View Full Version : Thank you, kt_lvs_kitties!

05-02-2007, 07:50 PM
Your thank you package came today! The tail teaser was a hit, and Oscar was whining for the catnip which he will get LATER. lol

The kitchen stuff - I was admiring the pattern on the mitt, and then got the package opened and saw the tuxie kitty on everything!

So thoughtful! Me and my kitties are getting SO spoiled since I joined Pet Talk.

(Okay, my cats had a head start in that department.... :rolleyes: )

Thank you again!


05-02-2007, 09:03 PM
I am so glad that you like your thank you present! Hope Oscar gets his nip, and doesnt go TOO crazy to get to it before meowmie allows:p

You are VERY welcome. I have made such good friends here on Pet Talk. It is so great to know that so many people are so passionate about animals, esp. cats :D

05-03-2007, 07:16 PM
I have had many great gift exchanges with the Fine People on Pet Talk and I hope that thier Cats enjoy the Big Animal Welfare Mice as much as we enjoy all the many treats and toys that have been sent to us.
Its funny to see the Big Toy Deprived Tubster digging through the Found Cat Toy Chest like a Kitten.
He really gets a lot of enjoyment out of them.