View Full Version : cat bath hell from You Tube-not the automated clip!

04-30-2007, 11:17 PM

I don't usually look thru YT, but I saw a news piece on the automated cat bath and came across this video...


04-30-2007, 11:21 PM
Richard - this video raised true H*** here...the website for the product was flooded with hits, and few people could get through...believe me, NO one found it funny...the poor cat was freaked out.

Apparently the company has gone under. I can see it maybe working for dogs - but not cats.

Ummm...you might want to wait and see what other replies you get. I am not viewing that video.

Just telling you what I know! :)

04-30-2007, 11:24 PM
the video I linked is not of the automated machine....

This is a hand wash job. In a sink.

critter crazy
04-30-2007, 11:25 PM
I did not view the video, as I am pretty sure what it is. I was disgusted when I saw the video once before. I cannot believe a person could be so Dumb and mean to a cat! That is disgusting,a nd they should be arrested for animal cruelty! :mad:

04-30-2007, 11:37 PM
This isn't the same horrible video that we saw before so don't worry. It's a lady trying to give a cat a bath in her kitchen sink and it's howling it's head off. Mine would be doing the same so this is why I don't give them baths unless I have to. I didn't bother watching the whole video because I couldn't stand the howling any longer.:( Poor cat.:(

critter crazy
04-30-2007, 11:42 PM
This isn't the same horrible video that we saw before so don't worry. It's a lady trying to give a cat a bath in her kitchen sink and it's howling it's head off. Mine would be doing the same so this is why I don't give them baths unless I have to. I didn't bother watching the whole video because I couldn't stand the howling any longer.:( Poor cat.:(
Ahhh..I actually watched it after you all said it wasnt the same video. Poor Cat!! Thankfully, my cats enjoy baths and dont make a fuss.

04-30-2007, 11:45 PM
I started watching it, and within a minute I had about 5 cats sitting around me on the sofa and floor looking very distressed with all the howling this poor thing was making. Eyes were wide, ears were to the sides and back, and they were not happy with it at all!! Poor kitty, I just wanted to take him out and dry him off!

05-01-2007, 05:25 AM
That is horrid and I hate it. Poor cat, why are they doing this. Cat's do not like baths or water silly woman! :mad:
I don't bath mine and would only bath them if they needed it for a medical reason or if they had something on their fur that needed to come off.
If a cat is dirty it will clean itself, cats are clean animals, they don't need baths or perfume or anything stupid like that.

05-01-2007, 05:36 AM
I actually smiled through the video. Call me a meanie but I didn't see where the cat was being hurt at all. Having a bath is not something most cats enjoy but I realize there are a lot of people who, because of allergies, etc., must bathe their cats fairly often. My daughter occasionally bathes her white kitty and she is quite good in the bath. This woman was speaking reassuringly throughout to her kitty and I was grateful to see that she was rinsing thoroughly. That is very important both with cats and dogs. My cats make more noise on the way to the vet's. :p Thanks for the smiles this morning Richard. :)

05-01-2007, 07:10 AM
I watched the video and didn't see anything wrong with it. I also smiled thinking of Allen sounding the same exact way when I bathe him. It is the same exact scene when I bathe allen, only we go to the bath tub because he's so "fluffy" :p Cats sometimes need baths. I used to bathe Pouncer fairly reguarly because he had a habit of rolling in dirty cat litter. Allen gets butt baths from time to time. Harry's gotten a few dunks because of his pretty white fur looking very dingy -- in fact I've been thinking lately that its time for a bath again. I have never needed to bathe Abby or Flutter.... God grant me the serenity to bathe Abby if the time should ever come! She would think I was a murder and refuse to let me ever touch her ever again! She refused to let me pet her for 3 months after I brushed her last winter :eek:

I also had a few kitties crowded around me looking for the screaming kitty, with Flutter walking across the keyboards looking for it.

05-01-2007, 07:24 AM
When I first got the Edster I took him for grooming.

He looked wonderful.

The second time I took him in I was greeted by the same groomer.,

Being the 'parent' I am, I was crushed when the kid took the carrier, looked inside and said....

I remember this cat, he freaked out when I clipped him!

This was months later and at a chain pet store, so for this kid to remember MY cat after grooming how many in between?.

When I picked him up he was half way peeled. THe kid told me that Ed 'refused' to have his belly shaved, but, the kid was nice and told me to bring him back later and he'd finish!

Ever since then I have bathed the Edster myself.

While it's a little work, I'd rather do it myself than let someone with no patience or taking the chance that someone would hurt or be hurt by giving my cat a bath.

05-01-2007, 07:27 AM
I didn't find it horrible. I suspect the cat didn't enjoy the event, but I didn't notice blood dripping from the washers' arms, like you might see when I try to clip my cat, JuniRose's, nails. Can you imagine a bath?

