View Full Version : Owie - cat bite :(

04-27-2007, 11:32 AM
I went to visit the cats at the adoption center this afternoon. There was one that was pulled from the high-kill shelter last week.... a gorgeous torbie that was Flutter's look-alike with HUGE round green eyes that really melt your soul. Of course I had to see this pretty girl named Wild Blossom. Kathy told me that she seemed depressed because she is a "spit fire" and it wasn't like her to be so quiet.

I took her out of the cage and she was just a furry lump in my arms. I tried to play with her, I tried to brush her, etc. We decided to simply let her out to play (her idea of play was to sit on the cold tile floor) and I let out another beautiful brown tabby girl named January. The two girls were playing nicely until a fight broke out. Next thing I know, Blossom jumped up on the bench I was sitting on. She walked over to me and wrapped her paws around my wrist then bit me! My whole wrist and hand is scratched up to high heaven. One puncture mark on the top of my hand looks pretty deep and is swollen. I did NOTHING to encourage the attack -- I was just sitting there!

Wild Blossom surely lives up to her name. She is NOT a "spit-fire", she is psycho! :eek:

I ran to wash it then put antibiotic on it. I think I got everything good and will most definately look after it for any signs of infection or increased swelling. In the meantime.... owie. My whole hand hurts. Its litterally criss-crossed slices from long nails and teeth. She really dug in with her nails. :(

Poor Wild Blossom..... she is not going to find a home if she continues to act like this. I most certainly will not take her! Kathy said she does that attack thing A LOT.

04-27-2007, 11:34 AM
Here's her Petfinder page. They need to update it a wee bit

Wild Blossom's Petfinder page (http://search.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=8154606)

04-27-2007, 11:38 AM
I ran to wash it then put antibiotic on it. I think I got everything good and will most definately look after it for any signs of infection or increased swelling.

You need to go to the doctor NOW. Do not wait. One good puncture wound is all you need for a roaring infection.

I've been there - waited and ended up in the ER with two IV antibiotics, and then prescriptions for 2 to take at home.

04-27-2007, 11:59 AM
Grace is right - you need to get it checked out just incase infection sets in.

I had a look at the site you listed....personally speaking, although Wild blossom looks very cute....she also looked like she had a bit of the devil in her eyes!! It's a shame she acted that way - she may be a very sweet kitty deep, deep down. That kind of behaviour isn't going to find her a home like she deserves. :(

04-27-2007, 04:22 PM
I am worried about Wild Blossom. It mentions she is young but doesn't say how young. I have my own "wild blossom" at home. Weezie is beautiful but she is her daddy's (and sometimes her meowmie's) cat and no one elses. As a baby, she bonded with me and my husband (especially him since she lived with him until we were married) and she loves us dearly. She HATES everyone else.

No one else can pet her. She will sniff their fingers and suddenly lash out with claws and teeth. She growls and bites like a little lion.

No one was ever cruel to her. The only time she was not with us (after her adoption at about six weeks old) was on our honeymoon when she stayed with a friend of ours. When we can back, she was cuddled beside him and cried when we took her back. She's simply naturally a "bad cat."

She loves me now if Mike isn't around but she used to even attack me because I was taking his attention away from her. We've asked the vet what we can do but the best thing seems to just be to stick her in the back room when guests come over..... :( :( :(

04-27-2007, 04:38 PM
I agree, you HAVE to get to the doctor, today!

Do you have sausage fingers? That is one primary clue that there is infection in there. Puncture wounds are nothing to sneeze at.

Poor Wild Blossom. I hope they can match her up to the right home.

04-27-2007, 04:47 PM
I dont think that shes a bad Cat but she might be scared of people and strikes out if someone makes what she considers to be a threatening gesture.
I hope that they can calm her down so thst she can find a Furr Ever Home.

04-27-2007, 05:51 PM
I guess I should have mentioned that the worst parts are not from the bite but the scratches. All the swelling is down and my hand doesn't hurt unless I accidentally slap it against something (but it would hurt then anyway ;))

I know all about how serious cat bites are. I took mom to the hospital the moment I saw how Pouncer bit her. I knew that Wild Blossom didn't bite me in a manner where her teeth went up and under -- merely straight in and out. You can flush in and out, but not up and under

04-27-2007, 06:07 PM

I got bit and put hydrogen peroxide on it immediately. This was on a Sunday. By Monday there was a light red stripe going up my right arm, from the bite site.

I wound up in the emergency room. The doctor said had I waited another 8 hours and I'd be IN the hospital with an I.V. going. I was put on Augmentin and told to come back if there was a change. Fortunately, I didn't have to go through rabies shots.

Don't take the chance Kim, get to the doctor. Better to be safe than sorry.


04-27-2007, 08:12 PM
Oh my god.... I feel so bad Kim!!!

Wild Blossom is MY foster... :o :o

I told Kathy she nips and gets over stimulated easily. She was with me for about 2 weeks, but NEVER bit me. Ugh. She was even to the point where I could hold her and cuddle her a bit. I wasn't sure if PS was going to be the place for her or not. I'm guessing not. Man oh man... and I have so many with me right now. This stinks. She was fine when she was out with the rest of my cats and could run around the house. She adored it! Maybe I can take her back and have Autumn put in there once her spay is healed up. She's gorgeous!!! I'll have to start a thread about her cause she's new too, lol.

04-28-2007, 01:43 AM
Kim, I'm sorry to hear that you were scratched and bitten:( but please get checked out by a doctor. I'd hate to hear that you ended up in the hospital over this. When Starr bit me in Dec. I called right away and was seen about 20 minutes later. I wasn't going to risk it and I was put on antibiotics. Please take care.

04-28-2007, 06:41 AM
Aw Jenn, I didn't mean to make you feel guilty! Everything looks WONDERFUL this morning. I can't even tell where she bit me, all I see are red scratch marks (wrapping around my whole wrist :rolleyes: ) I heal REALLY fast and am amazed at how quickly these marks are receding. I still have an angry Pouncer scratch on my thmb (same hand) from 2 weeks ago that looks not too much more healed than Blossom's. Pouncer got me good 2 weeks ago but he was totally playing in a manner I know not to encourage but I was just so happy he was playing after being so sick.

04-28-2007, 08:21 AM
It must depend on the person and the cat that is biting. I've been bitten many times and Spunky loves to scratch. I've not had any issues that I know of. I do clean any serious wounds.

Glad you are okay.


04-28-2007, 09:07 PM
Aw Jenn, I didn't mean to make you feel guilty! Everything looks WONDERFUL this morning. I can't even tell where she bit me, all I see are red scratch marks (wrapping around my whole wrist :rolleyes: ) I heal REALLY fast and am amazed at how quickly these marks are receding. I still have an angry Pouncer scratch on my thmb (same hand) from 2 weeks ago that looks not too much more healed than Blossom's. Pouncer got me good 2 weeks ago but he was totally playing in a manner I know not to encourage but I was just so happy he was playing after being so sick.

I just feel bad that she is behaving so badly!!! Some cats are just not cut out for cages at PS. Maybe she just needs more time to socialize and behave in a foster home first??

Glad it doesn't hurt too bad... I wonder if Kathy wants to take her out soon??