View Full Version : Back from Italy!!! (pup pics)

05-01-2007, 12:06 AM
I'm back from Vicenza, Italy. i went to visit my husband at the military base there for 3 weeks! it was beautiful but to the point...

Outside my hotel room where the 2 cutest dogs, which i believe to be the rare Italian Bergamasco !! there was a bigger white/cream one and a smaller brown one. on to the pics!

05-01-2007, 09:30 AM
I hope you had fun. How big were the pups? I can't really tell the size of those dogs by those pictures, but by their size compared with their coat length and how well formed it already is I don't think they are bergs. Did you get to ask? There is a berg living 4 houses down from me and she was huge as a pup and her coat didn't cord like that, it was all mats. Those look more like pulis.

05-01-2007, 09:44 AM
I'm back from Vicenza, Italy. i went to visit my husband at the military base there for 3 weeks! it was beautiful but to the point...

Outside my hotel room where the 2 cutest dogs, which i believe to be the rare Italian Bergamasco !! there was a bigger white/cream one and a smaller brown one. on to the pics!

Oh Shoot!!! I wish I had known you were here. I live in Vicenza and my husband works on the base. It would have been great to meet another Pter. So did you get to see Monte Berico? Did you get into Venice or Verona?

Glad you had a great time and you liked it here. :)


05-01-2007, 03:07 PM
i thought pulis too but their tails werent curled.

sorry i was soo busy i couldnt really get on and tell everyone i was going.

and yes i spent a day in venice!!!

05-01-2007, 03:48 PM
I like the first photo best! They are looking up at you as if to say Ciao bella, would you toss us some treats!

Ginger's Mom
05-01-2007, 03:53 PM
Oh my gosh, they are cute. Were they strays? Were you able to get close to them?

And welcome back, Kari. You should visit us here more. ;)

05-01-2007, 07:34 PM
i actually did throw them some dog treats one day, and they would wait for me to come back to the hotel. i always tried to sneak in (my own room :rolleyes: ) but the locking mechanism on the door always clicked and they'd hear it!!! lol

and no they werent strays, they were locked in someones driveway. they had water and shade 24/7, even thou i never saw a single person my 3 weeks there. but i would notice some things, like shovels and buckets, moved so i know the owners were home.

and i didnt get close, i didnt want to upset the owners since i would have to go around their home to see the dogs.

i did love them thou, i didnt name them, but id talk to them. if i left id tell them where and when i expected to be back. and id say hello when i returned!

im such a dog lover...now its just international! lol :D

05-01-2007, 07:53 PM
A puli was the first dog that came to mind.

Who cares, really? These dogs are so cute, and I'm glad you thought of us on PT, hehe. A PT'er always knows to take pics of ANY dog that see!! I am really glad to hear the dogs had good owners too, they look so friendly and happy.

05-01-2007, 08:41 PM
very lovely pups!!

how about water dogs?.... just unclipped........

05-01-2007, 10:07 PM
The first thing that actually came to my mind were labradoodles.

05-02-2007, 10:10 PM
A PT'er always knows to take pics of ANY dog that see!!

that is soo true, as soon as i saw those adorable 2, i thought of PT! i love that this site is home to people who care about animals as much as i do!!

05-03-2007, 10:00 AM
Hey I think bergamascos also. Here is some info on the coat

I'm not sure what some are looking at, I didn't really see any cords.

The mats don't fully form until 5 years of age; and at 3 years of age you pull it out into mats.

What ever, those pups sure are sweet! And I bet they adore being next to the hotel and having different guests each week. Talk about spoiled, he he.

05-03-2007, 10:17 PM
yes they were adorable and so friendly, whenever i came back to the hotel id walk by where they could see and call for them!