View Full Version : Urgent help for (orphaned?) baby bird needed!! 1 pic *crossposted to pet general*

05-08-2007, 04:52 PM
A few days ago, I posted a video of "my beepers" in their nest outside, beeping away! A couple days afterwards, I no longer heard them beeping at me when I started a conversation. I was sad and glad, thinking they had grown into full sized birdies and flown away. I thought that was an explanation, also, for why I hadn't seen mom bird in a few days either. (I've seen other birds but this baby dwarfs them)

Today, I left the front door open to let in sunshine, fresh air, and let all three pups frolic in the front yard at their leisure. Now, I'd heard that prey drive bark (it's a certain type of bark, can't really explain it) from the two doxies, Biggles and Yoda off and on. I told them to stop, they did and went about their merry way. Didn't give it another thought ('cause weenies are awfully persistent about that sort of thing).

Just a few minutes ago, though, they started barking and wouldn't let up. We (my sister Alex and myself) went outside and all three dogs were struggling to get through a bush, barking, and standing in certain ways. I got down and stuck my head under the bush to look and see what "it" was. I thought it was going to be a cat or kitten as there has been an introduction of stray cats into the neighborhood since I'd been gone (there wasn't *any* before, probably because most of the houses around us don't allow pets). Wrong! It was a little grey baby bird! We made the dogs get inside, set up a little nest box, and now he's sitting next to me. The bush is about ten feet away from the next and he was on the ground (the nest is in the roof). Also, we found a dead sibling on the ground (unsure of *why* he died).

Here's the baby beeper!

What can I feed him, take care of him, etc? Do I call a wildlife center or take him to a vet? etc?

05-08-2007, 05:02 PM
Call Willamette Wildlife. I used to work there. They are in the phone book. :) None of the vets around here will take him unfortunately. I'm licensed and *could* take him, but honestly with me about to pop anyday I'd rather not risk it. If they don't answer leave a message. They are up by the dog park near Donald. Do you know where that is? If not, let me know and I can give you directions. They are great about picking birds up too. :) I will PM you my number in case you need more info.

05-08-2007, 05:04 PM
I can't tell from the picture but just FYI, if it's a starling they won't take him. If that's the case bring him over here and I can show you how to feed and take care of him until he's old enough to be released.

This is of course assuming his parents aren't around? If they are, get a shoe box and fill it with some shredded paper. He looks like a fledgling and when learning how to fly they usually stay on the ground and the parents come back to feed them. Have you seen the parents?

05-08-2007, 06:06 PM
I can't tell from the picture but just FYI, if it's a starling they won't take him. If that's the case bring him over here and I can show you how to feed and take care of him until he's old enough to be released.

This is of course assuming his parents aren't around? If they are, get a shoe box and fill it with some shredded paper. He looks like a fledgling and when learning how to fly they usually stay on the ground and the parents come back to feed them. Have you seen the parents?

Nope. :( I'd only seen one parent and even that one I haven't seen in days (ever since I first noticed the birds up in their nest, I've spent a lot of time outside just listening, watching, observing). Right now, he's in a shoebox with some shredded paper and grass. The dead sibling looks like he's been that way for a couple of days. :( I am unsure if Herbert is hurt (whether it be from a fall from the nest to the ground, the dogs, cats, etc). I am unsure as to his type.

If it's best, I can put him back outside in the box. Is there a way I could do it without him getting discovered and injured by any stray cats, the dogs here, or the snakes outside?

Thank you much for advice and help! :D

05-08-2007, 06:25 PM
Have you tried calling Willamette Wildlife yet? Unless you have a license it's illegal to keep wildlife, even if you plan on releasing them eventually. If you fear he'll be discovered by other animals and since his parents are obviously gone the best thing to do is keep him inside where he is safe. He looks like a starling to me. You can find information on how to care for orphaned babies here:

If you want we can always run him into my work so they can look at him and make sure he's not injured. Dr. Luna is great with birds. :)

Again, if you need any help just give me a holler.


05-08-2007, 08:20 PM
It sounds liekt he babies grew too big for the nest but are not quite ready to start flying. In that photo, the baby does look a bit too . . . fuzzy to be at fledgling stage just now.

Most vets are not licensed to have wildlife in their practice; sometimes they can refer you to the proper place. But it sounds lik you have already been directed to s wildlife rehabilitation center; they will know the best way to care for this little one.

Let us know how things go!

05-08-2007, 11:06 PM
Have you tried calling Willamette Wildlife yet? Unless you have a license it's illegal to keep wildlife, even if you plan on releasing them eventually. If you fear he'll be discovered by other animals and since his parents are obviously gone the best thing to do is keep him inside where he is safe. He looks like a starling to me. You can find information on how to care for orphaned babies here:

If you want we can always run him into my work so they can look at him and make sure he's not injured. Dr. Luna is great with birds. :)

Again, if you need any help just give me a holler.


Unfortunately, I did not get to call them today between other folks using the phone and a fairly odd/hectic day. However, I will call them in the morning and we'll see from there! :D

Thank you so, so much for all your help and advice! :D

(On another note, I'll be PMing you with my contact info. :D)

05-08-2007, 11:10 PM
It sounds liekt he babies grew too big for the nest but are not quite ready to start flying. In that photo, the baby does look a bit too . . . fuzzy to be at fledgling stage just now.

Most vets are not licensed to have wildlife in their practice; sometimes they can refer you to the proper place. But it sounds lik you have already been directed to s wildlife rehabilitation center; they will know the best way to care for this little one.

Let us know how things go!

That seems to be the most likely option! :( The nest is in a pretty small little opening in the corner of the roof.

Aw, I was hoping that there would be one around here that was. I'd seen something about them on AP.

Will do! :D

05-08-2007, 11:11 PM
If you call they give you another number to leave a message at, and honestly it's easier to just drive there and go to the back door and ring the bell, lol. :p

Oh hey, reptile show at Red Lion soon! :D whooo, it should be fun!

05-08-2007, 11:14 PM
Aw, I was hoping that there would be one around here that was.

The only one I know of is Santa Clara, or I'm assuming as that is where we used to take some of our rehabs from WW. You can try calling them too if you can't get through to the wildlife center and ask to talk to Stacy, she's a friend of mine. I used to work there too lol. :o Sean or Cary are who you would want to see. Sean used to be the head vet at wildlife safari. :)