View Full Version : Music and cats...?

04-28-2007, 09:54 PM
I had a question for you all...

Is there any type of music your cats seem to prefer? I've been DJing longer than I've had Remus and Spook, and for the most part they take my thumping music with good humor but if it gets too bass heavy they tend to habitate elsewhere lol. Lately Ive been experementing with a much more mellow vibe (mostly jazz and light trance, check out my thread in General if you're interested) and I've noticed the cats coming in and seeming to LISTEN to what I play. Right now, I'm playing a Keko Matsui (sp?) jazz cd and they've been in here almost the entire time, even though its played through twice.

Jazz = cat attractant? It sure as heck seems so with my two!

What about your kitties? Are there some styles that just drive them off as oppsed to some that just seem to keep their attention?

04-28-2007, 11:35 PM
They like Public Radio for the talking voices and also classical music.

They do NOT like Country music or even original Blue-Grass.

It limits my listening choices.


04-28-2007, 11:36 PM
They like Public Radio for the talking voices and also classical music.

They do NOT like Country music or even original Blue-Grass.

It limits my listening choices.


lol when I was younger, my parents had a two cats that LOVED country music...if it wasn't country they weren't listening!

04-28-2007, 11:39 PM
Prog rock.


04-29-2007, 02:29 AM
Seems like the Edster has good tastes! :D

Miss Z
04-29-2007, 03:13 AM
LOL, cute thread!

I don't remember Zsa-Zsa ever being particularly keen on any kind of music. However, the cats at the shelter I volunteer at always used to stop whatever they were doing and listen intently to the song 'Grace Kelly' by Mika when it came on the radio. I suppose the chorus in which he sings painfully high for a guy must sound like a wailing cat to them! :p

04-29-2007, 03:56 AM
Miss Z, there are some songs that I run across that get my cats to give the speakers a funny look...there was a song on one of my video games that had a cat noise in the background, they kept nosing around looking for the intruder lol!

04-29-2007, 07:50 AM
Well, my cats used to enjoy easy listening - yanni, and things like that.

Unfortunatley, for th elast 4 years I've made a habit of playing those CDs when I am giving them their baths; it helps keep ME sane with cats in the water.

Now, anytime I play those CDs, the cats all head for hiding places. :rolleyes:

04-29-2007, 07:56 AM
Spunky and Sams complain when I play Country or BlueGrass.

It's especially difficult when travelling wince most of the stations in the South are Country.

NPR is not popular down here.


smokey the elder
04-29-2007, 07:58 AM
They like when I play classical choral or Renaissance era stuff.

04-29-2007, 09:04 PM
My boys don't seem to be bothered by music...HOWEVER...recently played some bagpipe music and it sent all three RUNNING into the closet..LOL..much to the chagrin of my Scottish boyfriend. LOL :p

04-29-2007, 10:46 PM
When ever I play the oldies, Zip will lay down, with her paws in front of her, her head layed on her paws, eyes slightyly closed, purring contently.....

04-29-2007, 10:50 PM
Taz doesn't seem to care what type of music is on as long as it's not too loud. When Bruce has the guys over to "jam" they play very loud, so Taz, Zoee and I hang out in the bedroom together.

04-30-2007, 07:40 AM
The Tribe likes NPR talk radio, classical music especially Yoyo Ma or Nigel Kennedy, and Irish/Celtic stuff like Enya (although sometimes there is whistling and that does not sit well with any of them) and finally Bela Fleck.
I like the monastic chants, but some of the lower long notes sound like growling and Tiger and Scooter don't like that at all.
Actually, Tiger prefers to operate the CD player rather than listen to the music. He pushes the buttons and watches the CD go in and out.

04-30-2007, 01:50 PM
It's more of a background noise for them, and I like to have it on when I'm not home so there are voices etc... for them to hear. They seem to be calmer with light jazz and instrumental. I know it's calming to me as well.

04-30-2007, 02:15 PM
I was trying all sorts of music because of this post, lol

Dixie responds well to music like Within Temptation, Evanescence and Avril Lavigne. She lays down with her head up and with her ears perked with her tail wagging...not annoyed, just listening. She does not like anything with a high pitch, including the ring on my cell phone or the beep on the alarm clock...I usually get nipped on my legs. She has real sensitive ears and likes the low twinkly sounds and soft voices.

Toby likes music that has a grind to it, like Disturbed or Staind. He gets playful and follows me around to play when I have the stereo up.

Churchy likes just about anything but grindy music gets him going too...he starts climbing the walls and playing, lol. He comes in here on the desk and sits right next to the speakers when I play Rob Zombie...

Usually they're all snoring and drooling on the bed when I play country or much of anything else but big band or highschool band music makes them hide, lol

I think it's the same with them as it is with us. If I need to get up and clean, I put on some rock and I get going...anything slower and I'm not getting up anytime soon. :D

04-30-2007, 02:38 PM
:) Oh yes in three of the rooms at the house I keep Country Western on down low volumn.. I make sure its on while I am at work and at night & they just love it..

04-30-2007, 04:07 PM
I have 2 songs I made up for Cocoa Kitty. He loves them because they have the words he knows and they both state that he's good. Purrs up a storm! You know how the kitties love praise!

04-30-2007, 08:16 PM
I'm starting to think that a cats musical preference is in some ways determined by the mood of his or her person...like if I am relaxed listening to a nice jazz song, the kitties pick up on it and are relaxed too. However, there are some things that put me in a very upbeat and positive mood musicwise that for some reason drives the cats off.

Sigh, maybe I should just leave it at cats are complecated :D