View Full Version : Our Killer Guard Dog!!!

05-09-2007, 02:27 PM
Yesterday I picked up Joe from work & took him to my new place (moved last week) to see it for the first time & to pick up my Magic Cards for him. I was expecting Chad to be home, but he wasn't, so the door was locked. I don't have a key yet, so I was locked out.. oh joy of joys... Joe & I noticed my bedroom window was open. I asked Joe if he could go through my window & unlock the front door. Joe is 6' & 120lb bag of bones (hes naturally thin, the Dr.s cannot put any weight on him), so he was more then thin enough to go through the window lol

I walked through the front door & waited for him to let me into the house. He opened the door & guess where Bear was? Laying on her bed, just looking at us with a wiggly butt :D :rolleyes:

People fear Rottweilers why? lol :D

05-09-2007, 02:31 PM
LoL! One time, the maintenance guy walked in my front door without knocking. I was terrified, Jasper barely batted an eye. :rolleyes: Some guardians, huh?

How's lovely Bear's weight loss program going? :)

05-09-2007, 02:43 PM
LoL! One time, the maintenance guy walked in my front door without knocking. I was terrified, Jasper barely batted an eye. :rolleyes: Some guardians, huh?

How's lovely Bear's weight loss program going? :)

Shes still chubby, but nothing like before. She now has a pretty big yard to play in, so she prances around a lot. The Kitchen is as big as our old livingroom, so she LOVES that, cause thats where she stays when we go to bed or out, as shes still not 100% trained & cannot be trusted to eat clothing. She has almost no accidents now so thats a huge improvement!

Chad has been out of work for a while & has started taking her on the odd walk. yesterday they toured the new neighbourhood for 2hrs!!

Shes getting hyper & crazy lol She still loves to tackle me with all claws out :rolleyes: I'm trying to work on that, she just don't realize that her claws HURT! She still out weighs me so I don't stand a chance when playing with her heheh

She still doesn't bark, which is awesome!!! She is getting more vocal in telling us off... Lets say I walk into the house, rush to the bathroom & then go past her without saying hi or anything... She'll start at WOOOOOO at me.. If I still ignore her, she'll get infront of me & will get into my face & will WOOOOOOO hahaha We think its the funniest thing :) How many Rottweilers howl? Its the neatest sound ever lol Its not loud either, so its ok for her to howl like that... She knows we like it cause shes been doing it more & gets all wiggly butt over it hahaha