View Full Version : Names of Classes?

05-08-2007, 01:55 PM
What are the names of the classes that are absolutely essential, the not-so-essential ones-but-may-be-handy-to-have, and the not really necessary ones?

I feel like all the preparation I did to bring Spanky home flew out the window when I actually got her. :rolleyes:

05-08-2007, 04:49 PM
As one vet used to always tell me, nothing is absolutely necessary. :D It was a blunt bit of advice, but it's so true. No training classes at all are absolutely necessary. However, I'd strongly advise you to attend basic obedience classes for the training and socialization benefits.

The types of classes you want to take depend on what you plan to do with the dog. Are you thinking about competing in certain sports? Go ahead and take those beginning classes. Is your dog in need of socialization? Do you want your dog to learn tricks? Dancing classes? Your local dog training club will have all these classes and more. You've got a variety of options and very little limitations. Go crazy! =)

05-08-2007, 11:07 PM
We had something around here called Desirable Dog Workshop. You could go for as few or as many classes as you wanted (for free.) There was no curriculum or time line. You asked questions, they gave possible answers.

I took King just for socialization alone. He was just so darned friendly and wanted to meet EVERYONE and would pull to go see other dogs. I took him to class to teach him that there were times and places you didn't get to play. (He eventually was there more for the benefit of everyone else.)

What are the names of the classes that are absolutely essential, the not-so-essential ones-but-may-be-handy-to-have, and the not really necessary ones?

I feel like all the preparation I did to bring Spanky home flew out the window when I actually got her.

05-09-2007, 01:50 AM
As one vet used to always tell me, nothing is absolutely necessary. :D It was a blunt bit of advice, but it's so true. No training classes at all are absolutely necessary. However, I'd strongly advise you to attend basic obedience classes for the training and socialization benefits.

The types of classes you want to take depend on what you plan to do with the dog. Are you thinking about competing in certain sports? Go ahead and take those beginning classes. Is your dog in need of socialization? Do you want your dog to learn tricks? Dancing classes? Your local dog training club will have all these classes and more. You've got a variety of options and very little limitations. Go crazy! =)

You always make me giggle! :D :p I agree, nothing is absolutely necessary. (But I do have a way of not conveying things the way that I want to sometimes! hehe! :p XD)

I am still tossing around the idea of registering Spanky and trying to get her into agility! :D Just as something for both of us to do. I'm going to do some obedience classes first, I think. :D

Thank you! :D