View Full Version : Cat bite... from Ally Cat TWICE!! #33

05-04-2007, 12:38 AM
Ok, I'm sitting on the floor with Ally on my lap and she's all good. She's not wanted to sit in my lap for long before, and I'm thinking this is a good step. She's kinda growling at the one kitty in there cause Autumn was sniffing at her, but I just made Autumn go away.

All of a sudden, Ally whips around and sinks her freaking teeth into my right hand!! I don't just mean nip, I mean full on bite! And not just bite and run away, I mean BITE BITE BITE BITE BITE!!!! :eek: :eek: I could feel the nerves twinging in my hand! I was just so shocked!! I have no idea what came over her at all.

Needless to say, I'm a bit leery about getting close to her. Her eyes are wide and the pupils dilated, so I'm just leaving her alone. Maybe it's all just overwhelming for her right now. I dunno. All I do know is that my hand is freaking killing me. The one puncture wouldn't stop bleeding, and it hurts to bend my right hand now :(

I put peroxide on them, and now have antibacterial bandaids on them, but I don't know if that will be good enough. Do I need a tetanus shot or anything?? I'm just so shocked. I've never had a cat react like that before. She really has me freaked out!

05-04-2007, 02:56 AM
Go and see a doctor- that's for sure. I am so sorry.
I think it was Lisa (K&L) who went through a very dangerous biting story when she went too late.
If your tetanus isn't up to date this could be a problem.

I am so sorry for Ally- I am convinced this is too much for her. Whatever she considered to be her little world must be totally desorganized now. Maybe she needs a little kitty valium or something.

05-04-2007, 05:15 AM
You really should see a doctor.

Julie has had this unfortunate experience with Ally. :( I don't think anyone understands what goes through her mind. (if you recall, I warned you that Ally bites)

I just hope she settles and you can "read" her moods to prevent any more bites.

Now, go see the doctor!

05-04-2007, 06:02 AM
It was bizarre. She was in my lap and purring. She just whipped around and attacked me!!! I remember Julie saying she bites, but I wasn't expecting an attack cat, lol. Ow... hurts to type.

Hand is really sore. Hard to bend it. Used peroxide and betadine and soap and water. Took advil. Ditching work to go to ER. No sick days left, so this will cost me. Sigh...

She really got me good. Damn. Will be keeping my distance from her for a while. :( :(

05-04-2007, 06:04 AM
I am so sorry for Ally- I am convinced this is too much for her. Whatever she considered to be her little world must be totally desorganized now. Maybe she needs a little kitty valium or something.

I agree on this with you... She seemed ok, aloof, but ok. Poor thing. Valium would be great for her more than likely, but I'm a bit scared to even go near that mouth to do anything right now!! Wonder if it comes in a syringe???

05-04-2007, 07:34 AM
Unfortunately Connor has done the same thing to me on a couple of occasions. The sites were sore and swollen for a couple of days but they got better.

Ally tried to nip me when she was staying with me. It seemed that she would get overstimulated and turn on what ever was causing the stimulation (even if it was my hand). I learned just to sit there and let her come to me, not petting her or anything else.

I am sorry this happened :(

05-04-2007, 07:38 AM
Something like Feliway as a start to calm her down, before you step it up to valium?

Just a thought.

Ouch, I've had cat bites, one so bad I spent a week in the hospital on round the clock IV antibiotics.

Hope your hand will heal quickly.

05-04-2007, 07:40 AM
Oh Jenn, this is horrible. I know what you mean by it costing you for ER visit, but I also know it would cost you much more if you didn't go. This kind of bite is very serious. Just the idea that one puncture won't stop bleeding relieves my mind of infection (because its flushing the wound of bacteria) but ?I worry about you losing too much blood.

I'm not being hypocritical suggesting you go to the hospital when I didn't go last week when I was bit. Wild Blossom bit me I knew that it wasn't anything more serious than antiseptic and a bandaid (and I was right -- just a few scabs today)

Please let us know what the doctors say.

05-04-2007, 08:01 AM
I hope your hand is better soon.
I'm guessing Alley since being by herself for all those months and only minimal human contact she is having trouble processing being around animals and humans again. Poor thing, I'm sure in short order she will get comfortable.

