View Full Version : Two seconds later...

05-02-2007, 07:31 AM
Two seconds after I shot this photo, my youngest went down and hurt her ankle.
it was a night game and totally across the soccer field so excuse photo quality on both pics.

Two seconds after I took THIS photo, she BROKE her ankle

Now this morning, her knee is swollen to mammoth proportions so we're heading back to the hospital for Xrays on her knee. :(

Poor kid is DEVASTATED because it was the big game against her new private school vs. her old public school. They knocked her down pretty bad in the first half where she was limping on the ankle she ended up breaking, then get got knocked down going for the ball in the beginning of the second half. She was crying when she left the feild, not because of the pain but because she REALLY wanted to finish the game against the girls she used to play with.

I have a HUGE headache from all the stress of this (awwww... pity party for the person with all her bones in tact :rolleyes: )

I'll let you know how everything with her knee looks. She's currently soaking in a bath that Ashley made for her... it was sooo sweet, she asked Ashley to "make a bath for me like you do Cam" and Ashley asked back if she wanted the rubber duckies in the water too! :p

Daisy and Delilah
05-02-2007, 07:57 AM
Awwwww.....that stinks!! Poor kid :( What a nice thing for Ashley to do for her. It's too bad she'll have to really take it easy for awhile. I hope she gets to hobble to the game on crutches :( {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

05-02-2007, 09:18 AM
Oh how sad, Kim! :( I do hope her knee is just bruised. Is it the same leg as the ankle injury? Poor thing. Give her a hug from me, please. I swear there is nothing worse than seeing your child fall down in pain on the field or court. Scott has to hold me back sometime when Helen goes down and she has in basketball and volleyball with ankle injuries. Thankfully, she has never broken her ankle, though.

Hope your daughter will be ok.


05-02-2007, 10:11 AM
Oh, no fun at all. I hope she said "Yes!" to the rubber duckies!

05-02-2007, 10:30 AM
Oh nooo :(. Good healing vibes on the way {{Hugs}}/

05-02-2007, 01:01 PM
Man, you've had a couple of "exciting" days- NOT! I hope she heals quickly. Broken bones are NOT fun!

05-02-2007, 04:26 PM
Wow that is scary, its so quick how things can happen, I'm glad that she is getting it looked after and I hope she heals good and fast:)

05-03-2007, 07:13 AM
Sorry its taken so long ot update. Yesterday is one big blur right now. We were at the hosiptal til 12:15, and I was at work by 1:00.

We have an appointment with an orthopeadic doctor tomorrow. The hospital thinks she might have sprained her LCL muscle. They don't think its torn, just sprained, if anyone knows what any of that means. We'll know more tomorrow and I might just now what an LCL is and how it might be sprained. :o

In the meantine, I am one walking zombie. I couldn't sleep at all last night thinking of all the stuff going on in the family right now (thankfully everyone is healthy, if not slightly damaged ;) :p)

05-03-2007, 08:23 AM
I'm very sorry, Kim! :( I hope she'll feel better soon!

LCL = Lateral collateral ligament, and I figure the LCL muscle must be the muscle that holds that ligament. I hope it's not torn, for this can take a long time to heal. And it's painful, too! Poor girl!

And you, you better try to get some rest yourself!
