View Full Version : Samson will be leaving

05-07-2007, 12:11 PM
When Samson arrived at the rescue/shelter, he was very thin, had heartworms, several large fatty tumors, little hair on his backside and broken teeth. No one expected him to live long. There wasn't a kennel available for him, so he had to fight for his blanket. He was considered 'not adoptable'. He came home with me to spend his last days in peace and comfort.

That was 5 plus years ago. The tumors were removed. He got lots of good food and extra vitamins so he gained 20 pounds and his hair grew back in. He learned to stop jumping 6 foot fences if he wanted a soft bed and steady diet. He became a sweet, but stubborn, member of the family.

A few months ago, he started having panic attacks when he heard thunder. Then it developed into separation anxiety. He would tear up the gates and woodwork while I was at work, trying to get to me. Medication helped, but I wanted to know why. So I contacted Nancy, the pet psychic.

Nancy saw a gentle, older dog who sometimes was confused. It was like having a hole in his thinking processes. He didn't mean to destroy things (or pee on my artficial plants), but he was scared that he wasn't in control of his mind. He didn't realize that the plants he was watering weren't outside.

In the last two weeks, the panic attacks have turned into actual attacks. His roomie, Scruffy is not safe no matter what he does. Scruffy can't walk into a room or come in from outside without Samson snarling, growling and pinning Scruffy to the floor. Samson doesn't hear me when I yell at him to stop and will snarl at me if I try to pull him away.

I went back to Nancy to find out what's going on. At first she had trouble contacting him. What she found saddened me. Samson can't hear very well anymore and his vision is usually a blur. He's most upset because his sense of smell is fading fast. He has occasional spurts of normalcy, but most of the time he's clueless about where he is or what's going on around him. Therefore, he attacks first. In other words, he has a serious case of doggy Alzheimers.

Samson's quality of life is not good, and Scruffy is showing signs of being traumatized. And the cats stay in their room to avoid Samson's snarls.

On Wednesday, we will visit Dr. Kelly and Samson will begin the trip to the Rainbow Bridge. I will miss my big guy. We had some good years. Nancy said after he gets to the Bridge his mind will return in about a week to ten days. I hope he remembers only the good times.



05-07-2007, 12:27 PM
This is so sad. I am so sorry about Samson. Is there nothing the vet can do for him? How old is he? He is really handsome. I am very sorry that he has to leave you. Try to stay strong, even though it is very hard for you. Good Bye Samson, you will not be forgotten.

Ginger's Mom
05-07-2007, 12:40 PM
A very sweet but sad story. You were indeed an angel and a life-saver for Samson, and it is wonderful that he was able to know what it was like to be loved and have a real home. It is so hard when our furkids start losing their health and senses. You have shown true love to Samson all the way through.{{{Hugs}}} to you, and give some gentle hugs to Samson from me if he will let you. Have a peaceful trip to the bridge Samson.

05-07-2007, 01:24 PM
A very sweet but sad story. You were indeed an angel and a life-saver for Samson, and it is wonderful that he was able to know what it was like to be loved and have a real home. It is so hard when our furkids start losing their health and senses. You have shown true love to Samson all the way through.{{{Hugs}}} to you, and give some gentle hugs to Samson from me if he will let you. Have a peaceful trip to the bridge Samson.

Poor fella. :( The last 5 + years have probably been the best he's ever
known & I'm sure he will remember you with kindness. Rest In Peace Samson.
May your passing be peaceful.

05-07-2007, 03:07 PM
That is a very touching story. Samson is a lucky dog to have had your love for the past 5 years. Take peace in knowing he will be "whole" again at the bridge and will be waiting patiently for your reunion.
RIP Samson.

05-07-2007, 03:27 PM
What a sad story :( He had a great life with you and they were his favorite years of his life. I am so sorry to hear about Samson. He looks beautiful and like a wonderful dog.
Good luck at the Rainbow Bridge, Samson. Play hard now...

05-07-2007, 03:38 PM
I am so, so sorry. :( He is a beautiful boy. you and Samson will be in my thoughts. ((((HUGS)))) to you and Samson! He couldn't have asked for a better life. Thanks so much for letting him have a chance with you and you will see him again someday at the Rainbow Bridge.

05-07-2007, 03:43 PM
Oh Mary, my eyes are leaking just thinking about how you must be feeling. Knowing it's the right thing to do but somehow just not ready to let go. I'm so sorry but also grateful his last few years were with you. Stay strong my friend. :(


05-07-2007, 03:48 PM
Mary, you are a saint. I mean that with the best of intentions. Thank you for being there for Samson for much longer than you originally anticipated.

I hope that he will leave you in the peaceful way that each of mine have left me in the last 17 months. As hard as it is to let them go, letting them go when you know it is best and when they seem to be at peace, makes it a bit easier. You and he will be in my thoughts and prayers.


05-08-2007, 10:58 AM
Thank you, friends, for the kind words.

Somehow the decision wasn't hard. It was just the right thing to do. What is hard is actually doing it. I cried last night, but I know it was for my loss, not for any pain he will feel. Should the same thing happen to me, I would hope to go quickly too.

Tonight Samson and I will spend some time together, just us. The cats and Scruffy and Bella will have to wait. He might not understand what we will do, but I hope he will know that I am there with him, for him, with no sharing.