Scooter's Mom
05-04-2007, 08:14 AM
My brother had a kitty, Toby, who did something similar to me. I was holding him and petting him and all of a sudden his teeth were sunk into the flesh of my arm just below my inner elbow. My ex-hubby (who wasn't an ex at the time) freaked and chased down mr. Toby and was going to lock him in a cage for hurting "his Crystal" and Toby got him too! So my ex and I both had to go for tetanus shots... and my brother's girlfriend at the time (it was technically her kitty) was going to put Toby down. Instead I paid for his neutering and an update on all of his shots, and he calmed down immensely. I was still pretty leary of him for a long time though. 11 years later, you can still see the teeth marks in my arm.

The point is - I'd definately go get a tetanus shot!

05-04-2007, 08:51 AM

You really need to go to the doctor as there is a distinct difference in a cat bite and a puncture wound. Most bites you can treat on our own and they do well. A puncture is an entirely different story and they are highly susceptible to very, very serious infections. I know because it happened to me. I knew to take an antibiotic, which I had at home, but the next morning, not even twelve hours later, the swelling and infection in my wrist and arm was tremendous. The only reason I didn't end up in the hospital was because my father was terminally ill. I almost had to have a PIC line put in to administers the antibiotics intravenously but got them to agree to give me two days of the oral to see first. So, don't full around.
As far as your baby, Ally, maybe Ally had reached that over stimulation point and was reacting that way. My Carly is like that, one minute she loves to be loved the next second the "taz" comes out in her.

Please keep us informed

05-04-2007, 09:21 AM
Jenn - poor you! It DOES sound like Ally is one of those cats who get over-stimulated, just by being patted a lot!

Is she still in her 'own' room? Maybe ask the vet about putting some Rescue Remedy in her water, or since you have Feliway, putting a shot in the air there 3x day(just my thought).

If you have even one puncture that is NOT bleeding, I am glad you have gone to the ER.

HUGS! I hope you and Ally are able to bond again.

05-04-2007, 09:27 AM
A lady that use to work with me had an incident where her cat bit her on the hand. When she went to the doctor for it, there was a big ordeal about whether or not she could keep the cat. The doctors and hospitals have to report it. (at least here they do, I think) Luckily, she did not lose her kitty. I hope they don't try to take Ally away. That would be the last thing she needs right now.
I hope your hand feels better real soon, and that Ally will calm down and feel comfortable with you. I'm sorry this happened. :( Now everyone involved is stressed....you AND Ally. You will both be in my thoughts for happier times.

05-04-2007, 09:35 AM
OUCH. I hope your hand will feel better!

I've had a raccoon bite before while feeding 20+ feral cats - I am known to not faint but I fainted nauseaously about 10 minutes later. next thing I was woken up in the hospital, they told me it was my body reacting to dirt raccoon spitted inside me.

hope your poor hand gets better soon! I know it must be painful. :(

05-04-2007, 09:39 AM
You should get to a Doctor.
thats sad that Autumn put Ally into an agressive mood and that you got caught in the crossfire so to speak.
We hope taht you are going to be all right.
I was scratched one time by a visitor Kitty and my hand swelled up quite badly. I needed anti biotics to bring the hand back to normal.

05-04-2007, 02:16 PM
I'm back from the ER. I need to keep my hand elevated and do warm compresses on it twice an hour. Got a Tetanus shot. Fun. I'm on Augmentin and Darvocet. I know Darvocet is for pain, but it isn't doing jack!! I can't move my right hand too much. Can't drive cause my car is a 5speed. Plus i have to go back to the ER tomorrow and sunday for the guy to check the bite wounds. I'm glad I'm left handed or I'd be S.O.L.!!

Spent time with Ally and the others this AM before I went to the ER. She came up to me and rubbed on my leg, and looked at me like "I'm sorry!!!" She was hesitant, but I pet her and just did it slow and for a short time. I have some of the At Ease spray that is like Comfort Zone, will try that on a collar on her, maybe will make her feel better. Will get a plug in refill when I can drive to the store. I had to reschedule Zachariah's vet visit for today too, cause I can't drive him there. His eye is gunky and he's sneezing green icky stuff, and I think he's got a bad tooth. Sigh. When it rains it pours!

Any suggestions besides the meds for the pain of the bite??

05-04-2007, 02:18 PM
I've had a raccoon bite before while feeding 20+ feral cats - I am known to not faint but I fainted nauseaously about 10 minutes later. next thing I was woken up in the hospital, they told me it was my body reacting to dirt raccoon spitted inside me.

