute when it comes to baby kitties!!! :cool:

05-12-2007, 06:07 PM
Aww thats such a great group of shots of Ivan and we are praying that theres someone that wants a Great Tabby Kitten.
I bet the Clowder falls in love with Ivan before very soon.