View Full Version : My sister's chocolate lab, Ben- They need some serious help

05-03-2007, 11:49 AM
This is a book, I know it, but, I don't want to leave anything out that might trigger something in someone's memory. Thanks for taking the time to read it.

My sister's 4 year old, nuetered male, Ben is having some serious and mysterious problems. On Sunday night, April 22, Ben seemed to be in significant pain, having dizziness, maybe seizures, wouldn't eat, and shaking. This was significant enough that he underwent exploratory surgery on Monday, 4/23. The vet found that his stomach was an entire ulcer. Entire. Ulcer. Of course, the cause was undetermined, but, biopsy done. Blood work, stool, complete labs. All came back negative for cancer, organ issue. The biopsy came back indicating a food type issue. I don't understand that, I don't know if it means there was evidence of food protein, or what. According to my sister, and she got it from the vet, it showed that it was food related.

Ben is/was not on any of the recalled foods. He was eating a special diet, something called Ebu (I *think* Maybe Evo...?). So, the left over food was sent to the lab for testing. Those results aren't back yet.

Ben was in significant pain from the surgery and the ulcer. "Normal" pain meds were not doing anything, and he was wincing, crying, whining, etc. So, the vet put a Fentanyl patch on Ben- maybe Wed. This takes 12 hours to work, and came off 3 days later. So, he was on the patch, and other pain meds, as well as antibiotics, no food, IV fluids, etc. Over the course of these few days, Ben was showing signs of improvement. He didn't get any pain meds yesterday, and the patch, and prolly alot of its effects, would have worn maybe by Monday am (4/30).

My sister went back to work this Monday (4/30). Ben spent Monday and Tuesday at the vet's office, for observation, as he wasn't acting right. It seemed like he had a seizure. So, my sister had him there for observation. He seemed fine both days there. Sunday night, my sister described the thing like this to me:

Ben would be lying down, and *immediately* startle, and try to snap at his rear end. Then, he would stand up, and crouch, as if he was pooping, but, he seemed to be stuck in that position, like his back legs couldn't get out of the crouch, and he was hunched over. He would nearly try to walk, but, of course, stumble.

This is similar to what he was doing before the surgery.

So, to the vets for observation Monday and Tuesday. She went to work on Wednesday, and had a pet sitter (that knows Ben, and looks after him daily, and has for some months) come by, and stay with him 4 hours. When my sister came home from work yesterday, Ben had vomited what appeared to be his breakfast (rice and beef), and bile. The pet sitter confirmed it wasn't there when she left around 3pm, and that she hadn't fed him, or, ran him (since he is still on restricted activity). She calls the vet with concerns, as this kind of seemed similar to what brought him in. Nothing really came of the call. "yes, that is odd" type of response.

She called me today (Thurs, 5/3) to tell me this: while Ben was eating his food this am (rice, pasta, home made), he was going back and forth on his front paws, the click, click, clicking of his nails is what drew her attention, and his paws were curled up...like a bird's feet...and he was standing on them like that. He was sniffing behind the bowl, but, there wasn't any food there, and still food in the bowl (so, he wasn't looking to find more food). Then, he did a really low growl, not *at* my sister, but, like past her, as if he saw something (she lives alone, with Ben). She called him to her, and he came, and seemed to be shaking. Of course, she is frantic again, and hesitated to leave for work.

She called the vet again, and asked for a referral to an internist, and she is waiting on that call now. Ben hasn't done anything abnormal since 7ish.

Has anyone had any sort of experience that sounds like this? Ideas? Guesses? It is so baffling, so scary, and just a horrible thing for my sister, as well as our family, and, of course, Ben, to handle.

Please keep Ben and my sister, Judy in your thoughts and prayers.


05-03-2007, 12:04 PM
Johanna, I have no insight, but I will extend my prayers to Judy and Ben. What a confusing, scary situation they are dealing with! :(

Cinder & Smoke
05-03-2007, 12:08 PM
Hi God ~

Got anudder Konsult Job fur Ya!

Whilst You're *buzzin* through Keegan's town, how bout makin a stop at
Ben's Place, ta meet his White Coat.

Straaaange Things happenin to that poor boy - better bring da Good Book fur sum tips.

We'll be addin Ben to the Prayer List; an be krossin Pawz & Klawz till he gets better.