Lots of folks have pets that howl when they are not in control. Juni acts as though I am trying to kill her when I do anything to her, when she doesn't wish it to happen. It is her personality. Although, I am happy to say that she is good at the Vet's (knock on wood).......

I thought the folks were very gentle with the cat. The woman's voice was very relaxed and reassuring.

The photo of the baby didn't need a bath.....but I bet they figured that out after this event.

Oh well. Different strokes for different folks.

05-01-2007, 07:54 AM
Oh good grief, "horrid"??
I will agree that it goes against feline nature to need a bath but sometimes it just has to be done but to call something like this "horrid" doesn't make any sense!

There are so many reasons why somebody might bath their cat...the cat getting something dangerous on itself, a child dumping flour on it, to remove the vet smell which might have been causing kitty to be hassled by others, the people having allergies...who knows why it needed one but I doubt it was to make it smell prettier or maybe it was...have you ever lived with a cat that smells like 3 year old cheese and made your eyelashes curl??

They were very supportive of kitty and I saw no cruelty whatsoever...

05-01-2007, 08:17 AM
Well I'm sticking to my opinion, I don't believe you should bath cats unless they need something to do with flea-ing, or have something on thier coats that needs to come off, such as tar, oil etc.
If you really want your cat to be clean you can buy pet wipes that are easy to use and give them a wipe over.
And to me the video is horrid, to put a cat through such stress just to give it a bath is not right, it could have a heart attack. Such stressful situations is certainly not going to make your cat trust people and will make it timid.
Perhaps it's a US thing, as I have never come across anybody in the UK bathing their cats, I think it's not something we do here or believe in.
I've read a lot on the internet about you should'nt bathe your cat unless it's completely neccessary, as they are clean by nature and have a coating along the fur which is a defence (like the natural oils human hair has to protect it).
I know there are a lot of people on PT that bathe their cats and I know the cats on this site are extremely well looked after, so I'm not saying anything against those people, just that I do not like it personally and would never put Jack or Sunny through any undue stress for the sake of thinking you're pet should look good. They look gorgeous to me and I'm happy with them the way they are, small stains and all.

Jack does go through smelly periods actually but it soon goes when he goes out in the garden and has fresh air. He's an animal and has a natural animal smell, I'd prefer that, I don't want him to smell like Calvin Klein.

05-01-2007, 08:18 AM
That is a fairly accurate depiction of bath time. I give my cats a bath every other month. Sometimes Sparkle will howl like that; sometimes Chestnut will.
Sometimes no one howls like that, they jsut grit their teeth and wait for me to finish.

There ARE a few things I do differently than the woman in the video:
1. NEVER get the head wet.
2. NEVER have the cat down in the sink (she does this in the rinse.) I always keep the front paws up on the sink divider or on the counter.
3. SIX MINUTES??? No, mine are in and out in less than 2.5 minutes.
4. Always clear off the ENTIRE area so there is nothing which can come crashing down on the kitty.
5. Don't laugh at the kitty. They know what we mean when we laugh, and they are NOT finding this funny.

I didn't see anything terrible going on, though.

05-01-2007, 08:21 AM
Sandra, I know you bathe your cats, and I know that you would never make them stressed like that poor cat is in the video. The way you do it is good, in that you put the importance of your cats experience first and do not do anything to cause it undue stress. That's a good cat owner, and I know you are a very good owner.

05-01-2007, 08:39 AM
I thought it was the automatic cat bath video. My bad. :rolleyes:

Would hate if I had to bathe mine...though they are pretty much mama's boys, it might be ok.

05-01-2007, 08:46 AM
Well, I tend to think the best in everybody until proven different. I won't judge them for giving their cat a bath because it could've been any situation that called for it. I don't know why they felt it needed it, maybe it rolled in rat poison??
That video does not show why the cat needed a bath and maybe it was her first time doing it...I didn't think bathing a cat required a permit and resume.

05-01-2007, 08:59 AM
Ok, when people start to question why she's giving the cat a bath, this is getting out of hand. Maybe it had fleas. Maybe they just adopted the cat. Who knows.

She wasn't abusing the cat. She's washing it. Cats don't like water. That is known by most people. The cat is letting everyone know it doesn't like water or appreciate the bath.

There's no reason to condemn her for doing something that many people do all the time to their pets. Geez! Do we not all have better things to do?!

05-01-2007, 09:04 AM
Well I'm sticking to my opinion, I don't believe you should bath cats unless they need something to do with flea-ing, or have something on thier coats that needs to come off, such as tar, oil etc.
If you really want your cat to be clean you can buy pet wipes that are easy to use and give them a wipe over.

I'm guessing you don't have long haired kitties that are shown professionally.
They happen to go through it all the time.