HOLY COW!!! I can't even imagine what that sucker felt like!! :eek:

05-04-2007, 02:48 PM
Oh my Jenn, I am so sorry that you were bitten. I am certain that Ally is very sorry... after all, she came up after and rubbed on you! :o

I hope you are soon feeling better, and that the bite gets no worse.

Poor you... and poor Ally.... she must be so very confused.

I always tell my girls when they look as if they are going to bite... "Never bite the Mommy hand that feeds you!" ;)

05-04-2007, 02:56 PM
It happened so quickly, I swear, I was just in shock when she did it!! There was no warning or pretext to it what so ever!

05-04-2007, 03:06 PM
If the Darvocet isn't working for you try some Aleve (if you are not allergic to aspirin products). It contains different pain medication and it might help.

05-04-2007, 03:54 PM
I'm very glad you went to the E.R. and got antibiotics and a tetanus shot. I've no idea what to suggest for the pain and I imagine it hurts like merry hell. Like you, I drive a stick-shift, and I remember once driving myself with blood running down my arm (major slash, not bite) and my hand sliding and sticking to the steering wheel and stick. How on earth are you managing to look after the cats one-handed? I also had a cat turn on me, though he only tore my arm into shreds, didn't bite. As with Ally, he was lying in my arms as I stroked him, totally relaxed and purring, and the next second he'd latched onto my whole lower arm, digging in and tearing me up. I imagine these instances are deferred aggression, where a cat that becomes over-stimulated quite easily is also angry at another cat and suddenly takes it out on the human responsible.

I hope you are able to sleep in spite of the pain.

05-04-2007, 04:31 PM
I'm so sorry to hear of Ally trying to use your hand as a snack! Darvocet is quite a powerful medication, it sure knocked me on my butt after hand surgery a few years ago. Medications usually take awhile to kick in so please give it a chance? And please don't take ANY other medication for the pain until you talk to your doctor to avoid the risk of drug interaction. The last thing I want is for your situation to be any worse than it already is. Have you considered talking Ally's behavior over with your vet? Might not be a bad idea to find out if there's a physical problem going on causing her to bite like that. Poor Ally, prayers being prayed that Ally will settle in, calm down, and become your velcro-kitty. Prayers are being prayed for your swift and complete recovery!

05-04-2007, 04:37 PM
Poor thing. I am glad you went to the E.R. It was the best thing. I am sure you will heal nicely, but it will take time. I am sorry she bit you. I wonder what she was thinking? Maybe she had a flash back of something bad when you where holding her. So weird. I am glad you are okay though....well so to speak.

05-04-2007, 05:30 PM
For the pain - definitely keep it elevated as much as possible. Alternate tylenol and aspirin every 2 hours - will help with inflammation.

Do you have an ice pack - or bag of frozen peas or corn? Use that on your hand to reduce swelling.

It will feel better tomorrow.

05-04-2007, 06:09 PM
Unfortunately Connor has done the same thing to me on a couple of occasions. The sites were sore and swollen for a couple of days but they got better.

Ally tried to nip me when she was staying with me. It seemed that she would get overstimulated and turn on what ever was causing the stimulation (even if it was my hand). I learned just to sit there and let her come to me, not petting her or anything else.

I have one cat(blackie) out of six that also gets overstimulated by too
much petting & fussing over.He's the most laid back & friendly(in every
other way) cat that I have. He will come on his own & lay on my legs if
I'm taking a nap, but I just appreciate his friendlyness & don't send him
over the edge by fussing with him. Mayby that's the way Ally feels too.She
has been through so much for months before she arrived here. :(

05-04-2007, 07:17 PM
Hope you heal quickly!

I think the vet visit is a good idea. Where I volunteered, we had a cat that had similar friendliness/aggression problems. Turns out she had severely infected teeth--her roots were exposed. She'd be OK and then when a sharp pang of pain hit her, she would strike out.

Take care of yourself.

05-04-2007, 08:25 PM
I rescheduled Zach for Monday, I'll have to schedule her in for another day. They already double booked me to get Zach in, and I can't carry two of them. I'm going to try the At Ease and Feliway for a bit too.

05-04-2007, 08:28 PM
For the pain - definitely keep it elevated as much as possible. Alternate tylenol and aspirin every 2 hours - will help with inflammation.

