View Full Version : HEADS UP on NEW CEO FOR PSPCA in PA

05-04-2007, 12:38 PM
Hi All,

I got this e-mail from Deb who is part of www.petscomefirst.com and she wanted me to bring out the 2 cats that are living outside my apartment (well they are actually living somewhere near my apartment but I don't see them much anymore) and show them but I told her I have to trap them and bring them in but I don't want to do that unless I have a home for them because I'd have to release them at the end of the day and that would be too much for the cats I feel. Especially since they have never been indoors.

Well anyway here is the e-mail she sent me, I was pretty pleased to hear about the Centre Hall SPCA manager is no longer there.

Hey Melissa,

Stop by the shelter Saturday anyways if you can. In case you didn't know, John is no longer shelter manager. He was done Monday, April 30!! Troy is acting manager now. New CEO for PSPCA is Howard Nelson, wonderful guy. Lots of great ideas and plans for the PSPCA shelters statewide. Longer, newer open hours, ban lifted on adopting pitbulls, all cats to be combo tested, all animals to be spayed and neutered before leaving the shelter, animals to go to rescue if possible right away. No euthanasia unless absolutely necessary (health, aggressiveness). Animals will be moved to other shelters first. We will have Rachel Summers from the radio station there on Saturday also. Stop in!!


05-04-2007, 03:56 PM
That sounds like wonderful news for those unlucky lost Pets!!
I hope that they can keep these standards up with the increasing flow of the unwanted Pets.
I know that the Animal Welfare is simply overwhelmed with people bringing Cats in. They just cant take any more in.

05-04-2007, 04:07 PM
This guy sounds wonderful! It sounds like he has some great ideas for running things and implementing top notch care for the pets who find their way. Best wishes and the best of luck to your new CEO!!! :D :cool: ;)

05-04-2007, 04:39 PM
That's great that they got a new CEO. Hopefully, he may make the shelter better place for the animals. Good luck to the ASPCA and the CEO :)

05-04-2007, 04:41 PM
That sounds absolutely fantastic! What a guy, you must tell him that he will have loads of fans on this forum, he sounds great.
It's people like that that restore your dwindling faith in mankind.
Great news Melissa :)

05-06-2007, 12:42 PM
I agree....I did start to think I wonder how they will handle it when they get too many cats in....but I suppose they will have a plan I hope.

I'll keep you guys posted if I hear of anything else.