My first roommate didn't like to bathe either. Didn't mean she didn't need it. She was just lazy and hated showering or bathing. Thankfully she did bathe about twice a week. She also sniffed underwear that were on her bedroom floor to see if they were clean or not. Yeah.... SHE did this. What girl does things like that?!

Anyway, all people believe different things when it comes to bathing, whether it be human or animal, and we're all entitled to our own opinions. We just don't have the right to condemn them for it unless it's compromising the well-being of either member. I don't see bathing a cat falling under that category, even with the worst behaved cat.

05-01-2007, 09:06 AM
;) Thank you Freedom.. You have stated the proper way to bath a kitty baby.. I found the video very disturbing & could not watch the whole thing.. If you dont know how to bath a cat then take the baby to a Vet for proffesional help.. Poor poor wittle baby had to go thru such stress due to Morons trying to get a laugh!!!! :( :mad:
That is a fairly accurate depiction of bath time. I give my cats a bath every other month. Sometimes Sparkle will howl like that; sometimes Chestnut will.
Sometimes no one howls like that, they jsut grit their teeth and wait for me to finish.

There ARE a few things I do differently than the woman in the video:
1. NEVER get the head wet.
2. NEVER have the cat down in the sink (she does this in the rinse.) I always keep the front paws up on the sink divider on the counter.
3. SIX MINUTES??? No, mine are in and out in less than 2.5 minutes.
4. Always clear off the ENTIRE area so there is nothing which can come crashing down on the kitty.
5. Don't laugh at the kitty. They know what we mean when we laugh, and they are NOT finding this funny.

I didn't see anything terrible going on, though.

05-01-2007, 09:08 AM
Perhaps it's a US thing, as I have never come across anybody in the UK bathing their cats, I think it's not something we do here or believe in.

Trust me, if there are show cat owners and licensed breeders, there are cats getting regular baths...even in the UK.

05-01-2007, 09:30 AM
I have had to bathe Taz twice in his life. We had a flea problem and had to. But my friends (use to be my neighbors) always bathe their cats. I'm not sure why, but obviously they have gotten use to it. :confused:
I didn't see anything disturbing in the video. Although, I did not watch all of it and I watched it without sound. But I could see the kitty meowing it's head off. Hey, it must have needed a bath. It's not going to kill it to get a bath. She wasn't beating it to get it to sit still. (at least in the part I saw)
Yes, I don't think cats need bathes, except for medical or emergency reasons. They bathe themselves just fine.

05-01-2007, 09:42 AM
Okay okay, so some people bathe their cats, I did say that. I personally found the clip not nice, I don't like the stress the cat is going through, I did say that I know a lot of people bathe their cats and they're good owners didn't I?
You have to accept that some people find the clip not nice, and I'm one of them, I'm entitled to my opinion am I not?
I welcome a debate but there's no need to lambast me for not agreeing with what's going on in the clip.
And thank you lvpets2002 for also stating what I did, that the way Sandra bathes her cats is okay, I'm just thinking of the well being of the cat that's all. Sure some cats may like the attention and being bathed, or tolerate it, then that's fine, this cat obviously didn't. All I was saying is that.
I just hope the next time they decide to bath their cat that they do it better so the poor thing isn't terrified.
It hurts me to think of the cat being terrified and scared that's all, and surely no animal lover wants to see any animal frightened, even if only for a few minutes?

05-01-2007, 10:28 AM
That cat has nothing over my Max. When I have to give him a butt bath because of the runs, you'd think I was torturing him. He never scratches or bites but man can he be vocal. One time my neighbour knocked on my door just to see if everything was OK.

The last time he was at the groomers I arrived to pick him up early and he drew a crowd. He wan't in the bath but under a dryer and getting combed and there were about 5 people all standing around listening to him and laughing. Needless to say, I joined in. :D Some cats are just more vocal than others.

I found nothing disturbing about that video, in fact I chuckled all the way through it because I've been there, done that. Well, I don't wet Max's head or lay him down in the sink all the drama and more resides in my house.

I did wonder about the amount of shampoo used. I don't think I would use that much, but you never know. Maybe it was a case of ringworm or something that needed that much. Let's try and not judge, OK.....and I do respect other people's opinions.

05-01-2007, 11:51 AM
Yeah, I don't like seeing them frightened, and ESPECIALLY not by something the owner is doing. Our pets learn to trust us, and to betray that trust may have lasting consequences in the pet - owner relationship. On those occasions when one of mine does get vocal in the bath, I give it a hug and cuddle (getting soaked in the process) and then move through the rinsing whether I was ready or not. "Time to be done!" is what all the vocalizing means in this house! And I try to accomodate.

05-01-2007, 12:15 PM
I didn't watch the video because I doubted that I would find it funny, although I didn't think I'd be horrified either. I never bathe my cats, although I do wash areas of their fur when it's needed. I also use wipes quite often and they rather like being "washed" that way, I think because it's like their mom-cat grooming them. Perhaps people in the U.K., except those involved in showing, are less likely to bathe their cats (I'm a Brit ex-pat).