Do you have an ice pack - or bag of frozen peas or corn? Use that on your hand to reduce swelling.

It will feel better tomorrow.

The ER doc told me to use heat.... and warm compresses. I thought that was odd. The heat anyway, not the compresses.

the elevation thing is a pain in the butt cause my upper arm hurts from the stupid tetanus shot, lol.

05-04-2007, 09:47 PM
The ER doc told me to use heat.... and warm compresses. I thought that was odd. The heat anyway, not the compresses.

the elevation thing is a pain in the butt cause my upper arm hurts from the stupid tetanus shot, lol.

Heat can be used up to 72 hours after an injury.

05-04-2007, 09:57 PM
I have one cat(blackie) out of six that also gets overstimulated by too much petting & fussing over.He's the most laid back & friendly(in every
other way) cat that I have. He will come on his own & lay on my legs if
I'm taking a nap, but I just appreciate his friendlyness & don't send him
over the edge by fussing with him. Mayby that's the way Ally feels too.She
has been through so much for months before she arrived here. :(

My last roommate had a cat just like that. Sasha was so sweet and would curl up on your lap for hours watching tv with you, but I learned quickly not to pet her. She would purr and seem so content then all of a sudden she would lash out and bite you, I also think it was from overstimulation. Once I learned not to pet her and just let her sit and hang out with me we had a great relationship.

05-05-2007, 12:39 AM
Jenn, I'm so sorry to hear that Ally bit you.:( I'm also glad to hear that you went to the ER. In Dec. Starr also bit me and left a couple of punture marks in my hand but I wasn't bleeding too bad and I only had minor pain. I was also put on antibiotics and it was the generic form of Augmentin which then caused me to have a stomach ache and diarrhea. I hope that you won't have these side effects.

Your bite sounds much more serious.:( I also think that some cats just get overstimulated and they don't warn you and then just end up biting. I hope you feel better soon and heal quickly. Please take care.

05-05-2007, 07:44 AM
If you decide to add the Tylenol or other stuff for the pain, call and ask your pharmacist. They can tell you about interactions between drugs too.

I wish you speedy healing and less pain every moment.

My solution for pain - and almost any other problem - is ice cream. :D

05-05-2007, 04:26 PM
Ok, so, I'm on the floor, just filled up the food, changed the water, and pilled Calloway. Ally was walking around doing little mew like noises. She's rubbing on my knee, on my flip flop, and then WHAM!! She grabs my freaking foot!! What the hell?!

Granted it's not nearly as bad as my hand is, but geez!! I'm not even touching her and she bites! Do I need to wear armor to go in there to spend time with the kitties???

I have bandaids on my foot, but I have to go back to the ER for my hand, which is what I was just getting ready to do before she bit me again. My hand feels hotter around the puncture sites, and they're a little red, but I think that it will check out ok. I hope so. Still hurts like heck, and I can't straighten my hair!! :eek: :eek: My hand better be better by monday cause I need to have good hair to go to work in... those middle school kids are ruthless!!

05-05-2007, 04:43 PM
Does she think she is trying to play, or what? OMG.

I hope you have a chance to try some of that calming stuff on her...she may even need a mild tranny...

I wonder if it's worth contacting the pet psychic, Nancy. I would even chip in...would be nice to know what she is thinking....

I wonder if she would be ok as an only cat? :(

Maybe Julie can provide some insight at some point.

05-05-2007, 04:49 PM
Oh she definitely doesn't think she's playing. She ran to the little stool by the window and sat there looking at me. All I did was walk over and say "That was naughty!" and she crouched down like she expected me to punish her or something. I didn't of course! I use words, and that's it.

I feel sorry for her. I have the collar on her with the At Ease stuff on it, plus I sprayed it on the towel she likes to sleep on on the one chair in there as well. I know it will take time to kick in.

Gonna go run to the ER for a checkup and then to PS for a refill of the Comfort Zone. As for a tranny, I don't know about you, but I'm really not wanting to get to close to that mouth again!! :(

05-05-2007, 04:57 PM
:eek: :eek: :eek:

I think ARMOR might just be a good idea!!

05-05-2007, 04:58 PM
Jenn, I'm so sorry to hear that Ally bit you again.:( I hope that the comfort zone will work and that both your hand and foot will get better quickly.

