View Full Version : is this normal?

04-29-2007, 11:41 PM
prob not. Ashly feels like she's lost a lil weight. Her head feels bony. Like the back of head. I've never noticed this in the 8 yrs I've had her. She eats, I've seen her. I don't know how much tho. Jake terrorizes her. 6 months old now. He still doesn't give up. He's still very much enegetic as he was few months ago. Only bigger. So if she has lost weight, it's due to the stress Jake is causing her. I think getting him was a bad idea. Tell me how long will this last? Or will he always be this way?

04-29-2007, 11:54 PM
I should really call him my little lion. He's so confident and proud. Sometimes if I look at him right he does look like a lion w/o a mane. Just the way he's built in his face. The siamese in him goes away and this ferocious beast comes out.. but a sweet beast, atleast that minute. When he looks sleepy and puts his head up with closed eyes... lil lion look there.

04-30-2007, 08:15 AM
With luck, Jake is just keeping her on her toes and active but not stressing her out.

At my vet's, I can show up and get a weight in the morning early while they are doing the surgeries. There is no cost. Maybe you could do something like that? Just to satisfy yourself if she really is losing weight and if so how much? I mean, they know that if I see a change (up or down) I am likely going to make an appointment, so they don't mind. Just an idea.

04-30-2007, 08:49 AM
All my guys lost weight with the addition of kittens from the extra activity of running around with them. In your case, Ashley's running AWAY from him! ;)

If you're really concerned, another active kitten of the same general age is the best solution. I never ever would have gotten a single kitten by himself because I know how much they can terrorize the adult cats in the home (well I did with Pouncer and learned about kittens with fostering).

04-30-2007, 09:01 AM
It might be worth taking Ashley to the vet to get a thyroid level done. When a cat loses enough weight that you can feel it, it's a good idea to get a checkup anyway, and maybe talk with the vet about supplements or a food change.

Love, Columbine

04-30-2007, 09:53 AM
its not so much that her ribs are protruding. But the back of her head feels really bony. Like it feels weird,like a bump or something.. it's not smooth flat like Jakes. Does anyone elses cat have this? Or is the bony feeling actually a thyroid thingy.. like we have behind our ears that feels like a big bony bump when its big. I dunno. What is the back of the head supposed to feel like?

She acts like her normal self tho.

Hubby won't let me get anymore pets. Tho I wonder if he will let me foster a kitten while Jake is still in kitten mode.

04-30-2007, 10:44 AM
Not to frighten, but bumps on heads are NOT normal.
Backs of cats head are suppose to be smooth.
I can direct you to Thumpers blog site and show you want a small bump can turn into.

Take kitty to the vets and have it check out.

04-30-2007, 11:33 AM
I think Ashley should see a vet! The weight loss could be due to stress from the kitten, but there could be a medical reason as well. The vet should do a complete health check, blood work included. When she's healthy, you can start thinking about how to reduce the stress level for her. A 6 month old kitten can sure be a rascal, but usually they start calming down a bit at the age of 7 months.


04-30-2007, 11:58 AM
whew 1 more month. yes please direct me to the blog,. I'll call vet.

04-30-2007, 12:02 PM
oh nooo craftlady!! cancer??.. tell me more about it.. did the bump move or feel like bone?

04-30-2007, 04:40 PM
I sent you pm to blog site it explains everything.

04-30-2007, 04:49 PM
We are praying that Ashley is all right and its nothing serious.
I noticed that Precious was losing weight so I put her in a room by herself so I know that she is eating.
Prayers are coming for your Dear Cat Companion.

04-30-2007, 08:01 PM
I just felt Jake and he has the same thing. ONly you really have to concentrate on it to feel it. I guess it's not cancer. But rather maybe her gland is swollen. The one that feels like bone. But it's been like this a few weeks now. It's long and really narrow. Smack in middle of back of head. Like a line going up. But with Jake you really have to go slow and push hard to even feel any of it. With Ashley you can just pet her normally and feel it. She has doc tomorrow at 7.