View Full Version : Lesbian couple split up and sue sperm donor

05-11-2007, 01:43 PM

What do you think of this?

I think it's ridiculous.... not to mention the guy has since passed away. I do NOT think he should be held accountable what so ever.

EDIT: I changed the link to the correct story. I will see if I can find the one from the newspaper here though.

05-11-2007, 01:50 PM
I read that is the newspaper the other day, I though it was kinda strange and didnt think he should have to pay or anything.

05-11-2007, 01:55 PM
Maybe I read it wrong, as I did skim through part of it, but I thought it said that the woman was suing her former partner for child support, not the sperm donor. I'll look at it again, maybe I am just confused?

05-11-2007, 02:01 PM
Maybe I read it wrong, as I did skim through part of it, but I thought it said that the woman was suing her former partner for child support, not the sperm donor. I'll look at it again, maybe I am just confused?

That is how I read it as well, not that the donor was being sued. Maybe I'm misunderstanding as well, but from what I read it seemed one partner was suing the other partner for child support.

The couple paid for the insemination and went together to the clinic where T.F. was inseminated. Her partner signed on the line designated "spouse's signature" at the sperm bank, according to legal papers.

I skimmed the latter half of it but I couldn't really see where the actual donor was being sued?

05-11-2007, 02:03 PM
I wish I could find the article from the paper here yesterday. it clearly stated in that article that they wanted child support from the sperm donor and wanted his benefits even though he has since passed away.

EDITED: LMAO I'm such a dummy..... I didn't read this article before I posted it I just thought it was the same one LOL this one is from 2004 hahahahaha. Oops. let me see if I can find the real one

05-11-2007, 02:07 PM
Sounds confusing. But it would seem ridiculous to me for the donor to be litigated against.

EDIT: Just read your edit. No wonder I was confused :p. I didn't even notice the date on it.

05-11-2007, 02:09 PM
haha you are just trying to confuse us, aren't you? You do know how easy that is, don't you? :o

05-11-2007, 02:12 PM
haha you are just trying to confuse us, aren't you? You do know how easy that is, don't you? :o

I am afraid I was the most confused LOL that's what I get for not paying close attention..... it's all the pregnancy's fault... that's my story and I'm sticking to it hahaha

I did put the correct link at the top of the page now if you want to read it :D

05-11-2007, 02:16 PM

here is another link. :D

So it wasn't annonymous and he was present at the birth.... but I still don't think that makes him liable. To me that opens a new legal precedent for future sperm donors in cases like this to be liable for child support.

05-11-2007, 02:18 PM
Ok now I can comment :p

I don't personally think it's right for him to pay child support. The legal parents of the children is the couple, and it should be up to them. There was no prior arrangement of support from him. Not to mention the fact that he has passed away......

05-11-2007, 02:30 PM
What a weird situation. The article posted DOES make it sound like he was actively involved, a bit more then just a sperm donor.

One question? How can they get child support from a dead man? Do they want a piece of his estate?

05-11-2007, 02:39 PM
What a weird situation. The article posted DOES make it sound like he was actively involved, a bit more then just a sperm donor.

One question? How can they get child support from a dead man? Do they want a piece of his estate?

I'm assuming that is what they want.... a part of his estate.

And the fact that he has passed away just makes it worse.... he cannot really vouche for how involved he was or wasn't. It's all about what the people after his money say now.

05-11-2007, 04:07 PM
What an odd situation. It sounds like the kids had three parents. I don't see how he was obligated to play any role in the lives of the children, but there he was. The case sounds easily dismissable if it weren't for the media bloodlusting for a good story.

05-11-2007, 04:18 PM
What an odd situation. It sounds like the kids had three parents. I don't see how he was obligated to play any role in the lives of the children, but there he was. The case sounds easily dismissable if it weren't for the media bloodlusting for a good story.

From what I can understand he was friends with these women. IMO, it seems he was offering support as a friend to help them with this child.

If everything in this story is true then it seems to me that when the women broke up, the one that didn't take the child was P.O'd because she had to pay child support so they went after this guy.

05-11-2007, 04:49 PM
I heard it on the news and it seems they want to go after his estate. Boy can this open up a whole can of worms and set a precedent for many many others. I think it is ridiculous and hopefully the courts will see it that way and dismiss it immediately. :rolleyes:

05-11-2007, 04:57 PM
From what I can understand he was friends with these women. IMO, it seems he was offering support as a friend to help them with this child.

If everything in this story is true then it seems to me that when the women broke up, the one that didn't take the child was P.O'd because she had to pay child support so they went after this guy.

That's what I got out of the story. It's a tangled mess & I think they
should have set up a payment system before the guy died.It's hard to
set financial boundries when you're in an emotional state, but I don't
think she can prevail. The laws have not been changed enough to let her
get a judjment in her favor. Maybe, if she found a great lawyer. :)