Please send a Big {{{God'sHug}}} to Sis - an let her know You're onna case.

Thanks, God!

/s/ the Prayer Pups

Daisy and Delilah
05-03-2007, 12:43 PM
WOW!! What an incredibly sad story! I have no recall of ever hearing of anything like this. It sounds like a reaction to something but I'm no expert. All I can offer is my thoughts and prayers for Ben and Judy. I feel really bad for them. It must be devastating to go through this.

Ginger's Mom
05-03-2007, 12:46 PM
I honestly don't know what it could be, but I just wanted to let you know that I am adding my thoughts and prayers for Ben. It sounds like your sister is doing everything possible.

05-03-2007, 01:25 PM
Add me to the list of people that have never heard anything like this!
Has he had a cat scan? Maybe they need to look further into something Neurological.

05-03-2007, 01:34 PM
He hasn't had a CAT, though, he has had an ultrasound on the midsection. An endoscopy has been considered. Apparently, there was something in the tests done already that ruled out neurological issues? Is that possible? I understand that a MRI of the brain would be more definitive, but, can something be gleaned, neuro wise, from lab results?

05-03-2007, 03:56 PM
I understand that a MRI of the brain would be more definitive, but, can something be gleaned, neuro wise, from lab results?

I don't know how that works, but if it were my dog and he was having these issues, I'd want to see a picture of his brain.

05-03-2007, 04:23 PM
That is so sad for the dog & for your sister's family.I hope with more
testing they can narrow this down. My best guess from what you've said,
is a neurological issue, a stroke or something. I think I'd try the CAT test
to totally eliminate anything like tumor, etc. Prayers for Ben & the family.

05-03-2007, 04:36 PM
I have to agree with it sounding like a neurologic issue, perhaps combined with the stomach issue, that may be unrelated. His clawed feet and staring and growling at things not there, and the other behavior, suggests neurologic, but he also sounds to have stomach problems as well, but im not sure how his food could create his stomach into one big ulcer like that unless it's a severe allergic reaction, but I would think it would manifest other signs of an allergy too. It sounds horrible I feel bad for them. I hope they are able to get some answers and help for him.

I think an MRI or CT of the brain would be in order. Blood tests can't rule out things like tumors in the brain, etc.

05-03-2007, 06:27 PM
Oh my gosh, poor Ben and family! Maybe a second opinion would be helpful from another vet? I have never heard anything like this before either.

Prayers are definitely on the way! All the furbabes are keeping their toes crossed for Ben!

05-03-2007, 07:06 PM
Are the middle two nails of his paws especially worn down and sort of misshapen? At my clinic, we saw a male Labrador, about 1 year old, who walked similar to the way you described. Both vets in office immediately noticed it and referred the owner to a neurological specialist. They told me that it is not a totally unusual occurence and that it is indeed a neurological problem. Since the brain is so complex and it doesn't sound like they've done extensive testing in that area, I wouldn't be so quick to rule out noggin problems. The behaviors you're describing are quite disturbing and, to me, they signal a problem more complex than a stomach ulcer.

Does she live near any major university? A university would be a greyt place for a referral. Good luck to your sister and Ben *hugs*

05-03-2007, 07:10 PM
I imagine this must be scary for your sister as it seems to happen when she is alone with a big dog - too big for her to carry to the car if needed.

These symptoms sound serious to me, and the need for more skilled veterinary care is called for. I'm not sure an emergency vet would be able to help, I think sheis on the right track asking for a specialist. But which type of specialist? Maybe that is whythe vet is holding off, hoping that osmething in all the test results will indicate that.

And Ben must be terrified as his body is betraying him.

I hope she can find the proper medical advice to help! Best wishes for all.

05-03-2007, 10:25 PM
I would have your sister take Ben to a different vet and get another opinion, when my Ginger was diagnosed with a brain tumor there was no blood work or anything like that, that could diagnose it, the only thing is either a cat scan or an mri, but i warn you they are very expensive. It sounds like to me he is having siezures and possibly does have something to do with the brain, before they diagnosed mine she did all sorts of weird things.
I really will pray for the best, I know this is horrible for your sister not really knowing what is going on.

05-04-2007, 08:31 AM
Thinking of Ben and your sister.. :(

05-04-2007, 09:13 AM
Thanks, Guys.

