View Full Version : So, You own a cat?

05-08-2007, 09:22 PM
People are so observant! :rolleyes:

My borther asked to to change the brakepads on his truck...

At the appointed time he stopped by!

He pulled the vehicle into the drive and we got the jack out and went to work.

I pulled off the first tire and began to pull the pads when my brother asked me, "Do you own a cat?"..

I was puzzled by the question and aske him why he asked me that...
Without missing a beat he dropped his gaze to my black t-shirt...

There, under the bright warm California sunshine my black t-shirt glowed with white cat hair...

Lovely.....I love my cat....he loves me and since he can't speak he's found the purrfect way to show the world! :o :D :p

05-08-2007, 09:38 PM
They just want to leave a little piece of them for us to carry with us ALL the time. ;) That's why I have a lint roller at home, one in Bruce's truck and one at work. With Taz and Zoee we are doomed no matter what color we wear!!
I feel your pain! :p :D

05-08-2007, 11:06 PM
Kitty just wanted to show the world how versatile their hair, thus cats, can be...whether black tie event or black t-shirt brakepad replacement, not outfit is complete without it. :D

05-09-2007, 05:11 PM
Eddie just wants you to be in the height of fashion and theres nothing that sets off an ensemble like Cat Fur!!!
You should be flattered than the Edsters on the job.

05-09-2007, 05:24 PM

Don't you know that cats shed in direct proportion to how much they contrast with your clothes colors?

Here is a website that has many people that made a list of "you know you're a cat person when..." They are HILARIOUS!

You Know You're A Cat Person When..... (http://www.flippyscatpage.com/catloversigns.html)

BTW, I'm such a cat person, when I went shopping for a sofa, I brushed all the cats first then gathered up all the hair, mixed it up good (I have both light and dark cats) then took that with me shopping. You should have seen the look on the sales folk's faces when they asked if they could help me. I showed them this sorta beige wad of hair in a ziplock and said "do you have a sofa that matches this?" ROFL :D

05-09-2007, 06:52 PM
Silly Hooman!
Don't you know those hairs are "Calling Cards of Love"!!! :p

05-09-2007, 08:44 PM

I jus wanted to say dat it is our belief here dat fur makes any outfit look good! :D I always make sure meowme always takes some to work with her!

Tell your hooman that you just want to make sure EVERYONE knows about you, after all you're the true master of the house!

Remus K Maru