View Full Version : diaper Poll

05-08-2007, 03:18 PM
What brand of diapers is the best?

05-08-2007, 03:19 PM
I vote for the kind that change themselves... ;) :D

05-08-2007, 03:20 PM
Yay you started the thread! Ok, I'm curious to hear responses......

05-08-2007, 03:22 PM
I vote for the kind that change themselves... ;) :D

I guess I should have added "husband" to the poll :D

05-08-2007, 03:23 PM
I guess I should have added "husband" to the poll :D

ooh, now that one has my vote!! :D

05-08-2007, 03:25 PM
ooh, now that one has my vote!! :D

LOL I voted for other hahaha

05-08-2007, 03:48 PM
I picked other because it depends on age/build.

Now that Tyler is on the go I am definately a Pampers Mom. I have tried just about everything out there and those work best for us. When Tyler was younger I swore by Luvs. Luvs seem to work great only until your munchkin starts to crawl and walk.
Huggies are good about holding in leaks but they smell so much worse when soaked with urine than any other diaper I have used.
White Cloud are nice and cheap but the tabs rip off way too easily.

Every Mom will tell you something different because every child is built differently. Pampers fit Tyler's build the best so for us they are the hands down winner :)

05-08-2007, 03:50 PM
Ashley usually uses Huggies, but swore by Target brand diapers for the first 8 months. Now that he's sleeping through the night, the Target brand just isn't cutting it. He leaks in the cheaper brands just because he's in them longer now.

05-08-2007, 04:18 PM
Cloth diapers, with something like the "Tidy Didy Diaper service" to go along with them.

05-08-2007, 04:22 PM
I use Huggies and Pampers. :)

05-08-2007, 04:41 PM
We use Luvs during the day and Pampers Cruisers overnight. We started out using the Pampers all the time, but the Luvs are SO much cheaper. Our only issue is that they have leaked some overnight.

05-08-2007, 05:44 PM
Pampers cruisers and pampers. I used huggies and they leaked and that was the only time ever she got a diaper rash also was when using huggies. As soon as I switched back to pampers the rash cleared up.

05-08-2007, 06:23 PM
Cloth diapers, with something like the "Tidy Didy Diaper service" to go along with them.

That's what we did. It was great & we always plenty available. It was
one less thing to worry about with having young ones around.

05-08-2007, 07:23 PM
Pampers the better style whatever that is they the children are 5 & 4 now btw they were potty trained and 19months for girl and @ 2years for boy....thank to the powers that be....that is over.

05-08-2007, 07:25 PM
Cloth ones.

05-08-2007, 07:26 PM
Cloth :D :D

I HATE HATE HATE Huggies- they would leak everytime!

With my oldest, we used the Wal-mart White Cloud. When she got older, we switched to Pampers for just at night time.

With my youngest, we started with the White Cloud but I have since switched to cloth!

05-08-2007, 07:28 PM
My mom uses Pampers with my baby sister.

05-08-2007, 09:50 PM
I really wish I could use cloth diapers full time but it's just too darn expensive. :( Does anyone know how to make using cloth diapers less spendy? I already have some, and pins, but I can't find any plastic pants around here anywhere! Heck, it was almost impossible finding cloth diapers period, and this is Eugene! You think It'd be easier to find that stuff here since we are the land of hippies. :D

From those who use cloth diapers, how many do you go through in a day? How long before you do a load of them? Do they smell really bad? Just any info would be appreciated.

05-08-2007, 10:46 PM
I really wish I could use cloth diapers full time but it's just too darn expensive. :( Does anyone know how to make using cloth diapers less spendy? I already have some, and pins, but I can't find any plastic pants around here anywhere! Heck, it was almost impossible finding cloth diapers period, and this is Eugene! You think It'd be easier to find that stuff here since we are the land of hippies. :D

From those who use cloth diapers, how many do you go through in a day? How long before you do a load of them? Do they smell really bad? Just any info would be appreciated.