05-05-2007, 04:58 PM
Oh no!!!! I guess that means you're not coing to tomorrow's adoption event ;) Just kidding! I would hope you'd stay home and tend to yourself. (((hugs)))

I wish there was some way to get into her mind. Have you thought of a psychic? It was an impressive experience when I had someone read Allen and Pouncer.

05-05-2007, 05:07 PM
Do you have any place where Ally could be confined alone for awhile?
Might do you both good right now. She could have a place to relax & so
could you. maybe she still needs a little space from everyone.

05-05-2007, 06:14 PM
oh goodness.. what was her tail like when she did this? and bit your hand too?

you poor thing. is there any spacious spot where she can stay in for a while now? still recovering from trip, do you think??

05-05-2007, 08:14 PM
I have her in the only room that was available with the least amount of cats that had the most comfortable amenities available. I'd love to get Autumn out of there, but she keeps running back in, lol. She's very playful and so sweet. I think she's intimidated by the big guys in the rest of the house, lol. Calloway still needs to get his meds, so I have to keep him in there. I tried putting him upstairs, but the other cat up there that is by himself has been really nasty to Calloway, so I can't put him through that again. And when he's in the regular part of the house, he hides... sigh... so, to make sure he gets the meds for the bite wound in his tail, and that I can put warm compresses on it, he has to be in one room as well. And my parents wondered why I wanted to buy a 5BR house for only myself, lol!!

05-05-2007, 08:18 PM
I just plugged in the Comfort Zone, sprayed some AT EASE on the chairs and covers, and put down some of the treats that are supposed to be calming as well. Who knows... we'll see what happens. I also bought her a new scratchy box. She's been using the one that is in there, but I found a new one at PetSmart tonight that has a little dangly butterfly on it, and it's inclined. She loves it!! I'm so glad! Also bought one of those window perches and put that up. The ledges are narrowish, and I know Calloway's one leg hangs down when he lays in the window, so that will give them all more space when they want to use it. Also got some new catnip pillow toys, and I found these play and squeek mice, that look like the toy mice, but a little bigger, but when you bat them around they squeak! It's so freaking cute!! Autumn is having a blast with it!

05-05-2007, 08:19 PM
Do you have any place where Ally could be confined alone for awhile?
Might do you both good right now. She could have a place to relax & so
could you. maybe she still needs a little space from everyone.

The only places I have left are closets. Not the ideal chill out spot.

05-05-2007, 09:25 PM
I hope the calming stuff helps. I would agree she needs more time as alone as possible to adjust, but how difficult that is for you.

If I read right, she is in a room with one other cat? That should be do-able until she settles in a bit more.

I am SO sorry for what happened to you, Jenn - and Ally is so beautiful! You and all of us wanted a happy ending, and I think it still will be. The beginning has been a real ***** for you, though!

Again, if Julie can get online, she might be able to shed some light on this.

Glad Ally can work out her frustrations on the new scratching post! LOL


05-05-2007, 09:53 PM
Well, I just kicked Autumn out of the room... maybe she's too active for Ally right now. She's the one that wants to play and goes right up to Ally and sniffs her and makes little mews. She is the most adorable little girl!! I hope Autumn can find a home quickly, one that will cherish her for the little fluffball of love that she is :D

When I went in to grab Autumn Ally was on her chair (I think she took possession away from Calloway, lol, cause he always slept on it). Cal was on the other seat below the window perch. He's very laid back. Does like to play, but he's about 5-7yrs old, unlike Autumn who is 1 to 1 1/2 yrs old and full of kitten spunk.

Ugh.. I'm running a fever. I wasn't before. The doc I saw today at the ER gave me his phone number where he is at tomorrow. Said he was concerned about the red flush on my hand, and if it gets darker to call him tomorrow. The whole area where the bites are is really hot to touch. I'm doing the warm compresses, peroxide, betadine and antibiotic cream. I'm not covering it, cause I think it mentioned to keep it open. The ER doc who saw me today, not the same guy as yesterday (he was funny), was like "Damn, this cat got you good!" Wow... it took someone with a medical degree to come to that conclusion?! :rolleyes:

Ally is still purring, still rubbing up against me. I'm just being careful and not affectionate at this point. She jumped in my lap earlier. I just kinda froze, lol. I just don't know what to expect from her.

Yeah, Comfort Zone is plugged in, At Ease spray is on the sleeping and sitting areas, and the calm down treats are being consumed. So, let's see how that goes.

