View Full Version : Down to 2 dogs here :(

05-11-2007, 11:17 AM
It's strange - for the last 3 weeks or so, there hasn't been a single day where it has been just our 2 dogs here, until today. Rocky, our foster dog that we've had for 2 weeks, went to his forever home this morning. The people came and met him and fell in love with him on the spot, and brought him home. I can't stop crying :( I know he's going to be happy - this couple just lost their 13 and 1/2 yr old Chesapeake Bay Retriever recently, and LOVE dogs. Rocky will be good for them. I just keep thinking, what if he thinks that we didn't want him? What if he thinks we just gave him up, or that he did something wrong? Maybe I'm being silly, but I hope that he knows that we did this because we thought it was what was best for him. We considered keeping him, and really wanted to - but I think he will do better in a place that is a bit less hectic, not a place with foster dogs in and out, where he might feel like he has to compete for attention. I hope they update me on how he's doing. All of the other dogs we have adopted out, the people have emailed me pictures, and little updates and stories about how well the dogs are settling in and stuff - it makes it so much easier to hear that stuff and know we did the right thing.

Tomorrow we get Winnie, who is a lab/corgi mix. She's like a miniature lab, she's adorable! I think that a family that is coming to meet her tomorrow night though is going to adopt her on the spot...so, back down to 2 again! It just feels so QUIET around here! My dogs keep running around looking for Rocky :(

Then, next weekend, we are fostering a pup named Lando. He is the cutest puppy I've ever seen, I think. Here is a picture of him



He is 12 weeks old, and we think he is a dachshund/beagle mix. He's a whopping 3.7 pounds lol

Anyways, thanks for reading my post and letting me whine about missing Rocky. Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!!

05-11-2007, 11:37 AM
;) Awee how so cute & sweet.. This baby will get a home in no time at all..

05-11-2007, 11:56 AM
OMG. That puppy is adorable.

Don't worry about Rocky. I think he knew that he was going onto his next adventure...and a permanent adventure at that. Didn't you hear him as he was leaving? He said, "thank you so much for all of the love you gave me and thank you for this family. I love you to pieces and I will never forget you."

Did you get the new family's phone number, address or email? Maybe you can contact them in the next month to see how he's doing.

I try to update the rescue place I got Fenway from. I send them emails with pictures and stories and they put them on their website.

05-11-2007, 12:00 PM
I did get their phone number and email address, and every adopter has to sign an adoption contract and stuff. I will contact them in a few weeks if I haven't heard from them, just to check in.
I hope he really knows we did what we thought was right for him - because if it was up to us, we would have kept him here forever, but I didn't want to be selfish and do that when I thought he could be happier elsewhere.

Isn't Lando a cutie?? My fiance and I decided that we do eventually want a 3rd dog, but we're going to wait until the "perfect" one for our situation comes along. No rush :)

Ginger's Mom
05-11-2007, 12:09 PM
Don't worry about Rocky feeling rejected, one of the beautiful things about dogs is that they live in the moment. That is not to say that they don't learn things and take things with them from each of their experiences, and I am sure that he enjoyed his time with you.
Now let's see, Ginger and I have a dog walk to do next Saturday, so we won't be able to pick up Lando until Sunday, is that alright? :D

05-11-2007, 12:10 PM
lol - people keep send me email inquiries about him, and I want to be like

"sure, you can come PRY HIM OUT OF MY COLD DEAD HANDS!!"

I'm going to have real trouble letting this dog go heh

Maybe I wasn't cut out to be a great foster home, since I want to KEEP them all! :rolleyes:

05-11-2007, 04:46 PM
AWEEE... See this is why I'm forbidden to goto the shelter here... I want to take home all the friggen dogs.. I feel so much hurt for them.. I wish I had a farm they could all come ive with me FOREVERRRRR!!

05-11-2007, 06:21 PM
Aw, Liz, I can imagine how you feel about Rocky. Just remember, you found him a great place so that you can help more. And Rocky knew love while he was ith all of you; he will take that memory with him.

Lando is truly going to test you as a foster parent, he he.
(I laugh because I failed fostering 101; my first and only foster was here half an hour and I knew I was not cut out to do fostering!)