View Full Version : Rabbit Vs. Snake - Not what you'd expect ...

05-04-2007, 09:37 AM

Not what I would have expected from this encounter :D

Miss Z
05-04-2007, 11:44 AM
LMAO, that is one brave bunny! :eek: :D

Both my RB rabbits used to chase the cats round the garden. I guess rabbits are just less timid than we imagine, eh? ;)

05-04-2007, 12:13 PM
LMAO, that is one brave bunny! :eek: :D

Both my RB rabbits used to chase the cats round the garden. I guess rabbits are just less timid than we imagine, eh? ;)
Oh, its totally true. Over the winter holidays my mom had a plastic penguin on the front lawn and every morning she'd come out and it would be knocked over. One night she turned on the light around 11pm, and caught this little brown bunny in the act of drop kicking the pengiun into submission -- aparently it made the 'oh noes busted!' face and took off. Ever since, it comes by almost daily and eats all the birdseeds fallen from the feeders.