I'm actually really curious to see what Nancy Efrusy would have to say... will Ally speak to her in Arabic or English?! I'll send her an email and see what she says.

05-05-2007, 09:55 PM
I've heard really good things here about Nancy. She also communicates with the animals.

Someone here - I forget who - had a cat that went outside the box. Nancy found from the cat that he/she didn't like the squooshiness of the litter, but they would try to use the box in the future.

And the kitty DID! :)

05-05-2007, 10:09 PM
Ok, I just emailed Nancy Efrusy... let's see what happens. Maybe if it works
I'll send in pics of my other kitties with issues! :p She'll make a bundle off of my group!

05-05-2007, 10:22 PM
Maybe she does bulk rates! ;)

05-06-2007, 01:46 PM
Nancy Efrusy sent me an email back and said that she'll try to get to me by next week at the latest. SIGH.... that's a long time to wait on this.

05-06-2007, 01:55 PM
Does this mean you can't send a picture till then?

Hang tight, it's worth the wait.

You'll heal some more, and hopefully Julie can pop in and give some feedback.

I think taking the frisky girl out of the room was a good idea. Autumn sounds like a wonderful little kitty! I hope she finds her furrever home soon!

05-06-2007, 02:01 PM
Well I had Nancy work with Connor and she said he communications in English (not Arabic). But you might want to mention that they came from the same household in Bahrain (I know she will remember Connor).

05-06-2007, 02:13 PM
did you just do this recently, because she said she did a reading recently for another cat from the same area. what did she have to say about Connor???

Catty... I sent pics of her already. I did that when I emailed her. She asked for my phone number and said she'll get back to me hopefully by next week at the latest.

I also have to figure out how to wire money to Bahrain. I have Bank of America and from what they say online, I have to do it in the bank itself. I can't remember the last time I was actually IN a bank, lol!

05-06-2007, 03:24 PM
I feel for you, I have been there done that twice with really bad cat bites, the latest wasn't too long ago. Poor Linus bite me as I was carrying him out of the room and I was closing the door and his tail got stuck. It hurt so he bite me in the hand(the worst place) really deep a couple of times. I went right to the sink to run water over it as it was bleeding alot and all of a sudden I had to lay down or I would have fainted. I laid there ont he kitchen floor for awhile until I felt like I could get up. Then I ran it in the water some more and treid to get the bleeding to stop. Since I had had a cat bite before, also in my had I knew I needed to go to the ER. Linus got me in a real bad spot my index finger joint so the pain was woprse and hand was swollen red warm like you are describing. It took a long time for it to heal and my finger to work like normal because it was in the joint. it wasn't easy feeding and caring care of my crew with just one hand. The pain was really bad. So i feel for you. i couldn't get mine wet for the first 24 hours I think either so that was an added challenge. I would talk to Nancy just as son as she has the time. She is realy good, I have used her before. I wish Pam Johnson Bennett the feline behaviorsit still had her message board. She would help people out with their cat's behavior issues.

Jenn, when I read this

"Still hurts like heck, and I can't straighten my hair!! My hand better be better by monday cause I need to have good hair to go to work in... those middle school kids are ruthless!!"
I sorry I had to laugh, I don't know if you intended it to be funny or not but I work with Middle Schoolers too and it just stuck me as funny

I hope poor Ally settles down but after the ordeal she has been through it doesn't surprise me.

Good luck

05-06-2007, 03:40 PM
Melissa... I meant the hair part to be funny, lol. I'm sorry, but that's a priority when it comes to working with teens. Go to work with bad hair, or lipgloss that doesn't match your blush or whatever they look at, and it's social suicide! I have a good relationship with the students I work with, so even if they make fun of me sometimes, I can make fun right back, and they just laugh. Last time it was "MISS!! Ana said your shoes are really ugly!" I was wearing sneakers that are white and purple with purple glitter laces, lol. I know they're funny looking, but I don't care. Purple is my favorite color. So, I just looked at Daisy and MigelMarys and said "Well, at least my sneakers aren't as ugly as Ana's face!" and they were all "OOOH MISS... Ana's gonna beat you down!" LOL. I work with a lot of the kids from the projects, and they are some of my favorite kids. They just want attention, to talk to someone who won't judge them... things like that. They're good kids for the most part, although by 8th grade, some of them are really heading in a bad direction. I just hope that with intervention the school can stop that.

