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05-07-2007, 02:33 PM
Sorry about the new thread - I didn't want this update to get buried in the other email.

Fund Update for Shy Guy: $2100

Shy Guy needs another $260 to meet the 60% of the low end of his surgery estimate. They can get him in Thursday the 10th if they meet this by Wednesday - even earlier is better!

05-07-2007, 07:34 PM
I'll put in $25... somebody quick tell me how they can be sure they'll get it... I don't have time right now to track the information down.


Zac and Zoe's Mum
05-07-2007, 07:44 PM
Go to:
and under the "Dedicated Donation" enter: GF - Shy Guy Aguilar

05-07-2007, 08:38 PM
Catty ~ Thanks for keeping this going. I've been away at work so it's been great to see that Shy Guy is close to FINALLY getting the help he so desperately needs.

05-09-2007, 12:30 AM
GF - Shy Guy Aguilar 2,125.00

Need at least $2300(60% of max estimate) by Wednesday May 9 to get his surgery for Thursday.

05-09-2007, 06:12 PM
From Juli at IMOM

I finally have good news to report.

Shy is having surgery tomorrow!

Jennifer from the vet's office called our answering service. I called her back and she asked me how much IMOM had raised. I told her and asked if they would go ahead with that amount. She said that Shea got a donation of $500 from a local org and with the two together, they would do surgery and work out a payment plan for the balance. YEAH!!!

Thank you everyone!!


05-09-2007, 06:30 PM
That is so awesome to hear. I am glad this cat is finally getting the surgery he needs. Prayers go out to him for a full and quick recovery.

05-09-2007, 07:33 PM
Oh! This is such good news. I'll be on a plane most of Thursday, so I'll be out of the loop. I'm looking forward to hearing a good report. Prayers for Shea and Shy Guy!

Pawsitive Thinking
05-10-2007, 09:49 AM
Just sent a small contribution - good luck little guy!!!

05-11-2007, 09:39 PM
Due to a mess up - apparently a different story from the vet receptionist and the woman who makes decisions, Shy Guy's owner is looking for another vet.

Prayers, please, that all goes well for Shy and his hoomin this time!

05-17-2007, 11:45 AM
Is there no news about Shy Guy? H e was so ill. Has he had his operation?

05-17-2007, 12:19 PM
NO he hasn't! Log on to imom.org and search for Shy Guy Aguilar.

05-17-2007, 01:02 PM
Shy Guy is still waiting for treatment -- even though the money has been there for quite some time now. Unfortunately, Shy Guy's (Shea) person has made all kinds of excuses about being too busy trying to keep a roof over their heads instead of getting Shy the treatment he needs. However, his hooman has found time to update her MySpace page -- where no mention of Shy or iMOM was ever found.

There are no winners here. Shy Guy is still in need of surgery and his hooman is one mixed-up, overwhelmed person. I posted in his thread that if Shea couldn't make Shy Guy the one and only priority right now, perhaps she should sign over Shy to someone who could.

I am very frustrated with Shea and her inability to get her act together. But, to help Shy Guy, we have to deal with Shea. Poor Shy Guy deserves better.

I formed an impression of Shea being a very young, immature person just getting started in life. From what people said about her My Space page (it has been locked now), Shea is over 30 years old. Shea may never get her act together, but I'm hoping she won't continue to be so selfish as to continue to make Shy pay the price for it.

iMOM has given Shea until Monday to get a written estimate from a vet in Tucson willing to work with iMOM or else the case will be closed and the funds redistributed to other cases. :(

05-17-2007, 02:29 PM
ı am sorry. how can this be. ı really do^'t know what to say. all this campaign and to know that he is still suffering.

05-17-2007, 02:43 PM
by the way, thanks to both of you for giving me a reply. ı really kepy looking for an update and couldn't wait any longer. but ı have to say that ı am very dissapointed. are these people not real. believe me ı am afraid to sk about BOBO, who probably had UTI and wsto see the vwt on 12 may. today it is 17 may and no update!

05-19-2007, 09:04 PM
It just seems like his owner is very overly dramatic. Reading that thread is almost like watching a soap opera. I just hope they get Shy some treatment. I know they threatened to close the case because it was almost or at the 30 day limit. Not sure what happens to the funds at that point. :confused:

05-19-2007, 10:45 PM
Post #30


05-19-2007, 10:53 PM
If i was a vet, i would do sugery on him THEN pay for the roof.

