View Full Version : Watery left eye

04-30-2007, 11:51 PM
My 5 year old tortie girl, her name is Sabrina. Every now and then, her left eye becomes all watery. Only the left eye though. I guess it flares up at certain times. She is not sneezing, her nose isn't running. No signs of URI. She still eats good and drinks her water just fine. What causes watery eyes in cats? Do you think it is allergy? I know persian cats has problem with there eyes but I don't know about the Torties. Please reply and let me know. Thanks!

critter crazy
05-01-2007, 12:05 AM
My girl Mocha, has Feline Herpes. After getting her eyes looking good, I noticed her one eye would occasionally water, and the vet said it was the Herpes that caused this. Herpes is something that never completely goes away. It can be kept under control, but never truly go away.

I am not sure if your cat has this or not, just giving you my experiance.

I would talk to my vet about it, just a phone call, to ease the mind.