05-08-2007, 11:03 AM
I will echo the others in saying that these last 5 years were undoubtedly the best of his life. Give him a hug from me, okay? Rest in peace, big guy, the pain and confusion will be over soon.

05-08-2007, 12:45 PM
I'm so sorry Mary -
Godspeed sweetie

05-08-2007, 08:51 PM
Oh Mary, I'm very sorry to hear that Sampson's going to be leaving you tomorrow. This is never an easy thing to do, but I'm sure you know it's what's best for all of you.
I hope you both are having a good night together, cherish every moment.

My thoughts will be with you.

Many (((HUGS)))

05-08-2007, 08:54 PM
Reading this broke my heart for you. I hope you are able to share some loving and quiet moments together before you must part for now. You and Sampson will be in my thoughts and prayers. Your post brought tears to my eyes :( Sending ((hugs)) to you.

Daisy and Delilah
05-08-2007, 09:42 PM
I hope Samson has a safe journey to the bridge tomorrow. What a sweet boy you are. :( Please give him a final hug and kiss from Terry, Daisy and Delilah. :(

05-09-2007, 12:04 AM
What a caring soul to open her heart and home, what a caring soul for keeping Samson's best interest in mind at all times. If only all pets were as lucky.

Many {{hugs}} to you and Samson.

Cinder & Smoke
05-09-2007, 12:37 AM
Hi God ~

Got everything reddie fur the Big Arrival?
Samson will be waiting to hop onna Silver Klowd Express when You
*swoop* in tuday fur da pick-up ...
Who's drivin - You, Tubby, or Peanut?

Word's out that Tubby gives a purdy "excitin" ride - what wiffa lil detour
out over the Desert to swing through da Motor Howze to say "Hi" to CJ & Robin -
then the three-point landin onna Bridge ... quite da Trip!

Be sure to have Samson send a note back to his Mom ... Miz Mary will wanna know
that he got all settled in at The Bridge.

And how 'bout a really BIG {{{God'sHug}}} for Momma Mary -
she's gonna be missin ole Samson ...
Let her know that You'll be takin Good Care of Samson.

Safe Trip, Samson!

/s/ the Prayer Pups

And {{{Hugs}}} from http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/frown.gif Phred

05-09-2007, 09:50 AM
So sorry, Mary. Samson is a handsome boy, may he rest well.

05-09-2007, 10:37 AM
I'm sorry you'll be losing Samson. What a great blessing for your family he turned out to be. Hugs to you for gving him such a good home and doing what's best for him.

05-09-2007, 11:44 AM
{hugs} and prayers to you and Samson.

You gave him the life no one though he could have, you had hope because you saw more in him than anyone else did. For that he will be eternally grateful.


05-09-2007, 12:41 PM
Thanks, everyone.

Samson is on his way. He didn't make it easy, but that's the way he did everything. He had to be sedated because he wasn't going to go without a fight.

We went for a walk last night and he got an extra portion of canned food. He was happy to go for a ride this morning.

I checked my adoption papers and found that he was 8 to 10 in 2000 when I brought him home. So we had 7 years. A pretty good run for a dog that was only going to live 6 or 7 weeks!

I took this today.


05-09-2007, 02:07 PM
Just now read this, having LES.
God bless you, Samson, run free & be whole & well at the bridge, sweetheart. And (((hugs)) to you, it's always a hard decision, but sounds like the kindest thing you could have done. Samson leaves you with many good memories, and his long life speaks to your love and care. :)

05-09-2007, 02:30 PM
:( Rest easy now Sampson.

Ginger's Mom
05-09-2007, 03:12 PM
I have been thinking about you all day today, Mary. I am glad to see that you were able to get one last picture of Samson looking relaxed on the couch, and to hear that he got some extra canned food and enjoyed the car ride. {{{Hugs}}} to you. And I hope Peaches was there to give Samson a kiss when he arrived at the bridge. LES.

PJ's Mom
05-09-2007, 04:24 PM
My heart breaks for you. I'm so sorry. :(

05-10-2007, 12:44 PM
I'm so sorry, Mary. :( That last picture just did me in (doesn't take much these days) and I feel your pain, but like you, I know he is in a better place now.

Rest in peace, Samson. :(

Daisy and Delilah
05-10-2007, 12:56 PM
Rest in Peace Samson :( Play hard at the bridge sweetheart :(

05-10-2007, 02:58 PM
So very sad yet heartening to know of the good years that Samson had in your tender loving care.

God bless you, Sampson. You will have good company with the many angel furkids from PT. I'm thinking you'll have many stories to tell each other.

Take care, Mary, this is a rough ride.

05-10-2007, 04:28 PM
I am so sorry that he's gone because I know how much you will miss
your boy Samson. :( I think he must have been so ready to lay all his
earthly burdens down. No more fear, no more pain.

Be at Peace Samson. You were loved by many.


05-10-2007, 10:14 PM
I am so very sorry. I am just now seeing this. My heart is breaking for you both. I know how hard this decision was to make and I know the hurt involved. I wish I had seen this sooner. Please pm me if you need to talk. I'm just so sorry that it had to end so sadly :(

05-11-2007, 07:39 AM
Thank you all for the kind words.

I'm doing well with this, probably because I know he was ready. Nancy (psychic) helped me accept the inevitable.


05-11-2007, 09:46 AM
I am sorry for your loss.

It is a wonderful thing that he knew what love was before he died.