View Full Version : Husky paws ?

05-01-2007, 11:20 PM
I noticed something yesterday while trimming the fur off from around Koli's back pads. Before i just thought the fur was covering them... now i see that's not the case. You know how most dogs have the three leaf clover thing going on? Well the outside "leaf" on both are not there! Well, it sort of is, but it's like comparing a kernel of corn to a huge plump grape.

I'm just wondering if this is a Husky thing, possibly a birth defect, something particular to a particular linage, possible proof she's a mill dog? I've just never known any dogs that didn't have some semblance of a perfect three leaf clover. (Well, except the ones that were missing legs.)

I wish i could get a photo of it for you guys.

When i said it sort of is there... You have to press sort of hard to feel the lump down in there. You really have to push the fur aside to see it.

05-09-2007, 10:59 PM
ANY comments?

critter crazy
05-09-2007, 11:01 PM
sorry know nothing about Husky feet!

05-09-2007, 11:56 PM
Amy (wolf_Q) should know but she is on vacation right now so she may not reply right away. she has 2 siberian huskies. I'd PM her. :) or PM Glacier. :)

husky 1
05-10-2007, 01:51 AM
sorry have huskies but haven't a clue at this time.

05-10-2007, 10:30 AM
could you possibly post a pic.........

I havenīt seen anything by the sounds of it, but maybe seeing a pic might help....... either way it could just be a particualr trait as some people have the ear lobe "stick" to the neck and some have it "apart"........(hope I was clear)(I know dumb comparision :p)

05-10-2007, 11:44 PM
Sorry, no photos. I'd use the cell phone, but the image wouldn't be clear enough. I suppose i can try though. ...and hope Koli will lay still long enough. :rolleyes:

could you possibly post a pic.........

I havenīt seen anything by the sounds of it, but maybe seeing a pic might help....... either way it could just be a particualr trait as some people have the ear lobe "stick" to the neck and some have it "apart"........(hope I was clear)(I know dumb comparision