View Full Version : Feliway is illegal in Michigan?!!!

05-04-2007, 08:08 PM
I just heard yesterday from a friend in California that Feliway cannot be sold in Michigan or sent by mail order to Michigan. She runs a mail- and web-order business for cats and cat-lovers, and Feliway is one of their biggest products. She just found it out herself.

To check it out, I went to Petsmart today and asked for some Feliway. The cashier didn't know just where it would be, so she called upstairs to one of the managers. After she got off the phone, she told me they used to carry it but they don't any more because it is illegal in Michigan.

I asked WHY is it illegal. She didn't know, but the other cashier said it's because one of the ingredients is illegal in Michigan.

She then told me "There are two stores in Toledo still carrying it," like they're the very last outposts. I thought, why wouldn't they carry it if it's not illegal in Ohio?

Other PT Michiganders, do you know anything about this? Or, have you tried to buy some lately and been successful?

And anyone reading this, do you know of any other states, or provinces or districts or whatever in other countries, that have such laws?

I am going to get in touch with my state congresspeople and try to find out just what this law is and why it became law and who was behind that, and also let the congresspeople know exactly what I think of it and strongly urge them to work on repealing it.

I am also spreading the word as much as I can. This is absolutely ridiculous.

Thanks for any information and/or support any of you can give me.


05-04-2007, 08:12 PM
Well, I am just checking on a google search and may edit and add more to this post in a bit.

On the Jeffer web site, they can NOT ship Comfort Zone or Feliway to Michigan!! Here is the page, just scroll down for those two products.


Editted to add: well, I couldn't find the chemical which results in the ban. Item of interest, it seems that the anxiety calmers for dogs, specifically DAP and chloricalm, may also be restricted in Michigan.

Maybe someone else can find more info!

05-04-2007, 08:24 PM
I read a thread on a different board about this. Apparently, the Michigan Gov't considers Feliway or at least one of it's ingredients a pesticide and since the company won't put those warnings on the boxes, it can't be sold in Michigan.

It's banned from import in Austraila too. Only vets can bring it in there.

05-04-2007, 10:16 PM
Since when?

I got Feliway from my own Vet a few years ago. I suppose it might have been banned since that time. . . . Will have to check with them.

So I just went to the Dr. Smith & Foster website, and wanted to buy some Feliway. I would be able to buy it - even with an address in Michigan.

05-05-2007, 04:23 PM
And anyone reading this, do you know of any other states, or provinces or districts or whatever in other countries, that have such laws?
I'm not aware of any restrictions here in New Jersey. I'm a paralegal and the legal research system I use gives me access to laws, regulations, codes, and bills in every state. If you'd like, when I get back to the office on Tuesday I'll run it through and see if I can find something about this. I'll definitely post whatever I might find.

05-05-2007, 06:25 PM
Thats Sad That You Cant Get That In Michigan , Thats Beaurecracy In Action.

05-05-2007, 06:43 PM
My friend said that ..Michigan law regards cats as "pests," and and since Feliway influences the behavior of the pest it's a pesticide. Which is absurd because a pesticide BY DEFINITION is a substance that kills the pest. The Latin root of the "-cide" part of the word means kill, as in suicide, homicide, genocide.. DUH...

And the state USDA told Farnam, the makers of Feliway, that they could either pay a lot of money to have it reclassified or else they could not sell it in Michigan.

She said she only found out about this a few days ago, but the law has been on the books since 2002! I asked her how she found this out just now. I think someone must have just started cracking down on it. I saw Feliway in both Petsmart and Petco within the last month or so.

I checked the Jeffers site and saw the statement that they cannot ship it to Michigan. And I also looked at the Foster & Smith site, and it does look as though I could order it with a Michigan address.

I don't know how the state would find out if some company did send me some or what they could do to the company if so (fine them?).

Australia too?! Glacier, do you know what the reason is it can't be sent there?

Momcat, that would be great if you could track that information down when you get back to work on Tuesday. I'll see what I can find out before then and let you all know if I do.


05-05-2007, 06:47 PM
Australia too?! Glacier, do you know what the reason is it can't be sent there?


It's considered a drug there. You can buy it, but only through liscenced vets, which usually means a much higher price!

05-06-2007, 03:07 PM
Thanks, Glacier, for the Australian information. A drug, hmm.. I guess that's not as bad as a pesticide.

This is getting stranger and stranger.. I stopped in at the Ann Arbor Petco this afternoon, and guess what's right out there on the shelf: Feliway Spray, the Comfort Zone diffuser set, and the Comfort Zone refill.

I guess they haven't gotten the word. Maybe they'll get busted!


It's considered a drug there. You can buy it, but only through liscenced vets, which usually means a much higher price!