Me dear ol' MIL ;) told me how she used to do it. Take a corner of the used diaper, hold it in a toilet, flush. Then, just set the diapers aside until you can wash them in your regular washer (although she did have a diaper service part of the time, I believe).

I know! You'd think we'd be able to find more of that stuff here! No joking, I'm wondering if maybe Sweet Potato Pie carries them? It's a long shot but I've purchased clothes there so mebbe they have little diapers? Target in Shreveport carried cloth diapers so maybe they have them here, too. :D

05-08-2007, 11:21 PM
No joking, I'm wondering if maybe Sweet Potato Pie carries them? It's a long shot but I've purchased clothes there so mebbe they have little diapers?

That's what I was thinking. I need to head over there to see if they have any Maya wraps for the baby. Their website online doesn't offer much information. Hopefully I can head on over there sometime this week...if I don't pop by then! LOL!

05-09-2007, 05:49 AM
From those who use cloth diapers, how many do you go through in a day? How long before you do a load of them? Do they smell really bad? Just any info would be appreciated.

My MIL (sirrahbed) made pretty much all of my cloth diapers. We looked around online and found some free patterns. She printed them off and ordered some fabric (also online) and then played around with them. She is a whiz with a sewing machine. She made them for around $7-8 a piece. We used the pocket style diapers so the outer is made of waterproof material. I found a great lady online who makes hemp inserts for a reasonable price and I'm working on building up my stash of inserts.

My baby is about 7 months old and we go through about 7 a day. I use disposable at nights. I have a covered trash can in then downstairs bathroom that I keep a large wet bag in. I toss the diapers in there when they are wet. If they are dirty, I swish it around in the toilet a few times and then toss it in the trash can. (I also keep a small covered trash can up in her room). I run them through the wash about the end of every second day or the start of every third day. I could probably go about one more day but by then my washer starts to get full.

As far as smell. They don't stink up my house. I keep a little bit of baking soda in the bottom of each trash can. When I go to wash them, they have some smell to them but it is contained in the trash can. I wash all the diapers, the wetbags, and any dirty bibs, washcloths, etc, all together.

Hope that helps to answer some of your questions! I love cloth and wish I would have started it sooner!

05-09-2007, 09:42 AM
I was totally all set on using cloth (which I didn't find expensive at all, but, I think the place I ordered all my supplies from is OOB), until Jonah came along. Frankly, I just couldn't imagine having the time/energy to do it. And, having the first 6 months that I did, I made the right choice- for me.

I used Pampers Swaddlers until he outgrew them. Now? I **only** use Huggies Supreme. ONLY. Nothing fit him like Huggies, nothing contained the leak, etc. Like someone said above, it all depends on your baby.

I wouldn't use Pampers (excluding swaddlers) if you gave them to me. Nothing like having a non-stretchy plastic, elastic waist.

05-09-2007, 09:48 AM
I guess I never realized how different babies react to different diapers. I had hoped that later in my pregnancy I would determine what would be the best diapers to use and start buying them then, a package at a time (in different sizes) so I would have them. I think instead I will start a 'diaper fund' and put some money away every pay so it's not too much of a hit in the pocketbook when the baby is here, and I can try different kinds. I think I've been too naive....thanks guys!

05-09-2007, 09:52 AM
I use Huggies on Mimi and only Huggies. Everything else would either leak or cause/contribute to a massive yeast infection.

I wonder if the size/shape of the baby makes a difference regarding different brands leaking? Mimi is a tiny peanut, barely 25lbs at 2 years and everything else leaks terribly. Huggies never has. I know other folks with bigger kids say Huggies leak. Maybe Huggies work better for smaller kids while Pampers/Luvs would better for heavier ones. Just my random thought for the day.

JenBKR- if you can buy your diapers at a BJ's/Costco/Sam's you can get quite a savings. We buy Huggies at Bj's and get 3 sleeves per package for the same price as 2 sleeves at the grocery store. The boxes are great for playing in and storage too!

