View Full Version : Cats and Leather

05-04-2007, 02:50 PM
I need some help.

We have a very nice expensive leather couch. That is, it used to be before I got my cats. They jump on it and their back claws dig into the leather and put little holes/claw marks in it. I can't tell you how p**sed my dad is about this. We currently have a blanket covering the back, but it would defeat the point of having it to cover it completely. Is there anyway I can keep them off it? Keep their claws out of it? I know there is that soft paws but I wouldn't if it would work because it would still dig in.

Does anyone else have leather and cats?

05-04-2007, 03:00 PM
I've put the Sticky Paws tape on mine. It's helped tremendously. Now only one likes to even sleep on the couch, and that's not an issue.

I've also bookmarked some leather repair stuff, not sure if it works, so haven't ordered it yet. My sofa and loveseat even have a PU coating on them, and my one girl just got her little claws in and started kneading away on the arms! I thought I was going to flip out!

05-04-2007, 03:00 PM
Sadly there are two things that you cannot have with Cats and that is leather furniture and wicker furniture as those are two things Cats love to scratch and claw the most.
Maybe someone can tell you how to stop the Cats from scratching but I think it would be like King Canute telling the sea not to roll in.

05-04-2007, 03:45 PM
Is there anyway I can keep them off it? No

Does anyone else have leather and cats? Yes. I just live with the fact that I have cats who also like leather as much as I do, however they show their appreciation in different ways than I would choose to do :rolleyes: I love my leather love seat; I love my cats more. One arm is scratched up and probably always will be. At least it's only one arm. My friends understand.

05-04-2007, 04:37 PM
Well..I must be one very lucky cat owner. Both my boys haven't layed a single claw into my lovely leather sofa!! One of them will only sit on the sofa if his bed is on it....if it's not, he will sit patiently and wait for you to put it on there for him.

The other just lays on it any which way he pleases and doesn't get his claws out at all! Even when he was a kitten he never touched the sofa?

05-04-2007, 04:44 PM
I think you can also get some kind of spray that the cat won't like that you can put on your leather sofa, have you thought of cleaning it with proper leather cleaner? They may not like the smell, also sticky paws seems to work quite well. Or if there is a particular place where they scratch put a blanket or scratch post/sisal wrap on it?

05-04-2007, 11:02 PM
No, they do not scratch it. Their back claws dig into when they walk/jump on it. It's not something they MEAN to do. They really can't help it at all, which is why I was hoping I could keep them off it. It's right in front of a window so they like to look outside. Yes, it's the only place for it! Also, I love my cats more than the sofa...my dad, however who paid $2400 for may think otherwise.

05-04-2007, 11:08 PM
We recently noticed the same thing. And ours don't scratch either it's just from jumping up. So we just put soft paws on their back feet too.

05-05-2007, 12:41 AM
Actually, as long as mine haven't peed on it, I'm a pretty happy camper, lol. They did that with the regular material sofas, as well as scratched on them. At least I can sit or sleep on these and not smell cat pee!

05-05-2007, 09:10 PM
Can you clip their nails regularly? I have to have Spunky's clipped on a regular basis because he doesn't realize how dangerous his claws can be.
