View Full Version : Updates on everyone

05-07-2007, 06:15 PM
Ok was going to put all things in all corners, but easier to update Everyone at once on Everyone

Lets See; Adrian and Goof have healed well and are doing well, the pup that bit was PTS, seems it not only attacked another dog walking down the center aisle at AC, but bit a Tech there also. I am not happy about it or sad, just feel awful that because of her owners she never really had a shot at life.

The Colorodo Cuties? Well all is well on that front, Cricket is still a hidey hole girl, but all the rest even Gatsby do come out and get loved on. Hagrid and Angel being the ones that like it the most. Bob and Katie are tolerant of it but both still run then kinda slip back and double check it was one of us and not those nasty things that get off the bus with the short human.

Rusty and Sequoia are doing very well, as are my macaws and cock a toos, we took in 2 Moluccaans this past weekend, one a 9 yr old screamer with a badly damaged beak from a "home trim " attempt. He will se a vet on thursday this week as I need to go into St Louis that day anyway, to pick up, a friend from England who is flying in to marry my sister at the house this weekend and she is flying in tomorrow from Calgary,\
The other Too is also a molucaan (popular throw aways in my busines sadly, as people really dont have a clue how LOUD and annoying they can get), He is a 25 yr old feather plucker, his owners surrendered him when they were lopoking at a retirment/nursing home situation for them selves(they are in their early 70s) and Not one would allow him. He is a lover though even if he is naked :p

My own cats are fine everyone inclusing the dogs will be getting their monthly wormings on Friday WHAT FUN!!!
Jupiter has settled in , but he despised IO and hates Pennys Cats too.....so he lives downstairs as an only cat except for when Jas takes the Kittens to play down there with in the office (jas likes his kitty fixes when he works from home) and Jupiter likes them plenty, now that he is neutered he can like them all he wants LOL

I think that everyone


Prairie Purrs
05-07-2007, 07:13 PM
So good to hear that Adrian and Goofy are well. I don't even want to think about what the pit pup's owners did to make her so aggressive. That's just horribly sad.

Angel enjoys getting loved on?!? Are you sure someone didn't switch cats? And Cricket is hiding instead of trying to take over the place and boss everyone around? I'm so confused!

Please let them all know that I'll be in Illinois within a week, and I hope to find a new home for all of us shortly thereafter. I've found a place that I really like, based on the pictures--fingers crossed that it doesn't sell before I have a chance to look it over. I hope the little beasts aren't too disappointed when then have to come home with me. :p

The wedding sounds very exciting, and with the birds around it will be like a tropical island wedding! Hagrid and Gatsby could be ushers--they're already wearing a tux. :D

05-07-2007, 10:23 PM
Thank you for the update! Sounds like all is well.

Those poor birds...what is with some people? I would NEVER try a home trim on a beak that strong, even if I DID know what I was doing!

Hope you are well too, Kym!

(whines) When are we getting Jupiter pictures???? :p

05-07-2007, 11:44 PM
So good to hear that Adrian and Goofy are well. I don't even want to think about what the pit pup's owners did to make her so aggressive. That's just horribly sad.

Angel enjoys getting loved on?!? Are you sure someone didn't switch cats? And Cricket is hiding instead of trying to take over the place and boss everyone around? I'm so confused!

Please let them all know that I'll be in Illinois within a week, and I hope to find a new home for all of us shortly thereafter. I've found a place that I really like, based on the pictures--fingers crossed that it doesn't sell before I have a chance to look it over. I hope the little beasts aren't too disappointed when then have to come home with me. :p

The wedding sounds very exciting, and with the birds around it will be like a tropical island wedding! Hagrid and Gatsby could be ushers--they're already wearing a tux. :D
Cricket has figured out that Adrians room is the source of all treats.....................he adores that silly bowling ball, why talk to others when she has a servant wating on her every paw???

Angel enjoys RUBBING around my ankles, I call it loving Jasper knows he is trying to kill me before I get my coffee in the morning........I prefer to claim its love, :rolleyes:
Hagrid unfortunately may get stolen by cat fairies, I will SOOOOOOOO miss that boy. I have never ever ever heard a purr like his!! :eek:

As for pics of all of them I have filled to digicam cards and when Penny finally gets a chance for a breath she will I hope teach me the EASY way to upload.Jupiter Goof, her babies and all of mine are on the cards. I do take pics I am just uploadingly challenged,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

05-08-2007, 01:26 AM
I am so glad that everybody is doing well. It sounds like you have your hands full!! Thanks for the update.

05-08-2007, 07:27 AM
Glad to hear that all in your home are doing well.

RIP poor little pittie, it wasn't entirely YOUR fault dear one.

Just curious - do you ever get the food dishes mixed up and give . . . oh I don't know, the bird food to the cats? I gt mixed up with the a/d for Ruffles, the diet for 4 and the regular for the rest, he he. It's just a momentary thing, put down a dish and realize, "oh, not that one."

Having a wedding at the house? Sounds like a fun, busy time ahead. Best wishes.

Prairie Purrs
05-08-2007, 08:12 AM
Cricket has figured out that Adrians room is the source of all treats.....................he adores that silly bowling ball, why talk to others when she has a servant wating on her every paw???

Angel enjoys RUBBING around my ankles, I call it loving Jasper knows he is trying to kill me before I get my coffee in the morning........I prefer to claim its love, :rolleyes:
Hagrid unfortunately may get stolen by cat fairies, I will SOOOOOOOO miss that boy. I have never ever ever heard a purr like his!! :eek:

As for pics of all of them I have filled to digicam cards and when Penny finally gets a chance for a breath she will I hope teach me the EASY way to upload.Jupiter Goof, her babies and all of mine are on the cards. I do take pics I am just uploadingly challenged,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Ah, yes, that would be Cricket--making sure she's first in line for treats. If she's convinced Adrian to cater to her whims, then she's a happy girl--she loves being the center of attention.

And ankle rubs from Angel--any attention from Angel--would indeed be a sign of affection. The one you have to be careful of tripping over is Hagrid, though. He likes to run in front of you while you're walking and then stop right in your path, the big lug!

05-08-2007, 01:00 PM
Thanks for the swell up-date Kym.

I'm sooo glad that Adrian and Goof are doing well ;) , but like you said, it's a crying shame to realize that the poor Pittie never stood a chance.

Hope all goes well with the Wedding too~ Ah, Spring sure can be busy!!! :cool:

Best Wishes !!!!!

05-08-2007, 01:13 PM
Glad to hear that all in your home are doing well.

RIP poor little pittie, it wasn't entirely YOUR fault dear one.

Just curious - do you ever get the food dishes mixed up and give . . . oh I don't know, the bird food to the cats? I gt mixed up with the a/d for Ruffles, the diet for 4 and the regular for the rest, he he. It's just a momentary thing, put down a dish and realize, "oh, not that one."

Having a wedding at the house? Sounds like a fun, busy time ahead. Best wishes.
LOL Sandie I have done that on occasion, Just today rushing to get things ready for my sisters arrival I hurried through filling the birds dishes, turned around because my macaw was yelling her head off.......................I had filled her bowl with parakeet seed :eek:

Good thing I hadn't filled lances with her seed!