View Full Version : Microchip - Pet Retrieval System

04-30-2007, 01:01 PM
Who has Home Again as their pet retrieval system?

I just tried calling FIVE times to order a dog tag. Each time I would get to the section to order a tag, the line would go busy. This really upsets me. What if I'm trying to report a lost dog? Am I going to get a busy signal?

I just sent them an email telling them I find this unacceptable.

Is there any other pet retrieval system other than Home Again?

04-30-2007, 01:04 PM
Avid. 3 of my 4 are microchipped threw Avid, and Boone is threw Home Again. I've been happy with Avid, although I've not had a problem with either company.

04-30-2007, 01:07 PM
There are several including AVID, and ResQ as well as Home Again. Mostly depends on which one your vet uses. To my knowledge none of the readers can actually read the full information on each others chips though. They can detect a chip is there, but the pet must go to be rescanned with that company's reader to get the full information.

04-30-2007, 01:18 PM
Mine are chipped through AVID.

04-30-2007, 01:20 PM
I can completely understand your frustration! All of mine have had Avid chips. I have not chipped Mack and I need to. Thanks for the reminder! Our Golden Retriever Rescue group uses Avid, as well.


04-30-2007, 02:28 PM
Sugar already had a chip from Avid, so I just updated the info when I adopted her.

I "think" there is a difference. With Home Again, they send out emails or some sort of message to all the places which use their product, if you report your dog missing. With Avid, I think you just rely on the rescue, ACO, shelter, vet or what have you, to scan for a chip when someone comes in with the dog.

I don"t know about ResQ or any others, how they work.

My vet clinic has one scanner which reads both Avid AND Home Again. It is put out by a third party company.

04-30-2007, 07:11 PM
I don"t know about ResQ or any others, how they work.

My vet clinic has one scanner which reads both Avid AND Home Again. It is put out by a third party company.

Our Home Again reader will tell us there is another company's chip in there but won't give us the number to look it up. The ResQ reader is supposed to read both AVID and Home Again chips as well as their own, but their ads simply don't state if they actually give the chip number or just detect another company's chip. AVID's site says their reader will read other company's chips with a certain frequency, but I'm not clear if it gives the actual chip number or not. There are also several other chip manufacturers, but again I'm not sure a truely universal scanner exists, or at least if it has we've never been informed about it.