View Full Version : My daughter is leaving the nest.

04-27-2007, 06:05 PM
My daughter and boyfriend are moving into an apartment on May 14th. Alicia is 20, her boyfriend just turned 26. I am happy, sad, lonely already, glad she is leaving, worried for her safety, excited for her independence. http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/confused.gif So many feelings. We will be empty nesters. I am 48 and feel so flipping old. http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/frown.gif http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/frown.gif However this means......................I can move the threadmill into her room, do over the room into a crafting area. Maybe get more bunnies. Have an extra bedroom when friends spend the night. Have an extra TV room, oh the list goes on and on.
Gotta go, I am helping her pack. http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/tongue.gif http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/tongue.gif
No I am not, I don't want her to leave, my baby my little girl, my princess, my buddy. http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/eek.gif How did she get to be 20 wasn't she just five the other day?????
On the other hand she has been so rude to me lately. So snipey, so mean, and mouthy and know it all and lazy, her room is a mess. http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/mad.gif http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/mad.gif http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/mad.gif
Yes yes I am helping her pack................
Oh you know what guys I really need a hug and some chocolate and another hug and how about some jokes to cheer me up..............

04-27-2007, 06:10 PM
Don't know if this helps but... I left my parent's nest at just 18 to get married and move around the world allllll the way to Japan :eek: :eek:
If she is just moving into an apartment at least she will be nearby :)

04-27-2007, 06:28 PM
I got married and moved to Germany when I was 17. I don't know how my mother managed to keep sane, especially being married to my horrible father. I am so glad she isn't getting married. At 20 she is way too young. She doesn't even know who she is. This will make her grow up. I wish she would move into an apartment by herself. I believe every young man and woman needs to live by themselves for at least a year to learn how to take care of themselves. It should be mandatory. This way they learn to stand on their own two feet. Sink or swim time.

04-27-2007, 06:56 PM
Awwww.. at least you are happy for your daughter. I sometimes wonder what my mom really thinks; she confuses me sometime - She has admitted it is weird that I have someone else in my life now; and that I rarely come home. She tells me she is happy for me that I finally found a good man. Somehow I have doubts about that with her, but I know she is not used to the fact I am actually in a serious relationship; and before that, I always dated, until I had a feeling about Mike, my boyfriend. I am 22 years old, and I haven't COMPLETELY moved out on my own; I'll be 23 in September. Mike's 23. He will be 24 in November. He is moving back home to live with his mom for a while to save up money to get a house and other things after his graduation in June. I am always with him every weekend at his house here off campus. I kind of have a "sense" of how it is if someday, I end up living with him; who knows? I have a feeling he is the one I will end up marrying in a couple years. :)

04-27-2007, 07:28 PM
Her being snippy and rude right now is kinda to be expected, and part of her breaking away to make leaving easier ...

It's a big step for her, and for you, too! Congratulations - your last fledgling is learning to fly!

04-27-2007, 07:34 PM
I did not leave home until I was 24 and that was to move in with my then BF. I remember the day we told my parents. The four of us were in the living room and I blurted it out. There was silence.......major silence. Then my Dad left the room. I was crushed. Mom spoke with me and then BF for a bit then Dad returned and sat down in his easy chair. He'd obviously been crying. He said "I don't like this at all but I suppose you are going to do it anyway." He didn't like the "shacking up" part. Then my Mom said, and I'll never forget this "Well dear, they're certainly not going to do anything in their apartment that they probably haven't done already!"

When the move finally happened, my Dad made me call him everyday for the first month just to make sure I was OK. After all, I was/still am his baby even though he passed in 1995.

Rest easy Marigold. She will be fine and this will certainly be a growth spurt for her and you'll witness it before your very eyes.

...but speaking from a daughter's point of view....deep down inside she knows that she'll always be your baby girl. It is what it is.

Now that I'm 55 and my Mom is 83 we are the best of friends. You can look forward to that too.

Big {{{hugs}}} and a mega box of chocolate truffles for you.

04-27-2007, 11:55 PM
You are getting some lovely support here......and it sounds as though you are handling her moving quite well too - your support must mean everything to her.

She may be on the phone with Mom a lot more than she ever communicated with you in person.

I can't add too much - my own move from my family home was horrific - it is so long ago - but it still pains me to think about it. And I was moving into my own apartment.

Here's a big box of chocolates - oh yeah, yes, I did eat a piece - sorry about that.

04-28-2007, 07:26 AM
Marigold - here ya go, lots of stories, ideas, jokes :)
Empty Nest Moms (http://www.emptynestmoms.com/index.html)

It is a real thing that happens to us. My three all married and left within two years. The last was my baby girl Missy (sirrahsim above) - it helped me to read stories about other moms.

oh and something else for you...



04-28-2007, 12:08 PM
Oh my gosh. Everyone has been so kind. I am sitting here like a crying fool, tears are rolling down my eyes because of everyones sweet, caring words. A great big bear hug to you all. PT has truly enriched my life with so many wonderful people. Love to you all. Monica

Debbie thanks for the great website. What a riot. Ha ha ha

04-28-2007, 12:14 PM
AWWW! Monica we are all here for you! We wont leave you!


04-28-2007, 01:40 PM
I'm sorry that your daughter has been acting rude lately. I'm sure that once she moves out she is going to realize just how wonderful a mother you have been to her. I moved out when I was 18 to go to college in a different state. While I don't think I was ever rude or talked back to her (that was the one thing in the house my father wouldn't stand for!). I also also don't think I really appreciated her until I moved out. Now I'm 25 and I always brag about how wonderful my parents are and were to me when I was a kid living with them. I think I talk to her more now that I live far away then I did when I was actually living with them. I also love that now my mom hangs out with her friends, something she rarely did when I lived at home. It makes me happy when I call to talk to her and my dad tells me that she is out shopping or having lunch with her girlfriends.