View Full Version : Getting a kitten!!...(pics added)

04-27-2007, 09:07 PM
My boyfriend and I are thinking of getting a new kitten. :)

I have a few questions though. Is there any certain rules that say cats of the opposite sex get along better than same sex?? They say this about dogs, and I know that's mostly a myth. I'm not sure about cats though.

Also tips on introducing the new kitty to our family of two dogs and one cat would be appreciated.

Thanks! :D

04-27-2007, 10:37 PM
I think it's awesome that you might get a kitten. I have some advice that might be of use to you.

1stly, if you can, get the kitten from a shelter. Unless you plan on getting a pure breed. Rescuing a kitten from a shelter, especially one that puts pets down, can be especially rewarding.

2ndly, as for the sex of the kitten, I am not so sure it really matters. My 2 cats of 14 + 16 yrs were both females. I got Zip 1st and Shy 2 years later. They lived together for 14 yrs with almost no problem.

3rdly, there might be some hostilities between them at 1st. One of the ways you can introduce your new kitty to your resident cat is by isolating the new arrival to 1 room that the resident doesn't have access to.Before you introduce them take a rag or blanket and rub each cat with a separate one and let them get used to each other's smell. When you do introduce them you might try putting one in a cat carrier, setting it in a room with the other cat, but keep their distance, see what hapeens and go from there. Keep in mind that your new arrival will be stressing because it is being put in a new envoirment, and your resident cat will be stressing because there is a new arrival. You should be fine. I would do the same with the dogs starting with the scent on a rag or blanket. When you do finally introduce the dogs and kitty, have kitty in carrier and dogs on a leash and under control. (Zip and Shy lived with a pit bull and rottweiller and where fine , but it took TIME. Be patient and good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

04-28-2007, 06:16 PM
If You Could Please Consider An Older Cat Say One Who Is A Year And A Half To Two Years Old.that Way You Might Find One Whos Pursonality Is Formed And They May Adapt Better To The Resident Pets.
And They Are Ignored For Kittens Who Are Cuter , And Often Languish In Cages For A Long Time.
Please At Least Consider A Young Cat.

04-28-2007, 06:55 PM
My boyfriend and I are thinking of getting a new kitten. :)

I have a few questions though. Is there any certain rules that say cats of the opposite sex get along better than same sex?? They say this about dogs, and I know that's mostly a myth. I'm not sure about cats though.

I have to disagree. The fact is that usually(with cats and dogs) you are better off getting opposite genders because same genders usually don't get along very well. There are exceptions to that rule but I would get the opposite gender. the reason why is because same genders usually have more reason to compete for territory. Of course some animals just do well with each other no matter what gender but do you really wan to take that risk? go here to veiw tips about how to introduce cats. http://petvideo.com/play.cgi?showId=657

04-28-2007, 09:27 PM
Ok I have 6 cats, 2 males and 4 females. Now they all get along GREAT! As long as u are patient and do the introductions right then I think all will be fine! My Stormie at first hated it when Blue came, now they are inseperatable! They are both female btw! The males tend to be more affectionate but same with the females! No one is more affectionate than my Bella lol, and then Willie is next in line! Also all of their age groups vary from 9 months (stormie) to 11 years (willie) Also Willie doesnt get along that well with the cats in the house, but he does get along great with the neighbors cats and our feral we have :rolleyes: lol! But each cat has their own personality! IMHO the gender doesnt really matter, ecs if they are fixed anyways! The thing about females is they tend to be territorial but with 4 females only one is a bully and not territorial at all! My gram now has 2 females and a male and the male and female get along great!!! Now also my brother has 2 males and 1 female and once again they all get along GREAT and the males are great together! SO it all depends on the personality of the cat(s) more so then gender I think ecs if they are fixed and such!

I hope I helped u out, this is all from personal experience too! Also my females all get along great as well! I too was worried about these rumors of genders and whats better and such! But luckily in my case and other peoples cases that i know it wasnt true!

04-29-2007, 01:31 AM
Thanks for the replies and the tips.

We will definitely getting the kitty from the SPCA. We are actually planning on going there tomorrow.

I'd like a kitten because I'm hoping it will be more adaptable to the shelties and to Beatle. I am not opposed to getting an older cat though. Just depends on who chooses us when the time comes :)

Wish us luck for tomorrow.

04-30-2007, 12:51 PM
I have 8 cats, 4 males, 4 females. My experience has been that females tend to fight with each other more than the males do. Not sure why though, I would have thought it the other way around myself. All of mine were spayed/neutered as soon as they were old enough or as soon as we got them.

04-30-2007, 04:15 PM
Well we went to the spca on Sunday and a tiny little black and white kitten picked me. :)

He is 3 months old and is going for his neuter tomorrow. I get to pick him up tomorrow evening between 4 and 5.

Here are a couple pics. They aren't very good as they are from my phone and the lighting isn't great for pics in the spca. I will have better pics once he comes home.

I went shopping for a litter box and food dishes and some toys today. Now just have to go set up his room.

Anyways that's enough talk... please meet Flea.



04-30-2007, 04:31 PM
Awww! A baby tuxie! Don't let Cataholic see him ...

04-30-2007, 04:50 PM
He is adorable!! Congrats on him!

04-30-2007, 07:50 PM
What a cutie! :) Congrats! :D How do the pups like him? :)

04-30-2007, 08:02 PM
What a cutie! :) Congrats! :D How do the pups like him? :)

They haven't met yet. I don't pick him up until tomorrow (Tues) between 4:00 and 5:00. The shelties probably won't meet him for at least a week. And he has to be kept seperate from Beatle for 2 weeks.

I just finished getting his room all set up. I don't know how I'm going to get through work tomorrow knowing I get to pick him up right after. :)

04-30-2007, 08:06 PM
Congrats! He is adorable! And thank you for choosing a shelter kitty! Kudos :D

04-30-2007, 10:09 PM
Awesome that you got Flea from the shelter!!!....He's beautiful!!!....I hope all goes smooth with the introductions....keep us posted....

04-30-2007, 10:42 PM
Flea! LOL! Love the name!

He is so CUTE! I am glad you rescued him!

I am sure there will be lots of cute stories to come in the next few days or weeks! :)

Give him a teeny tummy rub for me!

04-30-2007, 10:43 PM
:D He's so cute! I do have to ask how you named him Flea :D From the looks of the size of his paws, he may grow up to be a BIG boy. He's darling!

04-30-2007, 11:27 PM
:D He's so cute! I do have to ask how you named him Flea :D From the looks of the size of his paws, he may grow up to be a BIG boy. He's darling!

He is named Flea after the bass player in the Red Hot Chilli Peppers. :) We wanted to keep a music theme going as our other cat Beatle is named after... well.. the Beatles of course. :)

We our hoping he will be a big boy so that he fits in here. Both my shelties are oversized and Beatle is a really big cat as well. :)

critter crazy
04-30-2007, 11:39 PM
Congrats on your new Kitten! he is gorgeous! Love the name too!:D

04-30-2007, 11:43 PM
Congrats!!! He's so adorable.:) I hope that introductions will go well.:)

I have 4 males and 2 females and they all get along most of the time but will sometimes fight or pick on each other just like brothers and sisters sometimes do.;)