View Full Version : Newest Fuzzybuns pics

04-28-2007, 12:05 AM
Must mangle the papertowels!
Dixie Noodle??
*Insert jaws theme music...dadunt...dadunt...dadunt...
None of my cats actually drink from the water bowl...because the dog does :rolleyes:

More coming... :D

04-28-2007, 12:09 AM
I know he was here somewhere??
Sheesh...she has that flashy thing again!
Yosimite Sam...(check the whisker position)

This is my favorite pic up to date! I love Toby with a passion! I love them all but he has a very special place in my heart the others do too but...well, I hope you know what I mean. It's hard to put into words...

That's it...

04-28-2007, 01:00 AM
'Course I do. Little fluffy Cole is meowing around my chair, begging for head scritchies, purr, purr, purr - there is no other Cole!

Oscar was my first kitty in a long time - he had been wild, and was tamed by a former employer of mine. He became my 'heart cat'. You'll see that term a fair bit here.

Toby is your heart cat, that's all! :)

04-28-2007, 03:17 AM
Awww, I know what you mean, I love and adore the ground Sunny walks on, but she likes her own company whereas Jack is my constant companion and is very interactive with me.
Lovely pics of your loveable moggies :)

04-28-2007, 10:32 AM
"Heart cat"...I like that and it about sums it up perfectly! I'm so glad somebody else understands. David, my husband, looks at me like I've lost all my marbles, lol.

I have adored your cats since I was just lurking around here. They are fabulous! I find myself looking for the differences in your tag, and I've found very few. I just love their faces, lol.

Scooter's Mom
04-28-2007, 12:01 PM
Great photos!

I know what you mean about the "Heart kitty". Mine is sitting here hugging me, in between me and my keyboard. Scooter Bug is my baby. I love all my pets, but he's got his little claws firmly embedded into my heart so deeply that none of the others can compete, I'm afraid.


Edwina's Secretary
04-28-2007, 12:28 PM
I am in love with Toby too. Are his eyes different colors or is it just camera angle?

04-28-2007, 01:02 PM
Thank you! He'd love you right back too, lol.

His eyes are two different colors...he right one changed when he was three years old. Up until then, they were both that apple green, like the left one.

04-28-2007, 02:05 PM
My what an active happy cat familly you have. How often does the water cup get tipped over? Mine would be pawing and playing a spill it routinely. Thankfully, mine don't mind sharing the water with the dog.

Toby looks much like my newbie, Billy! And Billy is a big boy, too, at 21.04 pounds.

04-28-2007, 02:50 PM
Tipping it over isn't the problem, lol. The problem is when the water gets low and cups get stuck on heads! I usually use bigger cups but this one was the one I grabbed for myself and they gave me "we're thirsty too" eyes so I gave it to them instead, lol.
They'll drink out of small plastic bowls too, as long as it's up away from the dog. When there's a bowl, Toby sits in front of it a dips his toes in to make sure there's water in it and then he'll settle for a drink, lol.

I noticed Billy...they do look alot alike! Is he a big love slug too?

04-28-2007, 04:01 PM
toby has a stunning pair of eyes - just very unique. the other two are precious.

yes, heartcat, he's obviously your heartcat! I have too many, lol.

I don't think I have yet, but WELCOME aboard fuzzybuns and everyone! :)

04-28-2007, 04:01 PM
One of the great things about Pet Talk is seeing those Cats all in thier Happy Furr Ever Homes enjoying the love of thier Guardians.
Love is so evident in those pictures and these Cats are truly at peace with themselves.

04-28-2007, 04:37 PM
All of your furkids sure are gorgeous and I know what you mean by having a "heart kitty". Storm is the first cat that I've owned on my own and he's also my heart kitty.:) We have a very strong bond.:)