View Full Version : Anyone heard of or used Allerpet?

07-10-2002, 09:13 AM
Hi all!

We're heading to the city shelter in a few weeks to adopt our dog...and we are SO excited!

My husband recently visited his allergist and received all those little shots that test what you're allergic to. He's VERY allergic to cats, but not to dogs. However, the doc warned him that because of his asthma, he could have slight problems with a dog.

We've been doing some web research, and I came upon a product called Allerpet (www.allerpet.com). It's a spray/lotion thing that prevents dogs from "releasing" so much dander, which is what causes allergies. It seems quite reputable and was tested for many years before being put on the market. (The website has a ton of info.)

Has anyone here heard of Allerpet or used it? Hopefully my husband won't have any problems, but we just want to be prepared! We live in an apartment, so there isn't a whole lot of space.

thanks as always!
Amy :)

07-10-2002, 09:38 AM
I've heard of it but have never used it.

Good luck in your research!

Aspen and Misty
07-10-2002, 11:18 AM
I have never heard of it before I wen to the website you gave and it did seem like a good product. I hope eveerything works out. And congrats on a new doggie friend.