View Full Version : How do you give a cat capsules?

05-09-2007, 11:31 AM
I just picked up Magic's medicine and of course it is in capsule form. It is hard enough to give cats pills but how the heck do you give them a capsule?? I asked the vet tech if I could break it open and mix it with Magic's food but she said it would be too bitter tasting. I have some pill pockets for cats so I will try that first but Magic is pretty smart. She can sniff out anything. If she even smells something that is remotely foreign she won't eat it. Anyway if someone has any suggestions on how to give a cat capsules please do tell!

05-09-2007, 11:49 AM
http://www.veterinarypartner.com (http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx?P=A&A=525&S=2&SourceID=42)

That site has great step by step instructions with pictures on how to pill a cat.

One side note, myself personally, I don't put my cats on a table, I get on the kitchen floor (slippery linoleum) and put the cat between my knees and lock my ankles so they can go backwards or sideways. lol

Good luck

05-09-2007, 11:54 AM
I get on the kitchen floor (slippery linoleum) and put the cat between my knees and lock my ankles so they can go backwards or sideways. lol

Good luck
I do the same thing. Have the cat securely wedged in between my knees, that way I can gently tilt their head up, open their little mouthies, pop the pill in, close their jaws and hold them shut while you give them kisses on their mouths. Works every time for my two. I don't know if they love or hate me kissing them, but it shocks them into swallowing the pills.

05-09-2007, 05:16 PM
Works every time for my two. I don't know if they love or hate me kissing them, but it shocks them into swallowing the pills.


I have discovered not all people can do the 'pin between the knees' technique. My mom can't because her legs are too short to not be actually sitting on her cat. Apparently this technique only works with longer legged people, or short cats. lol

05-09-2007, 06:06 PM

I have discovered not all people can do the 'pin between the knees' technique. My mom can't because her legs are too short to not be actually sitting on her cat. Apparently this technique only works with longer legged people, or short cats. lol

It didn't work for me!! Magic squirmed her way out.

05-09-2007, 06:12 PM
If she squirmed out backwards you're either not locking your ankles or your behind is too high in the air. If she squirmed out forwards she was faster than a bolt of lightning. If she squirmed out sideways I'd like to see the video of that one!

Did you make sure you were on a slippery surface so she couldn't get much traction?

Good luck trying again after she calms down a bit.

05-09-2007, 06:28 PM
Between the knees doesn't work for me either. I have to wrap Max up in a burrito wrap (towel) and sit on the couch or a chair. I squish him in between my hip and the arm and with my left hand, open the mouth and shove the pill in with my right hand. As with RH, I also shut the mouth quickly, rub the chin and give him kisses.....on the mouth. :o

05-09-2007, 07:00 PM
I would say not easily, i use a pill popper from the vet, and have mostly success with that, good luck.

05-10-2007, 11:19 PM
I have to put Starr is a Klaw Kontrol bag that I bought from Drs. Foster & Smith. It's for clipping their nails and also for medicating them. I have it so only his little head sticks out. He can't run away either but he's still hard to pill even though I also use a pill dispenser.

Here's a picture of the bag: Klaw Kontrol Bag (http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=3159&Ntt=klaw%20kontrol%20bag&Ntk=All&Ntx=mode+matchallpartial&Np=1&pc=1&N=2002&Nty=1).This bag has been a lifesaver for me. I need to buy the extra large one for Storm,Sunny, and Sky too.

critter crazy
05-10-2007, 11:22 PM
I had to give a pill to each of my cats today, and they took it quite well. I just did it like I do stubborn dogs. I opened their mouth, placed the pill in, closed the mouth, and massaged the neck till they swallowed. No bitting and no scratchiung involved. I even got purrs immediately following. Course my kitties seem to take things in stride, so It may not work as well for all cats!

05-11-2007, 02:36 PM
I've had no luck giving Magic her medicine in capsule form. I've had to break open the capsule and mix the contents with a little fish juice and water and put in a syringe to give it to her. Ugh... I hate fish and that is all I can smell right now,

05-16-2007, 12:45 PM
leo takes his meds quite well he is a star!

click here to find how i do it! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dhj2O30sJWc)

i hope this helps tell me if it does or not

05-16-2007, 03:36 PM
Different things work with different cats (not to mention different type meds).

For some I use the pill popper syringe thingy.

For some I squeeze the side of the jaw to open the mouth, put the pill as far back on the tongue as I can, close the muth and stroke the throat to encourage swallowing. I sit in the recliner, with the cat wedged in between me and the arm of the chair. I have one arm over the cat's back, around the head and under the chin.

For some I can wrap it in a piece of deli turkey.

Pet Edge has something new out, I just saw it in their latest catalog which arrived int he mail last week: Flavor Doh. Here is the link:


And they have the pill pockets, see here:

And then there is Ruffles, who has to take a pill (not a capsule) once per day for her thyroid. I say, "Pill, Ruffles." She sits and lets me hold her gently. I offer the pill to her mouth and she licks it up. :rolleyes: Wish they were ALL like her!