05-06-2007, 11:41 PM
Ok, I sent an email to Nancy Efrusy... I'm just waiting on her to get back to me. She said she has one other reading ahead of me and she's almost done with that one, so hopefully within the next week she'll give me a call. I'm interested to hear what she has to say. I did update her about Ally not staying with me permanently, that it's only until Julie can take her back, so she can let Ally know that her meowmie loves her and we're all doing this FOR ALLY.

Maybe she'll stop biting then?!

I'm such a skeptic at these things... but I'll try to be open minded. If it works, she'll be getting a truckload of money to evaluate my own guys, lol.

05-07-2007, 07:27 AM
Hi Jennie,

Nancy read Connor about two weeks ago because I was having problems with his aggression also. I don't want to tell you what she said to prejudice your thoughts towards Ally or Nancy. What and see what she has to say.

I actually had her do all of my guys (and some of them twice). I found that she was good and her advice was helpful.

Good luck!

05-07-2007, 10:15 AM
I just want to emphasize for everyone's benefit -

NEVER EVER EVER use peroxide on wounds, especially puncture wounds! The foaming action can actually drive bacteria deeper into the wound, creating a recipe for infection/abscess. They've pounded this into my head over and over again in tech school, so I just wanted to let you guys know.

I hope your hand feels better jenn...I've found that alternating cold (to bring down swelling) and hot (to relax the area) compresses can help with the pain associated with infected bites, though mine were rat bites.

05-07-2007, 11:17 AM
I just want to emphasize for everyone's benefit -

NEVER EVER EVER use peroxide on wounds, especially puncture wounds! The foaming action can actually drive bacteria deeper into the wound, creating a recipe for infection/abscess. They've pounded this into my head over and over again in tech school, so I just wanted to let you guys know.

I hope your hand feels better jenn...I've found that alternating cold (to bring down swelling) and hot (to relax the area) compresses can help with the pain associated with infected bites, though mine were rat bites.

Oh my! I even told the ER doc that I was using peroxide and he was like "Oh, ok." Hrm... guess I'll stop that! I'm out of betadine, so I have to pick that up tonight. I saw it at CVS and was shocked to see how $$ it is, $18.00 for a bottle of it!! Geez!

05-07-2007, 11:19 AM
Oh, and this AM when I was feeding Ally and Calloway, Ally walks over to me, stretches up my leg and sniffs at me. I totally froze!! How am I NOT supposed to be apprehensive about her?! I don't trust her behavior :( :( I don't want to be all "Oh, nice kitty!" and then get nailed again! :eek:

05-07-2007, 11:31 AM
Try talking to her without touching her (at first). At least that is how I would approach her for a while.

I NEVER know about peroxide! :eek:

And CVS has a equivalent generic of Betadine......should cost less.

05-07-2007, 11:40 AM
I just want to emphasize for everyone's benefit -

NEVER EVER EVER use peroxide on wounds, especially puncture wounds! The foaming action can actually drive bacteria deeper into the wound, creating a recipe for infection/abscess. They've pounded this into my head over and over again in tech school, so I just wanted to let you guys know.

I hope your hand feels better jenn...I've found that alternating cold (to bring down swelling) and hot (to relax the area) compresses can help with the pain associated with infected bites, though mine were rat bites.
Wow! I didn't know this either and when Starr bit me this is also what I used on my puncture wounds before I went to the doctor. I even told the doctor this and she said that this was good. Thanks for the info Cathy.

05-07-2007, 03:59 PM
I just finished reading through all the posts. First off, I am so happy to hear that Ally has made it safe and sound to your place, but oh so very sorry that she bit you. I hope Ally calms down and pray that your pain eases off real soon and your hand heals up well.

05-11-2007, 10:53 AM
Jenn, I am just seeing this thread - and I am so sorry that Ally has such issues. Poor you! Here you are doing such a wonderful thing for Ally and she attacks you.

I will have to look around and see if there is another thread, because this one stopped on May 7th.

Nancy should be able to help you. I found her to be wonderful and she honed right in on Emma and my other two and told me what was going on.

I remember years ago I was feeding a friend's cat while she was on vacation.
This poor cat would attack me almost the minute I walked into the door of her apartment. It was so frustrating that I just stood there and in a firm voice told her kitty that I was there to feed him.............and if he wanted to eat he had better straighten up and stop attacking me. I remember that this cat just stared at me and stared at me. But I never had another problem with him after that. It always made me wonder what I had done right.