05-19-2007, 10:54 PM
If i was a vet, i would do sugery on him THEN pay for the roof.

Ummm....what roof?

05-19-2007, 11:06 PM
To pay for the building.

05-20-2007, 09:05 AM
WHAT building?

If you mean a vet clinic...ummm, where would you have all the sterilization stuff, lab, operating room, and recuperating space?

05-21-2007, 10:52 AM
"Recieved the following from Shea in an email sent last night[May 20 CC]:

Hello Julie and board, smile.gif
Just wanted to let you know that I have Shy prepped and ready for his big day tomorrow. smile.gif I am truly grateful he is getting in tomorrow first thing, he's been hacking alot since I got home. He's calm now and ready to sleep now that he's eaten. I'm going to lay with him and make sure he does'nt over exert himself. Thank you for all you've done for him. I will contact you all as soon as I get back from the vet with news. Hope you all are well...

05-21-2007, 01:51 PM
"Good Morning Juli!
Shy is back in the med unit here at the vet. The staff here are absolutely AMAZING! Dr. H is VERY positive about Shy's surgery. The front desk/admin dept has an estimate for the proceedure. They have approved a 25% discount for IMOM but will fax over the estimate without first. I hopped on to let you know they will be contacting you shortly. I'm not sure if they have a phone # for you, which is what they asked me for. I gave them the e-mail and the fax. The doc will contact me after surgery which will be this late afternoon. I'll be in toucg again ASAP. And thanks to all of you for this day finally being realized!
Shea & of course Shy Guy"

05-21-2007, 07:11 PM
Catty ~ Hope you don't mind, but here's the latest update from IMOM.

Juli IMOM Today, 10:58 AM Post #394
The estimate is in. Even with the discount, it is $2135 - $2547 and includes the initial surgery consult which Sherry donated for. With Sherry's donation, IMOM has $2285.

The vet called me to confirm the amount we had. He is going ahead with the surgery! He did say that Shy had many more episodes of turning blue this week and the surgery does need to happen today.

I've been on pins and needles hoping this would happen and nothing would come along to mess it up for Shy.

That's all for now....

Keep Shy in your thoughts.


Juli IMOM Today, 02:21 PM Post #398
Juli, so I am assuming APL did not contribute the $500.00? or does Shea need to follow-up with them?

Honestly Diana, I forgot about ARL. I just asked Shea. Thanks for the reminder.

Just in from Shea:

Afternoon Juli,
Just recieved phone call from Dr. H. Shy is out of surgery, the doc said he had alot of things in his chest, pancreas, liver, spleen, intestines and a partial kidney. :( He did not have to do anything crazy or creative as Shy did well and did'nt have huge amounts of scar tissue. He was able to close up the hernia. But the left side is now working on compensating for the lack of oxygen he's had and now the release of pressure to his lungs. Now Shy is in an oxygen tank and they're hoping to get him stableized and breathing on his own. This may take a little time since his organs have be redistributed and the Dr. said the body goes into a bit of a shock after that. His vitals are strong and his oxygen intake is slowly improving. I was told I can call back in around 5-6 hours from now (approx 10pm) to check in on him. The Dr. will be monitorting him and be in tomorrow am first thing to assess him and let me know when he can be released(around 9-10am my time). Still keeping our fingers crossed as he's listed in critical condition as of now. Wanted to let you know the minute I did...Thank you for your continued positive thoughts and prayers. I'm still nervous and stiff, but he's out of the o.r. now which is a big relief.

05-21-2007, 08:13 PM
HI! I am on Mom's old computer and wasn't sure I could log in - wonderful update. Prayers for Shy Guy for the next few crucial hours. Poor guy was really oxygen starved!

I am in hosp til Friday, so keep updating! I pass da torch!

05-31-2007, 10:49 PM
At last report, Shy Guy was at home, making steady progress, and was well enough to be, in his owner's words, "opinionated"! :D

Staples are to come out Friday, and he is eating and breathing just fine.

Thanks to all who supported with prayers, good wishes, and even pocketbooks! :)