View Full Version : I love my home!

05-10-2007, 11:52 PM
As some of you may or may not know, I reciently got another job with the Transportation department working as a road striper (we paint all those nifty lines on the roads and in state owned parking lots. We also do crosswalks and turn arrows) I've been out exploring all sorts of places as we do the lines for all the state parks. I realize now more than ever how much I really do love my home here in Nevada, in Reno specifically. We are only a short drive away from Lake Tahoe, Pyramid Lake and other beauties of nature. Sure its hot, and most of the landscape is desert but it has a beauty all its own that Ive absolutely fallen in love with. When I'm not so dead tired from work, I'll link some websites that show what a beautiful place Northern Nevada really is. The wildlife here is awesome (last week I saw a huge owl!) and as I said, the scenery is really pretty. Living really isn't too expensive, and I make it rather comfortably for myself with the wages I make (well the cats get it better than I of course :D ) and I absolutely love the work I do. My parents both work(ed) for the transportation department and my mom retired with over 20 years so I know they'll treat me ok.

As the only active northern Nevada PTer (I think, someone correct me if Im wrong tho, my mom has the screen name of Honkers36 but she isn't online too much) I thought Id share why I love my home!

Kind of a off the wall post, but its something Ive been kind of thinking about for a while. Does anyone else love where they live as much as I do? Please share what makes your home, HOME and not just a place you live! :D

critter crazy
05-11-2007, 12:01 AM
I have a few relatives out in the Reno area, they all located there from California, and they all seem to love it as well. I am hoping soon to be able to Visit, as I havent out there since I was a little girl.

05-11-2007, 12:31 AM
I have a few relatives out in the Reno area, they all located there from California, and they all seem to love it as well. I am hoping soon to be able to Visit, as I havent out there since I was a little girl.

PT meeting? :D

I always like visitors, Wenisrubber came through for a visit and we had a blast! Id love to show you the park up the street, there are several goose families living there (fuzzy babies are SO cute!)

critter crazy
05-11-2007, 05:57 AM
PT meeting? :D

I always like visitors, Wenisrubber came through for a visit and we had a blast! Id love to show you the park up the street, there are several goose families living there (fuzzy babies are SO cute!)

Awwwww...Fuzzy goose Babies!! you got me I am hooked! he he he he he!

05-11-2007, 07:07 AM
I have lived many places as I come from military - and the place I felt I loved best was New England. We lived in NewHampshire - many years ago.

I loved the four seasons. The winters were cold but that is great for me since I really hate heat. I loved the beaches - being able to drive a few minutes and then see the ocean. The air feels cleaner and fresher there. I loved the seafood!! I recall being able to go to the local drive-in and ordering a cone full of clams. FRESH shellfish is so easy to find and that is my favorite - oysters, clams, shrimp. Oh and the lobster!!! I loved the local color, the accents. I loved the style of the homes. I loved being able to go to what felt like the biggest city I know -Boston. I loved taking the subway and being able to shop in big department store - then go back to my small town. I loved the color of the countryside in the fall and that anticipation of winter.

We are now retired on Ohio and I like the weather and we finally own a home and have settled with family nearby. I am pretty sure we will remain here - but when you posted this thread, it made me think of NewEngland. I don't know how similar it still is but that is the area I feel drawn to :D

05-11-2007, 07:55 AM
Did you see my thread about Reno? Can you please reply to it? I would be interested to hear what you have to say. My brother says I should go to Virginia City.


05-11-2007, 09:14 AM
I am not too far from Reno, I think that Reno truckee area is just gorgeous. The older I get the more I love the mountains and nature. Unfortunately here everyone wants to go to Nevada to gamble and they miss the best part of the state IMHO.

05-11-2007, 07:59 PM
We have a condo in Tahoe (South Shore, near Heavenly). We usually go up at least 6 times a year. Each year in Sept we go to Reno for the annual Street Vibrations event (motorcycles). And on that trip we always go out to Virginia City. It's a neat little old town. It has cute shops and lots of history to learn about.
I guess this year there is a mini street vibrations being held next month. We are going to that too. :D
Unfortunately, our condo doesn't allow dogs. :( So Zoee has not gone up with us. I don't have the heart to put her in a doggie day care up there. It's too much of a hassle to take her in and out. But I'd like to stay at a hotel that allows pets some time up there. Maybe a PT meeting in Tahoe?? :p
There are tons of pet friendly places and things to do up there. Check it out online.

05-11-2007, 10:02 PM
I agree that Nature is the best thing about living here :D Having grown up here I don't see the appeal of gambling.

I'm all for a PT meeting in Tahoe! :D

05-12-2007, 12:34 AM
My niece was born in Reno. My sister lived there briefly. I've driven through it a few times.

No, sadly, I do not love my home. It has it's good points ... very little random crime, no dangerous weather per se, hmmm ... that's about all I can think of. But it's certainly not the place I would have chosen to live. I personally like a little water and greenery.

I did, however, love living in Colorado. I lived outside of Fort Collins in the Pourdre Canyon. Oh yes, I loved that! Trees, wildlife, a steam ... and only a few minutes from the city.

Daisy and Delilah
05-12-2007, 09:24 AM
I think it's so refreshing to hear from someone that loves their home so much!! :D Thanks for sharing. This thread really made me think alot :)