We went to the internist (specialist) yesterday. We are blessed to have in our area a highly regarded internist/oncologist- diplomat- Dr. Harris. She examined Ben thoroughly, listened to the recitiation of the facts carefully, asked more probing questions, and thinks a couple of things. First, Ben probably does have some sort of intestional issue- forgetting the name right now, but, probably, the ulcerated stomach lining was a result of the hydrogen peroxide given to induce vomiting. She said the path reports told her there was something there in the intestional lining, and Ben's long history of grass eating supported that.

Then, she said that it is *possible* it is some brain disease, however, he appeared fine to her, neurologically. She did the toe test to the back feet that Giselle references in her post, and Ben 'passed'. She did some funny test to his front feet, as well as do something to both L/R side legs, too. He passed all of those as well. She did some facial things, looked into his eyes, and Ben seemed fine. But, she said it is still possible, and, we can wait and see what develops over time. If he did anything more, my sister is to call her immediately, for additional testing.

Here is the strange thing- all weird things Ben did after surgery are more likely than not related to the medications he was on. She said, "Oh, yeah, that was caused by X, probably, very common side effect". Then, she was a little stunned when she came to realize *ALL* the meds Ben was on, not only the amount of meds, but, the amounts given and the duration. Yikes. My sister wasn't liking this too much, and feels somewhat distrustful of her primary vet.

Seems that it is possible the hydrogen peroxide might have been the thing that started Ben on this horrible path. And, it would not be unusual to find the stomach lining torn up after giving an irritant like the peroxide. :( All the meds were complicating things, and probably causing the issues after the surgery.

But, this doesn't excuse the first instance- Ben appearing drunk, and acting funny that happened on Sunday and caused the visit to the vet originally. So, that is still a concern. All else is secondary.

So, this vet wants Ben off everything, for a while, to see what happens. If nothing, then, she wants to treat his intestional issue. If more 'weird' things happen, she wants to do more testing.

If I might add a funny comment- Ben was a total jackass at the vets, jumping, pulling, whacking that iron tail everywhere, knocking the box of tissues off the reception counter, taking the vets arm into his mouth, and just really acting like a total chocolate nut. The vet said, "this is the dog that is so sick?" <sigh>

Thanks for keeping Ben and Judy in your thoughts and prayers.

05-04-2007, 10:21 AM
I'm glad you guys got him in to see someone else. I am afraid I don't remember why he was given perodixe to induce vomiting? That is so sad it did that to his stomach. I will be praying for him to just get better as fast as possible and have no more "weird" things happen! Poor guy!

05-04-2007, 10:29 AM
Originally, on Sunday, the 22nd, he was acting 'drunk', and seemed to be showing symptoms of an obstruction, intense abdominal pain (which I now remember we did not tell the doctor about yesterday), and upon xray, there was a grayish 'mass' on xray...so, induced vomiting, gave an enama, did a barium thing, and maybe that was when the xray showed a mass? ARGH. Anyhow, the surgery was the next day after the perioxide/enema, and the specialty vet said it is *possible* that his stomach could look like that after a night of vomiting.

05-04-2007, 10:48 AM
Oh Ben, mom and auntie are doing everything they can for you. Let's hope it is all some weird experience that is past and over. Ppart of it a result of those meds, part of it just "one of those things." I am praying for you to be your lovable young self from now on!

Joanna, if a specialist is wondering about what the primary did, then yeah, maybe it is time to switch vets.

And, as you noted above, so much has happened in such a short time and both of you are forgeting some things to tell the specialist. Perhaps it would help if you wrote it all down and kept if for a week or so, just to be sure he is over this.

Cinder & Smoke
05-22-2007, 11:31 AM
So, How's Ben?? :confused:

Hope his Tummy Trubbilz are over & done!


05-22-2007, 01:05 PM
hydrogen peroxide? yikes. I had given my crayola some to get some allergic food out of him after someone took him away. it helped a lot - that was pretty a while ago.

expresso - I'm so sorry ben is not being himself. :( I pray the conforming diagonsis will be said and he'll be better right after!! mega prayers coming for sure - he's such a BEAU, never can forget him.

http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid199/p548e2a968bb1947b2607344c8d9550cc/f0978886.jpg (http://www.petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=96880)
always have loved this picture of him. :)