View Full Version : Help with kittens

05-03-2007, 12:15 PM
Hi everybody. I need help with some advice.
Today at work we found 2 kittens – very very young kittens. As the people at work I love cats, they brought them to me.
They are, at my estimation, 2 weeks old tops: eyes barely open, very vulnerable.
I need to know how to take care of them. I never had to race them so young.
Another thing – I have 4 cats of my own – all adult cats (one of the 19 years old!).
Need advice, fast!
Thanks in advance.

05-03-2007, 12:48 PM
Are you sure you haven't seen Mama around anywhere??? Try setting a trap with one of the kittens in it. If she's around, believe me, she'll come running once she hears her baby crying. Make sure to cover the trap with a blanket or old tablecloth. All you'll have to do then is transfer all of them into a crate so she can take care of her babies.

If Mama hasn't been seen, you'll need to go get kitten nursing kits complete with nipples, bottles and brush. Make sure you poke holes in the nipples with a big sewing needles. Test it to make sure the milk is coming out. Buy a can of KMR powder (it lasts much longer) Mix up the bottles and serve them at room temp. Hold the kitten in the palm of your hand supporting his head with your fingers. That is the natural way the babies nurses from Mama.

Then there's the fun part, elimination time.

Once the babies are full ad have been burped (yes, they need burping just like any baby), take a large ball of cotton and stroke the kitten in between his rectum and penis or vulva, depending on if it's a boy or girl.

Hope all goes well. Keep us posted!!

05-03-2007, 02:29 PM
I had no idea that the kittens need to be burped....that's interesting...

Good advice..

Are you sure you haven't seen Mama around anywhere??? Try setting a trap with one of the kittens in it. If she's around, believe me, she'll come running once she hears her baby crying. Make sure to cover the trap with a blanket or old tablecloth. All you'll have to do then is transfer all of them into a crate so she can take care of her babies.

If Mama hasn't been seen, you'll need to go get kitten nursing kits complete with nipples, bottles and brush. Make sure you poke holes in the nipples with a big sewing needles. Test it to make sure the milk is coming out. Buy a can of KMR powder (it lasts much longer) Mix up the bottles and serve them at room temp. Hold the kitten in the palm of your hand supporting his head with your fingers. That is the natural way the babies nurses from Mama.

Then there's the fun part, elimination time.

Once the babies are full ad have been burped (yes, they need burping just like any baby), take a large ball of cotton and stroke the kitten in between his rectum and penis or vulva, depending on if it's a boy or girl.

Hope all goes well. Keep us posted!!

05-03-2007, 06:17 PM
Is there a shelter near you where they might have nursing Cats that they might be able to slip those two little ones in with.
I am sure thats what the Animal Welfare does when they have such tiny ones.
The best of luck with those darlings.

05-04-2007, 10:27 AM
Thank for all the advice.
I took them to the vat today, and I'm sad to say that one of them didn't make it. She was too sick and weak.
The other one, on the other hand, is OK. Getting stonger by the minute.
My other cats don't want to have anything to do with him! It's funny - they just go outside, hissss when the tiny one is too near, or hisss at me if his sent is too stong on me :)
I hope the little one will make it...
Again, thanks for the advice and support.
Much appreciated.

05-04-2007, 05:16 PM
Getting the babies to the vet is the very best thing you could possibly have done. How sad that the little girl went to the RB so young. Not to worry, Gary has the Pet Angels caring for her already letting her nurse and teaching her how to play as only kittens can play. Prayers are being prayed that the other one continues to grow healthy and strong. Please keep us updated?
Thank you so very much for helping these poor babies!

05-05-2007, 06:51 PM
Thats wat the Pet Angels do the best , providing Momma Pet Angels for the little ones who pass on early.
Then at thier peak of Cuteness they become Eternal Pets and roam and play together until they are reunited with thier Guardians.
And that Little Angel will be there waiting for you.
One Fine Day.

05-06-2007, 01:07 PM
I'm sorry to say that the little one didn't make it. He passed away today, after a sudden deterioration. I'm so sad about it - I just hope he didn't suffer too much at the end...

05-06-2007, 01:35 PM
I'm so sorry. My prays are with you.

05-06-2007, 04:46 PM
This is very sad news. Thank you very much for caring enough to help the babies, you did the very best you could especially by getting them to your vet. Because of you, the little ones knew love and caring in their far too short time. Bless you!!!

RIP little one, play hard at the Bridge :(

05-06-2007, 05:59 PM
I am so sorry to hear this...you did the best you could.

RIP little one...you were loved. Play with your sibling at the Bridge!

05-06-2007, 11:03 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that both kittens have passed on.:( RIP little babies.:(