View Full Version : Advice please folks !!!!!

04-26-2007, 09:32 AM
I had a little drama unfold here at my place today.....I'm asking for some advice here.
My next door neighbour has gone away for holidays, and as usual, he leaves his German Shepherd in his backyard alone for sometimes up to a week, with a great bucket of water and a huge trough of dry dogfood. He has never ever in the past asked any of us neighbours to look out for his dog, in fact this neighbour is just the type who never says g'day to anyone....just sort of ignores everyone...so what he does with his dog is his business.
Today, his dog got out of his yard via his front gate, did a sharp left hand turn and promptly jumped over my gate and started to chase my border collie around my backyard....obviously with murder on it's mind, as my dog being smaller was just so terrified, and couldn't get in through my doggy door quick enough. Luckily I was home, and grabbing the nearest shovel, I chased this shepherd out of my backyard. Now my border collie is terrified to go out into the backyard, and won't go unless I go with him.
This is not the first time that this idiots dog has got out.....last week it did so and actually savaged a smaller dog that was on a leash taken for a walk by a 6 year old kid....who was knocked off his feet, and had to be taken home crying.
I was thinking about calling the ranger in the morning....I'm just so fed up with this neighbour and his dog !!!!!
Solutions folk.

04-26-2007, 09:37 AM
Absolutely a call to Animal Control is in order. The dog needs to be taken more care of, and should be in a different kind of home. But as it is, he's a danger to others, sadly.

Ginger's Mom
04-26-2007, 10:03 AM
I agree with Karen. I feel badly that the dog has not been cared for and trained as he should have been. However, the responsibilty now is the safety of the dogs and people in the neighborhood. Call the animal warden and make the neighborhood safe for everyone (including the devil dog, who could come to some harm from neighbors or cars).

Cinder & Smoke
04-26-2007, 10:10 AM
... savaged a smaller dog that was on a leash taken for a walk
by a 6 year old kid....who was knocked off his feet ...

I was thinking about calling the ranger in the morning ...

MAKE that call, Womby!!

Hopefully some action will be taken because of the attack on the Kid and his Dog -
but the more complaints that are registered, the better the chances are
the Authorities will pay attention and take action.

Hope your FurKid shakes his fear of his own yard!

04-26-2007, 10:15 AM
Absolutely a call to Animal Control is in order. The dog needs to be taken more care of, and should be in a different kind of home. But as it is, he's a danger to others, sadly.

Once again Karen has come up with the answer. You absolutely do need to get others involved, especially now that this nut is away. I hope they take his dog away from him. If so, what a surprise he will have on his return home. Both he and the dog will be better off.

04-26-2007, 10:42 AM
Sounds like no one called last week to report the attack on the little dog and 6 year old. Too bad; that gets the most attention -- unfortunately.

Yes, I agree, make the call.

04-26-2007, 11:24 AM

Sorry to hear Bear is scared, hope he gets over it :(

04-26-2007, 11:33 AM
This dog jumps over your gate & chases your dog so that now it's afraid to go outside? I think you know what you should do! Call the cops or the animal control warden immediately.

That dog is either going to attack some other poor creature (like that little kid) or it's going to get hit by a car if it escapes it's yard again.

Your neighbor shouldn't own a dog if he can't take care of it properly. I would even call your local animal shelter and get them involved.

I feel so bad for your dog! Not to be able to go out in its own yard? Poor thing. I feel bad for that little kid and his dog and I even feel bad for the German Shepard.

Good luck.

04-26-2007, 12:12 PM
When your own dog is not safe in its own yard.... that's sad!
I know that feeling all too well.

I'm glad Bear escaped unharmed!

Animal Control needs to be called before someone gets hurt.
This dog shouldn't be left like out in their backyard when they're not home.

04-26-2007, 03:56 PM
call animal control. build a higher, stronger fence and gate, and keep going out with bear.

04-26-2007, 05:15 PM
Wom, phone the ranger. I feel bad for you and Bear, for the 6 year old and small dog who were walking, but also for the neighbor's German Shepherd. Maybe, if another family adopts him, they can teach him what it means to be wanted, looked after and cared about. If your neighbor wants a dog, he can get a painting of one instead.

04-26-2007, 11:07 PM
Thanx all, for your wonderful feedback. I was a little unsure what to do initially, but after reading all of this, this morning I decided to do something about it.
I phoned the ranger at 7am, after I spotted the shepherd yet again standing up against my side fence waiting for his breakfast to come out for his morning pee. So I kept Bear inside and prompltly made the phone call.....the rangers came, caught him and put him in their van.
I have no idea when the neighbour will return from his holidays, but he is in for one big shock when he does. For a start, I now have much ammunition to throw at him in regards to a new fence that I have been trying to talk him into for the last year....now something is going to be done, at last.
Thanking you all again........

