View Full Version : Domino Rules

04-29-2007, 05:33 AM
Domino is a very handsome kitty - his Mummy and Daddy are very lucky indeed!

04-29-2007, 06:36 AM
I am GLAD that you made it through!! 13 years old!! WOW!! You turned out to be VERY handsome, no lie!!!

Killearn Kitties
04-29-2007, 06:46 AM
Oh Domino, you are a most beautiful kitty and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

It is nice that you appreciate what Mummy did for you all those years ago, and try to repay her by sticking close and sitting on her tummy and head. Humans like that.

Daisy here sends a few special head bumpies your way, because she is also the spokes-kitty here, and she knows what a lot of hard work it involves!

Tell Mummy that because you are Cat of the Day today, you must be spoiled extra-rotten! I am sure she will oblige. :)


04-29-2007, 08:04 AM
I want to know how you keep that part in your hair perfect!

Here in the United States I have an obsession with politicians and their haircuts...This is after Bill Clinton had his hair cut on the official Presidential Plane..(they had to close down the airport!)

Anyway, I have noticed that politicos part their hair on the side are skeezy.
You would make a good politician because you par yours down the middle.

You Rock! :D

04-29-2007, 08:10 AM
Well, your Mummy was absolutely right about a wee one like you NOT eating tuna!! Obviously, she knew waht she was doing when she raised you, because look what a handsome fellow you became!!! Our Raven also had all her teeth removed, and she sticks her tongue out, too!!! Like your Mummy, I think it is very cute, too!! HAPPY COTD!!

04-29-2007, 10:50 AM
Be still my senior kitty loving heart! What a most worthy Sunday Cat of the Day honoree you are, Domino!:):):) And I must take exception with your dear Mum, you are one handsome, handsome boy!!!:) I ask you, is that not the most precious face? hehe Thank you so much Domino, for taking time out of your busy day to write to us! I am so touched by your tale of survival, impressed with your big, big heart! What a fighter you are, a true survivor; you defied all of the odds sweetheart and wow, what a wonderful life it has been and will continue to be:) It's clear you and your dear Mummy share a very special bond of love that can never be broken; you and your Daddy too, though apparently that connection was a bit longer in the making:D;) It was my great honor to make your acquaintance today, Domino! Now corral all of your furry sibs, lasso the humans and enjoy an extra special day of celebration! Hugs and kisses to you dear Domino, our extra special and most deserving, Sunday honoree:)

04-29-2007, 12:51 PM
You are a beautiful cat inside and out! I am so happy that your owners rescued you from off the streets and gave you a good home. I am sorry that your teeth had to be removed, but it just makes you more unique, dear Domino. I love your name so much! You sound like a loving cat, too. I like how you love to snuggle with your Meowmie. Happy Cat of the Day, this April 29, 2007! You deserve it!
-Purrs from Reggie, Nellie, Nichske, and Their Meowmie
PS. Meowmie is Mom in cat language.
:) :) :)

04-29-2007, 12:53 PM
Its always a true joy to see one of our Senior Cats looking so happy and serene knowing that he has a fine Furr Ever Home and Wonderful Loving Guardians. Guardians who he can make happy and reward them a million times over for the love that they have shown him.
:) :cool: :rolleyes: :cool: :p :cool: ;) :cool: :D :cool:

04-29-2007, 01:20 PM
Not one of the most beautiful kitties????? I have to disagree Domino....you are very very gorgeous for a senior kitty.

Enjoy being our COTD

04-29-2007, 01:27 PM
Charming Domino please add me to your rapidly growing fan club!!! :D

I think you are very handsome indeed!!!
I hope your mum gives you an extra treat or two to help celebrate your special day!

Congratulations, sweetie, on being our very special Cat of the Day today!!! :D

04-29-2007, 04:28 PM
Not the most gorgeous of kitties? Rubbish! What a fine, handsome boy you are! Well done on be COTD!

Paw prints
04-29-2007, 04:33 PM
Well I think you are gorgeous! Not only are you handsome but you have loads of character and purrrrsonality. Your Mum and Dad are very lucky to have you!
Congrats on being Cat of the Day. Loads of hugs and strokes please for you today. ;)

04-29-2007, 09:24 PM
Domino, beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I see a magnificent kitty on my monitor today. How wonderful that your mum rescued you. God bless the people who tried to do the right thing by giving you tuna, even though as a wee one you were too little to manage it yet. Please ask your mum to give you some petting for me today!