View Full Version : im trying to pay my taxes..honest! lol

05-02-2007, 12:33 AM
ok I do all my banking and taxes online, so I was trying to pay my taxes from my online banking as there is a special section just for that purpose, and the instructions for how to use it are quite clear, simpley type in you SS number and click the button that says "add payee" then click pay bills and up it will pop. simple right? now my mom is an accountent so she was helping me, so we follow the directions, type in my SS number and go to hit "add payee".....and their lies the problem..there is no such button. we both search high and low, through every last page, every inch, the button does not exist lol. my mom was like "you know, if you had just told me this and I didnt see it for myself, I would never have believed you and would have figered you were just being blind". so thats my funny story lol we are going to check again tomorrow to see it it will magicly appear :p

05-02-2007, 10:30 AM
Have you checked to see if there is an account maintenance button or service on your on-line banking because we are the same here and there is a long way in where it says add account for payment and we have to go in through account maintenance/service.

Might help - hope it does.