04-26-2007, 11:20 PM
Good job, Wom!

Any idea what will happen to the dog? Will they contact this "owner"?

Thanks to you, no other kids or dogs will be terrorized, and the GS won't get hurt in the street.

Cinder & Smoke
04-26-2007, 11:29 PM
I spotted the shepherd yet again standing up against my side fence -
waiting for his breakfast to come out for his morning pee.

... the rangers came, caught him, and put him in their van.

Well ... Gud On'ya, Womby!! :D

Hope the Ranger Folks do their part ... THEY should be the ones advising Mr. Neighbor
that he needs to properly restrain the Shepherd AND not leave the dog "alone" and
unsupervised in a confinement area that has been proven to NOT confine said doggie.

Try to tell Bear that he's off the Snack Bar Menue for at least a couple days.
Hopefully Forever!


04-27-2007, 12:05 AM
Good job, Wom!

Any idea what will happen to the dog? Will they contact this "owner"?

Thanks to you, no other kids or dogs will be terrorized, and the GS won't get hurt in the street.

They said that they'll give him a warning, and this time it'll cost my neighbour nothing.....but next time he gets out and gets picked up, there's a $200 fine. So at least the ball is rolling now. They put a note in his letterbox, so that he will know where his dog is on his return.
I don't know if my neighbour is aware of the fine he would have to pay if his dog bit someone on the street....it's $50,000....on the spot...no if's or but's.
It's against the law here to have an unrestrained dog on the street.

04-27-2007, 12:08 AM
Well ... Gud On'ya, Womby!! :D

Hope the Ranger Folks do their part ... THEY should be the ones advising Mr. Neighbor
that he needs to properly restrain the Shepherd AND not leave the dog "alone" and
unsupervised in a confinement area that has been proven to NOT confine said doggie.

Try to tell Bear that he's off the Snack Bar Menue for at least a couple days.
Hopefully Forever!


Ah the poor bugger is frightened to go out into his own backyard....he'll be right after a while....I'll work with him on that one.
He must be having nightmares about laying on a platter with an apple in his mouth :eek:

04-27-2007, 12:38 PM
Thanx all, for your wonderful feedback. I was a little unsure what to do initially, but after reading all of this, this morning I decided to do something about it.
I phoned the ranger at 7am, after I spotted the shepherd yet again standing up against my side fence waiting for his breakfast to come out for his morning pee. So I kept Bear inside and prompltly made the phone call.....the rangers came, caught him and put him in their van.
I have no idea when the neighbour will return from his holidays, but he is in for one big shock when he does. For a start, I now have much ammunition to throw at him in regards to a new fence that I have been trying to talk him into for the last year....now something is going to be done, at last.
Thanking you all again........

Question, Wombat - will the shepherd be safe with the rangers until your neighbor returns? I feel bad for the shepherd. It's not his fault the way his owner has chosen to care for him.

04-27-2007, 02:01 PM
Here's to hoping things turn out better for the Shepherd... :(

04-27-2007, 06:31 PM
and how is bear today? did you go out with him today?

04-27-2007, 07:38 PM
Question, Wombat - will the shepherd be safe with the rangers until your neighbor returns? I feel bad for the shepherd. It's not his fault the way his owner has chosen to care for him.

Ye mate....I spoke to them about that. The shepherd will go to a shelter to be housed and fed well etc etc. So I think he's having a holiday now to.
The OTHER dog in their yard is a huge fluffy thing....not sure of the breed, but I think he has some husky in him......he isn't a problem, he never gets out or jumps fences etc etc, just wanders around his own backyard all day.
I'll put my head over the fence today and make sure some of the bulk food and water left for him is still there......and at least out of the rain.
I'm going to have a serious talk with this neighbour on his return, not sure if he will even pay attention tho......last time Karen tried to talk to him, he just turned and walked away.

04-27-2007, 07:42 PM
and how is bear today? did you go out with him today?

Yeah mate, he's been taken out by me quite regularly. He never wanders far from me tho....keeps looking around the yard to see if another dog is around. He'll be ok....I'll work on him a bit.
Hey....how's your bathroom reno's going ??? Did you get that info I posted on your building work thread ????

04-27-2007, 08:09 PM
i'm going to make the decision about which sink and toilet to buy tomorrow (my first saturday off in 4 weeks-ah shopping!) and set up delievery of those and the beadboard siding as well. the exhaust fan-vent will be worked on in july, i've got a bit of time off then. i'm planning on changing out the toilet/sink in mid may, starting early am, drinking the coffee, final visit to the loo, then removing sink, then toilet, putting up the beadboard, the reconnecting the toilet, then sink, then *ahem*., time for a beer ;) glad to hear bear is feeling safe enough to go out with you