View Full Version : It's Vixen's 3rd Purrthday *Life In Pictures*

04-26-2007, 01:12 PM
We have been waiting all day for photobucket to work. Finally we have cooperation. ;)

Well 3 years ago today my sweet little calico cloud came into this world. She was a fighter and a survivor. Her catmom didn't want her and left her to die but catmom's meowmie found her as she collected the blankets and little Vixen rolled out onto the floor. Catmom was very stubborn and did not want to feed her at all but the stern hand of catmom's meowmie made her be a mamma to Vixen and feed her and all the other things she needed. Little Vixen grew strong but at 5 weeks old catmom stopped feeding her again and had had enough. That was the day Vixen came to live with us. She was a little ball of fluff and all cattitude even at such a tiny size. She was eating solid food but we supplimented her with catmilk. She fell in love with her new sister Lilith and even with the big ol akita doggy Shadow.

She made some big moves in her short life. She and Lilith drove all the way from Newfoundland to Toronto in a big ol truck with mommy and daddy. And lived there for over a year. In that time just before we were all going to move to Italy her beloved sister Lilith passed away at 18 months old from felv. It was very hard for everyone and Vixen took it very badly. She missed her sister and cried and searched for her for over 2 weeks.

Then came the big move to Italy. Vixen flew with mommy in the big plane and then took a train from Rome to Vicenza. It was very scary but she did so good. In Italy she got a new sisiter. But the new sister Micia was not used to other kitties so was not a very loving companion. She kinda just tolerated Vixen. Vixen was tested for felv here in Italy and she tested positive. That was almost a year and a half ago. Micia was negative but died only 6 months after we got her from a fast growing tumor on the bottom of her heart. Vixen even missed Micia when she was gone though they were not best friends.

After only a couple of weeks Vixen got another new sister Phoenix. Vixen and Phoenix are not best friends but they do play and get along pretty well. Phoenix came from a bad home so she has her issues but Vixen's sweet disposition won her over to some degree anyway.

Then one day mommy came home with above all things. A DOG !!! So now Vixen has another sister. She likes her ok as long as she does chase her. And it seems as time goes on this silly new sister has learned to calm down a little at least with Vixen.

Vixen lives a pretty pampered life. She has the best food and as little stress as possible. We want to keep her happy, healthy and safe for as long as possible. She is loved beyond words. She is our angel. She is daddy's 'Calico Cloud' and mommy's 'Baby Girl'. We thank God for each day we have with her. She is with us now double the amount of time that her beloved sister Lilith was and we know that Lilith is making sure she has a guardian angel by her side. Thank you Lilith for looking out over Vixen. We promise to love her with everything in our hearts and souls and live each moment with her to the fullest.

Vixen my sweet little girl. We love you and wish you the best purrthday ever with many many returns. They will never be enough for us. You are our heaven on earth.

Happy 3th Purrthday Vicki Voo

Mommy and daddy love you angel.

Now some pictures of her life.

04-26-2007, 01:16 PM
Does anyone remember this little powder puff???

Bottle feeding time. What a monster she was when that bottle came out.

Always into mischief

Cuddle time with Lilith. She has never loved another kitty like her beautiful tortie sister.

At 1 year old. How big she grew and how pretty too.

More coming next post.

04-26-2007, 01:39 PM
Sharing kisses with Lilith

Just being beautiful

Sharing the bed with Micia...this is as close as these 2 got

Sharing my feeding station with Phoenix

Playing with Phoenix...this doesn't happen a lot

more coming

04-26-2007, 01:45 PM
And these last 5 are of me just being me. Beautiful and purrfect !!!





This one was taken today on the big #3 purrthday

That's all folks. Hope you enjoyed the pics. And here is 2 another 20 years of my Beautiful Baby Girl being happy and heathy.

04-26-2007, 02:06 PM

04-26-2007, 03:37 PM
Xixen You Are Such A Sweet Little Girl And We Know That Your Friend Lilith Angel Came Down To Help You Celebrate Your Third Purrthday.
And She Likes Artica And Phoenix Too.
And She Hopes You Like The Shrimp Marsala With Butter Sauce That She Left For You.and The Beef Kabob, Lighty Sesaoned.

04-26-2007, 04:48 PM
Happy Birthday, Vixen!

04-26-2007, 07:08 PM

She is one beautiful kit!

04-26-2007, 11:15 PM
I loved seeing all of her pictures and hearing her life story.:)

HAPPY 3rd BIRTHDAY VIXEN!!! I hope that you'll continue to be happy and healthy for many many more years to come.:)