My friend was away for two weeks and had split the duties up between two of us. After the second day the other friend called me and said HE'S YOURS, ALL YOURS! I refuse to go back into that apartment.

05-11-2007, 11:47 PM
Believe me, I wish duties were split.

I do not trust Ally, but for now am dealing with her with a squirt bottle in hand and she does not get too close to me. She gets treats, we play with a feather toy on a very long string, and she has many things to listen to and watch out the windows. I do not try to pet her. I do not sit on the floor with her. I will not allow her to bite me again. My hand, foot and thigh are more than enough. She has no warning signs what so ever. It's purr purr purr ATTACK!

She's attacked my injured foster cat, and she was BRUTAL. That was the final straw for me. To injure him further was just not accceptable to me. She is now alone in the room, and she really gains no sympathy from me, and this is NOT like me at all. I generally like all animals and find some redeeming quality. Ally has become the break in that tradition I'm sorry to say.

I did talk with Nancy Efrusy, but it was not a positive outcome for either me or Ally. Nancy didn't charge me, so gather what you will from that. Part of me thinks Ally is just not meant to be a domesticated pet, actually about 85% of me feels that way. :(

05-12-2007, 12:10 AM
Jenn, I'm so sorry to hear this.:( I do know that Julie mentioned that Ally was a wild cat that was in her garden and I guess she started feeding her and she then became her pet. I think she was still a kitten at the time but I'm not sure.

I'm also so sorry to hear that she attacked your injured foster cat. I was hoping that this wouldn't happen since she was known to also attack Connor.:( I agree that some cats just aren't meant to be domesticated. I'm so sorry that you've had to go through all of this.

Nancy has helped me with Starr and she's a wonderful woman and wants to help people so she isn't in it for the money. I just wish that Ally's reading was more positive.

05-12-2007, 05:01 AM
I am so sorry. :( Julie LOVES Ally so much, but I am certain she never wanted any of this to happen to you. :(

05-12-2007, 05:52 AM
I'm so sorry the reading didnt go better for you.
Makes me wonder if all those months isolated from human contact hasnt taken is toll on Ally and made behaviors worse. IF she's always been this way, how did they trust her around the baby and themseleves? Things just dont add up :(

05-12-2007, 02:36 PM
I'm so sorry the reading didnt go better for you.
Makes me wonder if all those months isolated from human contact hasnt taken is toll on Ally and made behaviors worse. IF she's always been this way, how did they trust her around the baby and themseleves? Things just dont add up :(

From what I've read in past posts about Ally's behavior, she's been like this. Julie warned people not to touch or pet her. She wasn't interested in the baby from what I've gathered. Maybe it's only people and other animals that are a threat to her being dominant and in control. Babies don't have control over situations. I'm sure as Calista matured, things would change however.

I had never read any of the posts because I didn't know about them and hadn't been on pet talk at that time either.

From the reading from Nancy, and then reading the posts, believe me, it ALL adds up perfectly.

05-12-2007, 02:38 PM
I am so sorry. :( Julie LOVES Ally so much, but I am certain she never wanted any of this to happen to you. :(

I doubt she would want this to happen to anybody, including herself, and that has no bearing on whether she loves Ally or not. I love Calvin at the shelter, doesn't mean he won't bite the crap out of me if I let him, lol.

05-12-2007, 04:21 PM
I am so glad that a room became available for Ally to stay by herself
for awhile.I would bet she's always had this standoffish personality but,
all the time she's been away from all her familiar people ,has made her a
lot more confused & cross. I am sure she is a handful.

05-15-2007, 09:34 PM
Jenn, I'm so sorry to hear of your bites and that the news from Nancy isn't better. :(

When Logan bit me, I was at the ER within the hour and it still got infected. I hope your hand heals up quickly. I can sympathize with the warmth and pain.

05-15-2007, 10:20 PM
My Butter is evil, like Ally, when you least expect it. He can also be the most precious kitty, ever, when he wants to be. But we have to watch him, constantly. And he is certainly not tolerated as well by my husband as he is by me, although I am the one that pays, usually, when he is in a "mood". He got me at the vet's office, one day, and I ended up at my doctor the next day and had to have a tetnus shot.

I hope that things will work out for Ally and for you, Jenn.