05-09-2007, 10:17 AM
I have ordered free samples of several diapers to try on the grandbabies. I know a couple came from Walmart (http://walmart.triaddigital.com/enhancedrendercontent_ektid12236.aspx) site -
(oops it now says the samples are gone) but that it still my favoprite freebie site :)

I tried googling "diaper sample" and there are several links there now.

05-09-2007, 10:35 AM
I only have a few weeks of diaper experience. We've only used Seventh Generation (http://www.seventhgeneration.com/) diapers and we really like them.

05-09-2007, 11:17 AM
I wonder if the size/shape of the baby makes a difference regarding different brands leaking? Mimi is a tiny peanut, barely 25lbs at 2 years and everything else leaks terribly. Huggies never has. I know other folks with bigger kids say Huggies leak. Maybe Huggies work better for smaller kids while Pampers/Luvs would better for heavier ones. Just my random thought for the day.

Maybe that is it. While Jones is tall, he isn't very big around. At 2.5 years of age, he still fits into some 12/18 month shorts/pants- waist wise. He didn't get his slimmyness from his momma, that's for sure. :o

05-09-2007, 11:48 AM
I have a little brother and always make sure we NEVER get pampers for him.

It's tested on animals ... Huggies is better.

05-09-2007, 12:09 PM
I was totally all set on using cloth (which I didn't find expensive at all, but, I think the place I ordered all my supplies from is OOB), until Jonah came along. Frankly, I just couldn't imagine having the time/energy to do it. And, having the first 6 months that I did, I made the right choice- for me.

I used Pampers Swaddlers until he outgrew them. Now? I **only** use Huggies Supreme. ONLY. Nothing fit him like Huggies, nothing contained the leak, etc. Like someone said above, it all depends on your baby.

I wouldn't use Pampers (excluding swaddlers) if you gave them to me. Nothing like having a non-stretchy plastic, elastic waist.

See that is my frame of mind. I just dont think I can handle all the extra "work" with cloth. LOL I am fully prepared to be TOTALLY overwhelmed with figuring out how take care of my first baby lol. Plus.... I don't do my own laundry (hubby takes care of my laundry.... I'm so lucky lol) I couldn't imagine wanting to do it more often with cloth diapers. I just know me.... and the way I am... and I just don't think I could do it lol.

Do all of these brands have velcro fasteners?

Jen..... I signed up on huggies, pampers and Luvs for coupons for diapers and stuff. I figure they will come in quite handy while trying out to see what works.

05-09-2007, 12:10 PM
I think instead I will start a 'diaper fund' and put some money away every pay so it's not too much of a hit in the pocketbook when the baby is here, and I can try different kinds.

This is a GREAT idea!!...... and really functional one.........

I canīt vote cause I used a store brand thatīs made in my country, so you donīt have it there, but I tried Huggies (never bought them, they were given at a diaper baby shower, too expensive), Pampers, white cloud (which I bought while in USA), and several other brands made in my country..... and yes your babies (sparks and Jen) will let you know what works better.....the one that fits better, contains leaks, last longer, holds on better, doesnīt rips, etc.....

a diaper fund is best so you can buy and try...... when trying you can buy a small bag of them, once you are sure, buy the bigger one it may be more $$ but it will last longer and try to have a back up bag just in case you ran out and never notice..... or buy them as a regular basis item like every week or every two weeks......

05-09-2007, 12:45 PM
I have a little brother and always make sure we NEVER get pampers for him.

It's tested on animals ... Huggies is better.

LOL I have this image in my head of all of these cats running around in diapers with a hole cut out for their tails :D :D

05-09-2007, 01:13 PM
LOL I have this image in my head of all of these cats running around in diapers with a hole cut out for their tails :D :D

LOL I was wondering how they tested them on animals LOL. I have the same image. Can't be any worse than what we dress our animals up in these days :D