View Full Version : Online petition in opposition to AB 1634

05-03-2007, 09:45 PM
Please cross post every where. We all need to sign this no matter where you live. Your state will be next!!!!


Monty Holden
Executive Director
California Organization of Police and Sheriffs (COPS)

"We need your help to save police K-9's. Please help COPS stop
proposed legislation that will eliminate police dogs used for law
enforcement and rescue activities.

The legislation, California Assembly Bill 1634 authored by
Assemblymember Lloyd Levine has been craftily titled the "Healthy
Pets Act" but the effect would be to force the surgical sterilization
of all dogs and cats. Elimination of future police dogs would
devastate police
K-9 departments. AB 1634 would also eliminate many guide dogs for the
blind and service dogs for the disabled.

*Please sign our online petition in opposition to AB 1634. *


The bill mandates all dogs and cats must be neutered at four months
of age, with few exemptions. And the remaining pure bred animals with
exemptions would be taxed and regulated by a newly created government
bureaucracy. The legislation even threatens criminal penalties--just
what we need--police arresting citizens for having unneutered cats
and dogs!

Nearly all working police dogs were once somebody's pet dog. They are
bought as young pups, placed with families, and then if they pass all
the working and health tests, eventually they may end up with a
police department. Neutering all non-breeding K-9's will destroy law
enforcements ability to have successful K-9 departments.

Without police K-9's, our citizens will be more vulnerable to
criminals and we will be unable to perform dangerous rescue
operations in times of need. That's why the United States Police
Canine Association, the Western States Police Canine Association, the
North American Police Work Dog Association and the Canine Specialized
Search Team all agree with COPS in opposing AB 1634.

AB 1634 takes away the rights of law abiding citizens, discriminates
against our disabled citizens, and creates new taxes and government
bureaucracies. Please join us in opposing AB 1634.

Thank you for your support.


Monty Holden
Executive Director

05-03-2007, 11:38 PM
Signed. :)

05-04-2007, 08:05 PM
I got the link off another board I'm on. Hopfully there will be enough people signing it.