05-01-2007, 12:25 PM

White cats do not necessarily hide dirt well........
So looking at a dingy off white cat breaks my heart.

Ed, Time for your bath?


05-01-2007, 12:53 PM
Okay okay, so some people bathe their cats, I did say that. I personally found the clip not nice, I don't like the stress the cat is going through, I did say that I know a lot of people bathe their cats and they're good owners didn't I?
You have to accept that some people find the clip not nice, and I'm one of them, I'm entitled to my opinion am I not?
I welcome a debate but there's no need to lambast me for not agreeing with what's going on in the clip.
And thank you lvpets2002 for also stating what I did, that the way Sandra bathes her cats is okay, I'm just thinking of the well being of the cat that's all. Sure some cats may like the attention and being bathed, or tolerate it, then that's fine, this cat obviously didn't. All I was saying is that.
I just hope the next time they decide to bath their cat that they do it better so the poor thing isn't terrified.
It hurts me to think of the cat being terrified and scared that's all, and surely no animal lover wants to see any animal frightened, even if only for a few minutes?

I hope this wasn't directed toward me, because my statement had nothing to do with anything anyone else posted. :( Everyone IS entitled to their opinion. And as I stated, I didn't even finish watching the whole video. The short amount I watched seemed harmless, but then I saw that it was over 5 minutes long, so I stopped it. My comment was just in general about bathing cats. I apologize if you misunderstood me. I did not mean to offend anyone.
And I agree with your last statement (that's why I didn't watch the whole thing).

05-01-2007, 01:13 PM
Tazz_Zoee, no nothing I said was directed at you or anybody else. I was just expressing some more thoughts. I'm a very placid person honestly! Don't say boo or baa to anybody ever!
I haven't been offended by anything anybody said.
I was just upset somewhat from seeing the cat so scared, and felt sorry for it.

05-01-2007, 01:35 PM
a child dumping flour on it

Hmmmm, If Ed stays whiter, longer.....It may be worth a try! :eek:

05-01-2007, 01:40 PM
YIKES! That poor cat - and I wonder how many scratches the woman giving the bath ended up with.

05-01-2007, 02:12 PM
Okay okay, so some people bathe their cats, I did say that. I personally found the clip not nice, I don't like the stress the cat is going through, I did say that I know a lot of people bathe their cats and they're good owners didn't I?
You have to accept that some people find the clip not nice, and I'm one of them, I'm entitled to my opinion am I not?
I welcome a debate but there's no need to lambast me for not agreeing with what's going on in the clip.
And thank you lvpets2002 for also stating what I did, that the way Sandra bathes her cats is okay, I'm just thinking of the well being of the cat that's all. Sure some cats may like the attention and being bathed, or tolerate it, then that's fine, this cat obviously didn't. All I was saying is that.
I just hope the next time they decide to bath their cat that they do it better so the poor thing isn't terrified.
It hurts me to think of the cat being terrified and scared that's all, and surely no animal lover wants to see any animal frightened, even if only for a few minutes?

None of like to stress out our cats but sometimes it's necessary. That's all I was saying...I don't agree with the folks that want a pretty smelling kitty so "let's give him a bath". Out of mine, Dixie has an awesome natural smell...kind of like electrically charged air; Toby smells like clean fur but I've been standing downwind from Churchy one too many times to not consider plunking him in the tub, he often smells like decay...it's nasty! They're all inside so I don't know where he's getting it from.

I guess I overthought your first reply. I don't think the video was horrid...to me horrid would be foo-fooing (complete with dainty smelling talcum powder) the cat but I did feel bad for him...mostly because he was covered in wet stuff, lol.

I promise that I'm one of the most amiable folks you'll ever meet, I spend most of my time amused over even simple things, lol. I didn't set out to make you feel bad (or anybody else) and I hope I didn't.

05-01-2007, 02:13 PM
Tell me about drama..... with huskies you KNOW drama....LOL.....

actually I think kitty behaved quite good but thatīs just my opinion.... Iīve seen much much worse hehe......;)

05-01-2007, 02:50 PM
Fuzzybuns, no problem at all :) It's hard to convey what you're saying when it's written down because you can't see facial expressions or anything like that, so lots get taken literally wheras it may have been sideways, if that's the right way to put it!! :o
You didn't make me feel bad.
In a way it's good that this had made a debate because it's nice that different people feel so passionately about animals. Better than living in a world where nobody cares about them at all. :(

05-01-2007, 07:18 PM
The Only Time I Bathed A Cat Was Because Mr Fluffys Poo Was Getting Caught In The Long Fur Behind His Tail.
He Hated It Too And Was Also Howling!!
Thats A Funny Video And I Hope It Was Worth The Trouble For That Lady And Her Companion.